The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 378 There is such a thing?

Chapter 378 There is such a thing?

The corners of Feng Tianying's lips twitched slightly, and said with a smile: "Today is His Highness the Prince's wedding, and the Prince is not in the East Palace, so why come to my Prince Yun's Mansion when you have time?"

When he spoke, his expression was still indifferent, as if nothing happened just now, and he just took a bath in it.

The crown prince frowned slightly, with a worried expression on his face, and said: "Today the East Palace is not peaceful, I'm afraid you don't know it yet, the crown princess of this palace disappeared on the night of the wedding, I searched all over Los Angeles, but couldn't find it. .”

While the prince was talking, he carefully observed the expression on Feng Tianying's face.

Feng Tianying was slightly surprised, and said: "There is such a thing? It's a pity that I am unwell and cannot help His Royal Highness find the Crown Princess. Otherwise, Father would not let me not have to participate in Your Royal Highness's wedding."

Feng Tianying said, with a helpless expression on his face, as if he really had more than enough heart but not enough energy.

The prince looked at Feng Tianying and glanced at Pang Jing's face.

Pang Jing stepped forward immediately, and said with a serious face: "I have searched the surrounding area for ten miles, but I have not found the Crown Princess, except for His Royal Highness Prince Yun's mansion now, the thief may have been chased and ran into Prince Yun's mansion." It’s unknown if he came to hide, but if His Highness King Yun really has the heart, there is no need for His Highness King Yun to do anything, all he needs is for His Highness King Yun to let his subordinates go in and look for it.”

Pang Jing said it very politely, but the implication was that anyone could understand that the prince suspected King Yun.

Speaking of this, it really makes people not agree, and it is not willing to agree.

Feng Tianying only smiled lightly, and said: "His Royal Highness has lost the Crown Princess, I can understand the mood at the moment, since you want to go in and look for it, then go."

Feng Tianying's magnanimity surprised the prince a little. Could it be that Ruo'er is really not with him? Thinking of this, the prince couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Pang Jing clasped his fists and said, "If that's the case, His Highness King Yun will be disturbed."

Feng Tianying took a deep look at the prince, and said: "His Royal Highness, let the younger brother go in with you, go in and have a look carefully, so that you can rest assured, so as not to affect our brotherhood." Feng Tianying There was something in the shadow talk, which made the prince's heart tremble a little, and he felt a strange sense of self-blame.

In fact, the place where the prince is most suspicious is the hot spring bath inside, because he is not worried about others at all, but worried about the handsome and enchanting brother Yun in front of him. Since he just came out of it, the inside is naturally the most It's doubtful.

Pang Jing stepped forward and pushed open the courtyard door, a burst of water mist came out, and there was a strange smell in the damp air.

The prince is not an adult, so he could smell the breath inside, his face suddenly darkened, he gritted his back molars fiercely, and turned his head to look at Feng Tianying coldly.

An embarrassed smile appeared on Feng Tianying's face, and a faint blush rose on her originally fair face, and she spread her hands innocently.

It seems to be saying, I am a prince after all, and it is normal to have a little private life like this. Now, for you, His Royal Highness, I even brought you to such a place, what more do you ask for?

The prince turned his head, his eyes fell on the rising mist in front of him, as if he wanted to see something from the water.

However, there was nothing inside except the sound of gurgling water.

(End of this chapter)

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