The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 382 Earthshaking Changes

Chapter 382 Earthshaking Changes

In the early morning of the next day, General Mansion Nan Jiye received an imperial decree from the emperor that within three days, Nan Ruo, the remnant of the former dynasty, must be found and sent to the Imperial Palace's Yeting Bureau, otherwise the whole government will be punished together.

Nan Jiye was holding the imperial decree in his hand, with a sad face on his face.

This imperial decree changed Nan Ruo from yesterday's princess concubine to today's remnant of the previous dynasty, and her identity has undergone a drastic change.

Nan Jiye didn't expect that his own mistake that day would actually harm his junior sister's daughter. However, the matter has come to this point, he deceived the emperor first, and the lives of dozens of members of the Nan family were pinned in the hands of the emperor. Not from.


Cloud Palace.

In the early morning, Feng Tianying slightly opened his eyes, and when he saw the delicate beauty in his arms, his heart suddenly softened into a pool of spring water.

He reached out and rubbed the corners of his lips, recalling the ecstasy of last night, the corners of his perfect lips were slightly raised.

He gently kissed her lips, and the soft and sweet taste made him reluctant to leave.

Feeling his kiss, the jade girl in her arms moved slightly, Feng Tianying immediately became cautious, as if afraid of disturbing her.

Nan Ruo moved slightly, but her beautiful brows frowned slightly, Feng Tianying was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized that she must have been too tired last night, so a slight movement made her feel uncomfortable.

Feng Tianying couldn't help shaking her head, this girl's health is too bad, she can't take it anymore if she moves like this, it seems that for the sake of her future happiness, she has to find a master for her, if she doesn't ask her to practice martial arts, she will be as good as she is, But at least the body must be in good health and can withstand the toss.

Thinking of her begging for mercy last night, Feng Tianying's heart instantly warmed up. He looked down at her slightly furrowed brows, and the corners of his mouth curled up evilly. He didn't kiss her again, but just stretched out his finger on her forehead With a light flick, he said in a low voice, "Ruo'er, take a good rest, I will come back to accompany you at night for my husband."

With so many things happening last night, the palace must not be peaceful today. As King Yun, he naturally wanted to enter the palace to have a look.

After getting dressed, Feng Tianying came out of the bedroom, saw the two maids guarding the door, and said, "You two, stay here and serve."

"Yes!" The two maids agreed in unison.

Feng Tianying walked a few steps, suddenly remembered something, and said: "If the girl wakes up, tell her that the king will be back before dinner."

The two maids immediately agreed again.

Feng Tianying didn't seem to have anything to explain, she turned around and walked towards the door, just as she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered that Ruo'er was hungry last night, this night, she only ate a small plate of snacks, and she woke up later. You never know how hungry you will be.

Imagine how hungry she was like a frantic kitten, devouring food, Feng Tianying couldn't move.

He turned his head slightly, and said again: "If the girl should be hungry, let the kitchen make some delicious breakfast."

The two maids had no choice but to agree again. They usually waited by Feng Tianying's side, and they had never seen Feng Tianying look like this.

In the past, King Yun came and went like the wind, and the sum of the things he said to them in the past year may not be as much as what he said to them today.

After Feng Tianying left, the two looked at each other with a low eyebrow and smiled. When did their Highness King Yun become so gentle and lovely.

Feng Tianying just left the door with a touch of concern, and the shadow had already been waiting there.

Feng Tianying glanced at Yingying, and said: "These days are not peaceful, you take people here to protect Miss Nan, and don't let her leave here without the king's order."

Shadow bowed his head: "Yes!"

Speaking of which, the turmoil in the past few days has been caused by Nan Ruo. If it is known that Nan Ruo is in his Prince Yun's mansion at this moment, it will cause a big storm.

(End of this chapter)

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