The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 365 There is no such thread here!

Chapter 365 There is no such thread here!


"I don't want to marry him!"

The crown prince and Situ Xin retorted in unison. Seeing the two rebuttals so impatiently, Concubine Yue smiled.

At this time, the queen was a little uncertain. After all, she was the queen, and the daughter-in-law she was going to marry was also General Nan's second lady. Since Nan Ruo was a counterfeit, she was naturally not qualified to be the princess.

On this point, she surprisingly reached an agreement with Concubine Yue.

The two people on the roof looked at the scene below, Feng Tianying smiled and raised his eyebrows at Nan Ruo proudly.

A big rock in Nan Ruo's heart fell to the ground, but the emperor hadn't made a decision yet, so she was still a little nervous.

Just as he was about to continue listening to the conversation below, suddenly a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and a gleaming sword stabbed towards him.

Nan Ruo was shocked, but before he could react, he just felt a whirlwind, and his whole body fell into a warm embrace.

Nan Ruo raised her eyes and saw Feng Tianying was in mid-air, with her arms around her, and her whole body fell straight down.

Nan Ruo let out a low cry, stretched out his arms to wrap tightly around Feng Tianying's neck, followed him, and fell down like a fallen leaf.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fall, but at this critical moment, Feng Tianying hugged her and circled in the air, and landed firmly on the roof again.

Nestling in Feng Tianying's arms, Nan Ruo suddenly felt the surrounding air condense, and a powerful murderous aura enveloped the roof.

Nan Ruo looked ahead, and saw a red figure standing there less than three meters away from him. Amidst the redness, a face as white as powder appeared in front of his eyes. Upturned, very charming and evil, in a pair of long and narrow eyes, there are blood red eyes, that kind of dull red, as if about to bleed.

The bridge of the snow-white nose is high and straight, without any blemishes, but the pair of thin lips are as red as if they have just sucked blood, shining slightly under the dark moonlight.

God, is this human?This is clearly a ghost!

Although Nan Ruo didn't believe that there were ghosts in this world, at this moment, the person in front of her gave her the first impression that this must be a ghost.

Although this looks like an extremely good-looking ghost, Nan Ruo couldn't help trembling all over, and Nan Ruo couldn't help leaning into Feng Tianying's arms.

Nan Ruo's subconscious action caused the ghost opposite him to be extremely dissatisfied, his thin lips parted slightly, and he was about to speak.

Feng Tianying frowned slightly, hugged Nan Ruo, turned around and ran, her movements were extremely quick.

Here, he can't reveal his identity, so even if he wants to fight, he can't fight this guy who is neither human nor ghost here.

Naturally, that beautiful ghost couldn't let him escape, and after a flash, it chased after Feng Tianying.

Feng Tianying flew out from the city wall of the East Palace, fell to the ground, hugged Nan Ruo and ran forward quickly.

A murderous look appeared in the beautiful ghost's eyes, and he said coldly, "Nasi, follow me back!"

Nan Ruo was taken aback, Nasi, are you calling her?It turned out to be the wrong person.

Feng Tianying was also slightly taken aback, and when she turned around, she saw a sharp sword stabbing towards her.

Feng Tianying quickly retreated a foot away, Feng Tianying shielded Nan Ruo behind him, met his gaze coldly, and said, "There is no such trace here!"

Nan Ruo also clenched her small fists, poked her head out from behind Feng Tianying, and said, "You're mistaken, my name is Nan Ruo, not Nasi."

(End of this chapter)

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