The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 380 Otherwise, what did Ruo'er think I said?

Chapter 380 Otherwise, what did Ruo'er think I said?

She didn't know where to find a maid's dress, the green maid's dress, wearing it on her body, but it has a special taste, with the fragrance and innocence of spring, but it can arouse Feng Tianying's infinite reverie.

Even if she wrapped her exquisite body in that green dress at this moment, Feng Tianying still seemed to be able to feel some kind of charming call from her.

Feng Tianying's heart moved, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He walked over with a smile, leaned over, and hugged her, with a wicked smile on his lips, and said, "Ruo'er, wait a minute!" ?”

Nan Ruo kicked subconsciously, her face turned red, and she said, "How can I wait for you? I'm just hungry, come to have a snack, please let me down quickly, I only ate one piece, and I'm starving to death."

She didn't lie, she was really hungry, so as soon as she saw the prince and the others leave, she ran out immediately, saw a snack on the low table in front of Feng Tianying's reclining chair, and immediately ate it.

Unexpectedly, Feng Tianying came back before she finished eating a piece, and when she came back, she hugged her without saying hello.

As Nan Ruo said, he even smacked his mouth. Feng Tianying looked at her moist and shiny lips, and a flame in his heart shot up higher. He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a charming face. : "Are you hungry? Feed you later." The voice was deep and hoarse, sexy and charming.

Even if Nan Ruo had never formally gotten along with a man before, she could still hear the implication in his words. She was a little anxious, pushed his chest with her small hand, and said coquettishly, "He said he was hungry."

Feng Tianying smiled even more wickedly, lowered her eyes and said with a wicked smile: "I also said that I was hungry, otherwise Ruo'er thought what I was talking about?"

Nan Ruo suddenly blushed with shame, and buried her small face in his chest.

Feng Tianying looked down at her. The green dress was a little small, and it was a little tight on Nan Ruo's body. Now that she was hugging her like this, and when she lowered her head like this, she could see the faint gap in front of her.

Feng Tianying smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Your clothes are nice, where did you get them?" If he remembered correctly, the woman just now should be a maid serving in the dark room.

The people in the dark room are all masters of the Shenlongmen who have passed strict competitions. This girl has no strength to restrain a chicken, but she used some method to trick that woman into the bathing pool.

Nan Ruo chuckled, blinked and said, "The sister in the bath just gave it to me."

"Oh?" Feng Tianying pretended to be thinking, "How did you ask her to give it to you?"

Feng Tianying asked, but didn't stop under his feet.

Nan Ruo just nestled in his arms and told him what happened just now with a smile on his face.

Just now when Nan Ruo was sent to the dark room by Feng Tianying, a green-clothed maid saw a green figure walking past the window of the dark room.

Since the people who can come to the dark room must have been specially selected by Feng Tianying and can be trusted, and she feels that the prince who came here at this moment must have doubts about Feng Tianying. Leaving clues, so seeing the green-clothed maid approaching, Nan Ruo immediately had an idea in her heart.

She pulled the woman in green in and told her that the master called her to wait in the bath.

Although the servant girl was skeptical, she couldn't help Nan Ruo coaxing her both hard and softly, and finally followed Nan Ruo's instructions, took off her clothes, jumped into the pool and waited.

(End of this chapter)

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