The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 444 Are You Afraid?

Chapter 444 Are You Afraid?

After hesitating for a moment, the commander of the guards said: "His Royal Highness, the emperor was assassinated. I am waiting to chase the assassin. I just saw the assassin enter the East Palace with my own eyes. Please, Your Highness, please let me go in and search the palace."

The prince looked coldly at the commander of the guards, and said: "Although I am sick, I am not deaf or blind. I have been recuperating in the palace. I have never seen any assassins enter. I am afraid that everyone is dazzled." , dare to pour any dirty water into the East Palace."

At this time, both Baili Zhao and Baili Xuan came in, Bai Lizhao looked at the prince, and said with a sneer, "His Royal Highness is indeed not deaf and blind, and his brain is still very good."

The prince frowned slightly, and said, "What do you mean?"

Baili Zhao said: "His Highness the Crown Prince is hiding in the East Palace, what exactly is he planning, His Highness the Crown Prince must know better than any of us here, so why pretend here?"

The meaning in his words obviously refers to the crown prince planning to assassinate the emperor in the East Palace.

The prince's eyes suddenly burst out with monstrous anger, and his hands on his lap were tightly clenched into fists. The prince tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. He knew that he must calm down at this moment, so he said, "I am going to sit up straight. , you want to search the palace, first go and ask the father to search the palace order before coming."

At this time, Bailixuan couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "Brother Prince, I also saw the assassin come in through the courtyard wall of the East Palace. If you are really innocent, it is best to help them catch the assassin."

Bai Lizhao said: "Yes, if the prince has no ghosts in his heart, why would he be afraid of us searching the palace?"

The prince glanced at Bailixuan, and then at Bailizhao. In fact, the reason why he didn't want them to search the palace was because of his prince's dignity, and secondly, they came in prepared. Maybe they really came here. What kind of trap has been set in his palace.

But at this moment, even Bai Lixuan, who has always been close to him, also said that if he saw an assassin jumping in from the courtyard wall of the East Palace, if he stopped him, he might really be charged with treason, so he might as well go along with the flow.

The prince immediately ordered loudly, "Come here."

Immediately, soldiers from the Eastern Palace came out and said, "What orders does His Royal Highness have?"

The prince said: "The assassin who assassinated the emperor escaped into the East Palace, you must assist the imperial guards to arrest the assassin, you know?"

"Yes!" Donggong Fubing's voice was loud.

Bai Lizhao looked at the prince, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, the prince was considered powerful, he cleared up his suspicions in one sentence, from the assassin's accomplice to the victim, and at the same time stood in the forbidden area. On the side of the guards, in this way, even if the assassin was found in the East Palace, it would not explain anything.

Not only does it not mean that the prince is the assassin's party, but the prince should be credited for assisting the imperial guards in catching the assassin.

A look of viciousness flashed in Bai Lizhao's eyes, and if the prince wanted to get out of the way, he had to ask Bai Lizhao if he agreed or not.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the Prince's East Palace, and the imperial guards and the Prince's soldiers together turned the East Palace upside down.

The crown prince and princess Nan Xin were waiting in the yard. Nan Xin felt a little scared when she heard the crackling sound behind her, and said, "Your Highness..."

The prince looked back at Nan Xin, smiled slightly, and said, "Are you afraid?"

Nan Xin bit her lip, wanting to say she was afraid, but felt that it would be too useless to admit that she was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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