The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 392 I don't want you to have an accident

Chapter 392 I don't want you to have an accident
Naturally, not anyone can enter the palace if they want, so Nan Ruo decided to go back to Prince Yun's mansion first and let Feng Tianying find a way to bring him into the palace.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the moat, he saw trouble in front of him. Nan Ruo was about to go to buy something, but he was suddenly pulled by a person.

Nan Ruo exclaimed, and looked intently, it was actually Nan Qing, but seeing his expression was very serious, as if something big had happened.

Nan Qing said: "Ruo'er, why are you walking on this street alone? Do you know how many people are arresting you now?"

Nan Ruo was taken aback, looked at him with some doubts, and said, "Catch me? Who wants to catch me?"

Nan Qing hesitated for a moment, and said: "The emperor ordered my father to send you to the palace within three days, so now, my father has ordered a full-scale hunt, and almost half of the guards in Los Angeles are looking for you. your whereabouts."

Nan Ruo looked at Nan Qing and said, "Brother, you are also here to arrest one of my imperial guards, right?"

Nan Qing's face suddenly became ugly, and he stammered a little: "Ruo'er, no matter what, I brought you back, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

The corner of Nan Ruo's mouth curled up, a faint smile appeared, and he said, "Why did your majesty arrest me?"

Nan Qing said: "Don't you know what happened in the Prince's East Palace last night?"

Nan Ruo nodded, then shook her head, she should know some, but definitely not all.

Nan Qing said: "Nan Ruo is not my sister, it was my father who exchanged her with Situ Xin, the child of his junior sister Situ Yue, and Situ Xin is my real sister, and Nan Ruo is Situ Yue and the former emperor. Therefore, the emperor arrested Nan Ruo on the charge of remnants of the previous dynasty."

As Nan Qing was speaking, she suddenly took a step forward and took Nan Ruo's hand, saying, "Ruo'er, only I know that you are not that Situ Yue's daughter, but even if I tell the story, no one will Believe it, so, before they find you, go away." What's more, he can't tell the matter.

Recently, there have been frequent incidents in the Nan family, whether they are big or small, they are all charges of deceiving the emperor. The emperor waved his hand in a good mood, saying that they don't care about it, and they continue their current peaceful life.

If that incident made the emperor anxious, and the old and new crimes would be punished together, then their Nan family would not be able to eat and walk away.

This is good, she was about to enter the palace, and the emperor sent someone to arrest her, but going in quietly and being arrested are basically two different treatments, okay?

Nan Ruo thought for a while, and decided to hide for the time being, but just as he turned around, a pair of people and horses walked towards him. Seeing Nan Ruo, he immediately quickened his pace.

Nan Qing immediately grabbed Nan Ruo and ran back.

As soon as he ran out of the alley, he saw Nan Jiye standing there with a group of people, with a gloomy and ugly face.

Nan Jiye glanced at Nan Qing holding Nan Ruo's hand, his face sank, and with a wave of his hand, two soldiers immediately came out and walked towards Nan Ruo.

Nan Jiye looked at Nan Qing's expression of resistance, and said, "Qing'er, since you found Nan Ruo, hand her over to your father."

Nan Qing subconsciously shook her head and said, "Father, Ruo'er doesn't know her background, let her go."

Nan Jiye walked over with a dark face, suddenly shot, and slapped Nan Qing on the face, saying: "You rebellious son, to be loyal to the emperor is the mission of our Nan family, to eat the king's salary, to share your worries, isn't it Don't you understand? What's more, your mother is now old and weak, do you want her to be buried with you, a rebellious son?"

(End of this chapter)

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