The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 337 Princess Xiang's Arrangement

Chapter 337 Princess Xiang's Arrangement
Tears rolled slightly in Nan Xinya's eyes, she looked extremely wronged.

Immediately, Mrs. Liu took her hand and said: "Xinya, mother knows that she has wronged you, but...mother is actually very worried about you."

Nan Xinya looked at the big teardrops rolling down Liu's eyes, and immediately panicked, saying: "Mother, my daughter is fine, you don't have to worry about her, she is already very satisfied that she can marry the man she likes... After my daughter arrives at Prince Xiang's mansion, she will definitely serve her husband well, mother, don't worry."

Listening to Nan Xinya's words, Mrs. Liu forced a smile and said, "Mother's daughter has grown up. If you think so, Mother will be relieved."

The mother and son arrived at Ximen together with Qingdong and the four maids.

Opening the door, the scene in front of them once again stunned several people, only to see a small sedan chair that must be carried by four people parked at the door, except for the four bearers, there is no one else at all.

What makes people even more angry is that this sedan chair is an ordinary sedan chair without a piece of red water chestnut on it, and the bearer who carries the sedan chair is also wearing dusty commoner clothes. The sedan chair of the eldest lady is not as good.

Mrs. Liu stomped her feet in anger, but Nan Xinya supported her mother, and comforted her: "Mother, don't be angry, this is probably not the arrangement of His Royal Highness Xiang, according to my daughter, it is more like the arrangement of Princess Xiang." right."

Seeing all this, Nan Xinya's heart seemed to be extremely angry, but instead she became numb and no longer angry.

Is there anything worse in this world than this?there is none left……

Thinking about it this way, Nan Xinya felt calm.

Liu Shi glanced at Nan Xinya and understood.

But even if it was Princess Xiang's arrangement, it could be seen that King Xiang didn't care about Nan Xinya. If he really cared, how could she be wronged like this.

Mrs. Liu looked at Nan Xinya with worry on her face, and said: "Xinya, you have been wronged in the past, I don't know how many grievances you will suffer. Mother is from the past. I really don't want you to experience these hardships again."

Nan Xinya severely suppressed the anger in her heart, and said: "Mother, don't worry, my daughter will definitely be loved by her husband, just like a mother."

Nan Xinya stopped talking, turned around and walked to the small sedan chair, and said, "Are you sent by His Royal Highness King Xiang to pick me up?"

The person standing in front showed a sneer on his face, and said: "Our prince doesn't have time to do such trivial things, of course our princess asked us to come."

The anger that had just been suppressed in Nan Xinya's heart suddenly sprang up, she pressed her lips tightly, and after a while, she said: "Then I really have to thank the princess, you are very thankful, little brother."

Nan Xinya waved to Qingdong, Qingdong immediately took a small embroidered bag and walked over to send happy money to those few.

Nan Xinya smiled and said, "This is money for the little brothers, the amount is not much, please don't dislike it."

Seeing that Nan Xinya was not angry, those little brothers even gave them money, and their attitude towards her was a little better, and finally they politely invited her into the sedan chair.

The four sedan chairs left the General's Mansion so quietly, no one knew who was inside the sedan chairs, and no one cared who was inside the sedan chairs.

The sedan chair gradually drifted away, and Liu Shi turned around and entered the General's Mansion.

In the corner, an incomparable man stood there, his beautiful narrow eagle eyes glanced in the direction of Nan Xinya's departure, without any expression on his face, he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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