Chapter 527 Can You Afford It?

"That's not something I should think about. How to expand the national treasury due to the tightness of the national treasury is a question that should be considered by Mr. Ren. Ziyu dare not go beyond the rules." Lin Yu said indifferently. Said.


"Okay, Lin Aiqing, Ren Aiqing, instead of discussing the issue of the national treasury, let's think about how to deal with the issue of military rations. There is no rush to expand the national treasury." As soon as the queen opened her mouth, she stood firm and said that it should be dealt with. Obviously, the treasury is tight, so the military ration problem has to be reduced, which is obvious.

"Your Majesty, I think the military rations should be reduced. Otherwise, if there is a natural disaster, the treasury will not be able to provide extra food." Lord Ren insisted on his own opinion. After her, nearly half of the ministers also knelt down. On the other side, it seemed that only Lin Yu was standing, looking out of place.

On the military officer's side, there was collective silence.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and no one in the hall spoke, not even the queen.

"Get up, the matter of military rations is no small matter, and you have to listen to what the generals have to say." The queen's words were straightforward, implying that it was not because she was unwilling, but because no one agreed to it on the military officer's side, so she couldn't be direct. Decree.

All the civil servants stood up, looking at me, I look at you, and then Mr. Ren spoke, pointing the finger at Shen Yilin.

"General Shen, the tightness of the national treasury is a certainty. Could it be that the general insists on forcing His Majesty to ignore the people for the sake of military supplies?"

"Yilin dare not," Shen Yilin said flatly.

"What do you mean, General? Is it that difficult to reduce the military rations?" Master Ren took advantage of the victory to pursue.

The persimmon is soft, in Master Ren's eyes, Shen Yilin is the soft persimmon, she dare not confront the other generals, but she still dares to call Shen Yilin a man.

The other martial arts were angry, but the empress almost said that the military rations were reduced after saying that. They also heard the meaning of this. Now, they dare not speak out, and they have nothing to say. Now, they regret I haven't read much, and my mouth is stupid.

Shen Yilin didn't speak, the air was suddenly quiet.

Just when Mr. Ren felt that the matter was settled, Lin Yu stepped forward.

"Master Ren's words are wrong, you are a civil servant, you only know that the world is peaceful now, there is no war to fight, and the army is a huge expense.

Then have you ever thought that the reason why the years are quiet is because someone is carrying the burden for you?

You can sing and sing in the imperial city every day because the border guards are protecting your home and country for you, so that you have no worries?

Wen ruled the country and Wuping the world.There is no difference between civil and military, and they are all in their respective positions to seek a stable life for the people of Yiling Kingdom.

But the national treasury is tight, why do we need to tighten the expenditure of the soldiers?Can't civil servants cut expenses?
Thousands of miles go to the military plane, and Guanshan is as flying as it is.Shuoqi spreads the golden watchtower, and the cold light shines on the iron clothes.Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return in ten years.

The luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately urge it.Lord Grim drunk on the battlefield, how many people fought back in ancient times?

Every soldier is using their lives to protect the royal family of Yiling Kingdom, protect you, and protect the people of Yiling Kingdom. They charge forward and are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or sacrifice.But don't they have families?Don't their families need to live?These military rations are not only their rations, but also the food for their families.

Does Mr. Ren think that their lives are not their lives, and their families are not family members?
Lieutenant generals at least say there are millions, right?Among the million people, excluding some overlapping families, at least half, that is, nearly 50 soldiers came from 50 families, and these families all counted on this ration.

As the saying goes, the people are like water, and the king is like a boat. Whoever can carry a boat can capsize it.

If you are really in a hurry, can your lord bear the consequences? "Lin Yu asked sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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