The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 434 Tuli Envoy

Chapter 434 Tuli Envoy
And behind the hundred officials, three rows of soldiers in iron armor stood neatly, looking majestic and imposing.

At this moment, the eunuch shouted loudly: "The emperor is here!"

All the officials stepped out of their seats one after another, and the ones walking in the front were King Xiang Baili Zhao and King Yun Feng Tianying, and next to Feng Tianying was Fifth Prince Bailixuan.

The emperor came out from the back of the hall, followed by the empress and concubine Yue, and behind them were Nan Ruo and the eunuch Fang Fu.

The emperor is wearing a yellow dragon robe today. The golden dragon embroidery on the sleeves of the robe looks majestic and majestic. The emperor wears a high crown on his head, and the long curtain hangs down in front of his eyes, making it hard to see him. look like.

After the emperor took his seat, the noble concubine Yue and the empress sat on both sides, Fang Fu stood directly in front of the emperor's right hand, and Nan Ruo stood beside the emperor.

Everyone knelt down and shouted: "Join the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live."

"Life." The emperor raised his right hand slightly.

Everyone stood up and retreated to their seats one after another. Feng Tianying raised his eyes slightly, and when he glanced at Nan Ruo who was beside the emperor, his black eyes sank slightly, and he retreated to his seats.

The prince did not appear at the banquet today because of his leg illness.

At this time, the eunuch shouted loudly: "The envoy of the Xuantuli Kingdom is here." Afterwards, voices spread out like ripples.

After a while, several tall men walked in.

Nan Ruo looked at them, and saw that their attire was a bit special, different from Dazheng's attire, and looked more like the attire of Hu people.

The first person was tall and thin, dressed in colorful clothes, with a slender face, tall stork bones, and sunken cheeks. It seemed that there was no flesh at all, and the whole body was skinny and boney.On his head was a brown hat with long strips of cloth hanging down the sides.

The hat covered the eyebrows, leaving only a pair of thin and shining eyes.

Behind him, there were two tall and mighty men, whose attire was slightly different from his. They were dressed in brown gowns, and the style of the gowns was naturally different from Dazheng's.

The one on the left has a beard and a pair of ring eyes that look fierce.

The man on the right has a handsome appearance, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, quite handsome.

The three walked up to the main hall, put their hands on their chests, and bowed to the emperor at the same time, and the one who was the first said: "Tuli Kingdom Field Map."

The handsome man on the right behind him continued, "He Jing."

The person on the left said: "Yuanbu."

Next, the three of them chorused together: "See Emperor Dazheng."

The names of the three were announced by themselves, and everyone present finally knew their names.
Although the three looked respectful, they did not kneel down, nor did they say long live three times.

Behind the long curtain, the emperor's eyes were slightly darkened, he slightly raised his hand, and said, "There is no need to be too polite."

The three of them stood up straight, and Ye Tu looked at the emperor above him with a pair of shining eyes, and said, "My king has a letter of credence, please have a look at it."

As he spoke, he took out a scroll from his pocket, and presented it with both hands.

Fang Fu came down, took the scroll in his hand, walked back to the emperor, and handed the scroll up.

The emperor took it with one hand, opened the scroll and looked at it. After reading it, he held the scroll in his hand, looked down, and said, "I already understand what your lord means. I can marry your country. It will also be of great benefit to the peaceful coexistence of the two countries in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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