The fate of the world's beauty

Chapter 79 I'm afraid you'll suddenly become that villain

Chapter 79 I'm afraid you'll suddenly become that villain
Nan Ruo walked back to the room helplessly, and sat in the chair panting for breath. The woman in Tsing Yi didn't come in, but closed the door behind her back. Nan Ruo heard the sound of keys jingling outside the door, and she immediately jumped out of the chair She got up, went straight to the door, shook it for a few times, but couldn't open it anymore, she stomped her feet angrily, and said, "What are you doing? Why are you locking the door? You let me out!"

There was no answer from outside the door, Nan Ruo was tired of scolding, she climbed directly onto the bed, and fell down on the bed. She had worked really hard for the past few days, and now she was tired and hungry, and fell asleep soon.

At dusk, Feng Tianying sat in the room drinking tea after listening to Zeng Ling and Yang Yi's report on their belongings, when a gray-clothed attendant walked in and said, "Young master, do you want dinner now?"

Feng Tianying said: "Xiao Ding, has the ice blue from Shuiqing Palace returned?"

Xiao Ding said: "Not yet, I'm waiting at the door."

Feng Tianying said: "There is no need to prepare dinner, you can go down the mountain with me to Yunpeng Inn."

Xiao Ding agreed, and the two walked out of the room together. Under a big tree in front of the house, there was a woman in blue clothes. When she saw Feng Tianying, she rushed over and said, "Mr. Feng."

Feng Tianying smiled faintly, and was about to speak when a woman in Tsing Yi hurried over, wanting to speak, but seeing Bing Lan was there, she kept silent.

Feng Tianying saw that she was the woman in charge of taking care of Nan Ruo, so he said to Xiao Ding: "Xiao Ding, take Miss Binglan to the front room for a rest." He looked at the sky and said: "It's getting late, you Ask the kitchen to prepare some meals for Binglan girl."

Xiao Ding led Bing Lan down, Feng Tianying frowned slightly, and said, "Ding Lian, what happened?"

Ding Lian said: "Miss Nan seems to be sick, she has a high fever, and her whole body is as hot as a stove..."

Before she finished speaking, Feng Tianying had already walked a long way, she quickly followed and ran towards Nan Ruo's residence.

In a daze, she heard a rustling sound, and suddenly her forehead felt cold. Nan Ruo was startled, opened her dim eyes, and vaguely saw poisonous snakes rising and falling in front of her. He ran, but for some reason, he couldn't run fast. Seeing that the poisonous snake was about to catch him, a person flew out of him. He had a handsome face, and Lang Ruoxingchen's eyes emitted a soft light. The bright smile on her face was her Brother Ying, and she was so happy that she threw herself into his arms.

But that Luo Yingchuan suddenly suppressed his smile, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, grabbed her by the collar with one hand, and threw out a rope with the other, binding her hands and feet, he walked aside, and watched her being bitten by the poisonous snake, There was still a sad smile on his face.

Her hands and feet were tied, and seeing all the big and small poisonous snakes crawling towards her body, she felt as if she was covered with a cold hood, so cold that it made people frightened to the extreme, she cried out : "No, Brother Ying, don't abandon me, save me, save me—"

"Ruo'er, don't be afraid, I'm here." A gentle voice came, and Nan Ruo's limbs seemed to be filled with warm wind, and she felt unspeakably comfortable. She suddenly opened her arms and embraced a warm and firm body. Her little head arched over it like a piglet, and she murmured: "Brother Ying, take me back, I'm afraid, afraid..."

Feng Tianying looked at her trembling delicate body, and whispered: "What are you afraid of? Don't be afraid, I am here."

Nan Ruo sighed contentedly, and said, "I'm afraid that you will suddenly become that cruel and terrifying villain."

(End of this chapter)

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