The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 394 Tuli’s Visit

Chapter 394 Tuli's Visit ([-])

However, after the imperial court, Xiang Wang Baili Zhao and left minister Cui Yuanjing, Wei Taishi, Yun Wang Feng Tianying and others went to the main hall to see the emperor.

The emperor sat upright and said, "Prince Xiang, Cui Aiqing, what are you waiting for here?"

Bai Lizhao glanced at Cui Yuanjing, and Cui Yuanjing took a step forward with a face full of righteousness, and said, "Your Majesty, the team of Tuli envoys has arrived outside the gate of Luocheng, and the Ministry of Rites is ready to receive matters. Will Tuli envoys be sent today?" The envoy welcomes you into Luocheng."

The emperor nodded slightly, and said: "Dazheng and Tuli have been fighting for more than three years, and both sides have suffered losses. Now, both sides intend to stop the war. This time, when the Tuli mission comes, I, Dazheng, should naturally show my sincerity."

Cui Yuanjing nodded, and said: "Exactly, the emperor handed over this matter to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince before, but the Crown Prince was newly married, and the Emperor specially allowed him to take a three-day vacation, but I don't know whether to let the Tuli Mission rest outside Luocheng for three days, Welcome in again."

Grand Master Wei Wei Ling stood aside with aggrieved expression on his face, but he didn't say anything, because he already knew that the Crown Prince would not be able to recover within two or three days.

The emperor looked down at the crowd and said, "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at Wei Ling. Wei Ling had no choice but to take a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that since Tuli came for the purpose of a strike between the two countries, I should send someone to meet him out of courtesy."

The emperor nodded with a smile, and said: "I also have the same intention, but the person who went to greet me is a bit of a headache."

To welcome the mission, it is reasonable to say that the emperor should go out to meet him, but if it is really the emperor himself, it will weaken his own prestige. Therefore, before this, it has always been the custom that the crown prince greets the emperor on his behalf.

However, now that the crown prince is seriously injured, he is naturally unable to go out to meet him. If he chooses to gain power now, it is inevitable that the forces in the court will secretly speculate that the emperor has Yi Chu's intentions, and the various forces may have another move. Therefore, this candidate seems a bit embarrassing.

Wei Ling glanced at Feng Tianying next to him, weighed it over and over again, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Yun has a very high prestige in the army, and he has fought several times with the Tuli army. Replacing His Royal Highness to welcome the Tuli mission is the most suitable choice at the moment." Wei Ling said, a pair of sharp eyes swept towards Feng Tianying, and smiled lightly: "I wonder if His Royal Highness Yun is willing to take on this important task?"

There was a purpose in Wei Ling's proposal. The crown prince designed him to be imprisoned that day. He believed that with King Yun's shrewdness, he could figure it out. Now that the crown prince is seriously injured, Wei Ling took this opportunity to ask The emperor's nomination of King Yun was a way to test King Yun's thoughts on his wife. If he accepted it, it would show that he did not have the heart to completely break with the prince. If he refused, the prince might have a strong future. opponent.

Secondly, he can also show to King Xiang's faction that even if the crown prince is injured, there is still King Yun, who is very prestigious in the army, on the crown prince's side.

Thirdly, it may be due to Wei Ling's own selfishness. In the final analysis, the prince's injury was not serious this time. Whether he will be able to stay in the prince's position for a longer time in the future is still unknown. Based on Wei Ling's observations over the past few years , King Yun is definitely a forbearing and resolute prince with the potential of an emperor. If the prince falls, he can take advantage of the situation to help King Yun take the throne.

Feng Tianying glanced at Wei Ling with a pair of black eyes, and Wei Ling felt his heart suffocate, an invisible pressure pressed on his heart, and he suddenly seemed to have a feeling of being seen through his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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