The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 342 Spare Her Life

Chapter 342 Spare Her Life
Nan Ruo couldn't bear it, she pulled the prince's sleeve vigorously, and said: "His Royal Highness, please spare her life...she...maybe really just a lunatic..."

Hearing Nan Ruo's voice, the prince said, "Wait!"

At this time, among the crowd of onlookers, discussions broke out again.

"The princess is really kind. That lunatic wanted to kill her just now, but she was willing to spare her life..."

"What do you know? Today is the grand wedding of the prince and the princess, it is not appropriate to kill."

"I can't spare her, let this lunatic go, what will happen if she kills people everywhere later?"

As soon as these words came out, the weak compassion of the person who had felt pity for the woman just now was replaced by fear.

They could all see clearly the viciousness of that woman just now, she is a lunatic, what if she kills people randomly in Los Angeles some other day?
Because of fear, someone in the crowd said: "Kill her! Kill her!"

Soon the voices became louder and louder, until finally, almost everyone started to shout loudly.

The woman heard the voice of everyone shouting, fear rose in her heart, her blood-red eyes fell on the prince's face, and her eyes were full of helplessness.

The prince raised his right hand high, and everyone stopped talking immediately, looking at the prince with their eyes, waiting for his order to get rid of this evildoer.

The prince glanced at the blood-stained woman on the ground with disdain, and said coldly: "Take off her tendons and drive her out of Los Angeles."

The prince's order made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. Although she didn't kill her, but picking her hand tendons was equivalent to abolishing her skills. No matter how evil she is, she can no longer harm others.

Although the prince did not order her to be killed, the woman's heart seemed to be torn apart by someone's hands. She raised her hand vigorously, trying to crawl towards the prince.

However, the attendants around her grabbed her wrists one by one, and only heard two chi chis, and the woman let out a miserable scream.

However, two attendants lifted her arms and twisted her away from the crowd.

The screams went away, and everything returned to silence. No one said a word, only the servants kept bringing water to wash the blood stains on the ground, and only then gave the order to pick up the sedan chair until all the blood stains on the ground were washed away.

The prince's big wedding was still going on, and after a short period of panic, everyone resumed their enthusiasm for watching the fun just now.

The sedan chair hadn't taken a few steps, but two thunderclaps suddenly rang out from the sky, and soon it began to rain heavily.

Fortunately, the East Palace is just ahead, the prince ordered people to hurry up and go to the East Palace.

Those people who were watching the excitement, although they like to watch the excitement, they don't like being drenched in the rain, not to mention that the crown prince is about to arrive at the East Palace, so they naturally dispersed.

And those two were originally going to throw the woman who had a hand muscle picked up outside Luo City, but because of the heavy rain, they exchanged glances at each other, and then released the woman's grip in unison. hand.

Thinking about it, I'm afraid she would die without throwing her outside of Luo City. If that's the case, why not just throw her here and let her fend for herself.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and they didn't see that the woman's original long nails had returned to normal at this moment.

The two attendants ran away holding their heads.

The rain poured on the woman to wash away the blood on her body.

Gradually, the rain became a little lighter. The woman moved her arms and wanted to crawl forward, but she couldn't exert any strength at all. She clenched her lips tightly. Even if there was blood, she didn't notice it, because as soon as the blood oozed out, Immediately washed away by the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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