Chapter 6 Tennis Club

in the afternoon.

Fu Jiani kept her promise to sign up for the tennis club, and her so-called "conspiracy" succeeded.No matter what happens according to its own laws, but there are always some things that will deviate from the track that people originally predicted.

After Fu Jiani negotiated with the president of the tennis club, she originally planned to go home directly, but she walked past a tennis court, and she didn't care about it at all, but Fu Jiani, who has excellent eyesight In a blink of an eye, Jiani saw Cai Yilian who was playing tennis inside!
Then Fu Jiani sat on the opposite side of the tennis court to watch the game with a feeling of contempt for him after his defeat, but slowly, Fu Jiani discovered that she had underestimated him...

This pervert has completely defeated several opponents for six consecutive victories!

I can't believe it,
Fu Jiani stared at the other side with a "can't believe it" expression on her face, anyone would know that she was looking at Cai Yilian.

Maybe there is such a thing as a "sixth sense" in the world, Cai Yilian turned his head thoughtlessly, and then "coincidentally" saw the girl who still couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

So he put on a towel to wipe off his sweat and walked straight towards Fu Jiani.

"Hey, Fu Jiani, didn't you sign up, why are you here?"

"I'm done registering, can't I just pass by and sit here for a while?" Fu Jiani raised her head and looked at Cai Yilian whose back was facing the setting sun. The sun was shining so brightly, but what about herself?Some are just grades.So, she was fascinated by looking at those eyes, so deep that one can't come out after sinking into them, unable to extricate themselves.

"Hey, hey, Fu Jiani, why are you so stunned! Hey!" Cai Yilian kept waving his hands in front of Fu Jiani, trying to bring her back to her senses.

Fu Jiani also came to her senses: "No, it's nothing. Uh, I'm just intoxicated watching the sunset."

"It's such a far-fetched reason. Well, it doesn't matter. Speaking of which, you're almost back to the dormitory, or should we go back together?"

"Oh, just right."


on the way.

They were walking on a green path, because it was autumn, and the leaves had turned yellow. The leaves were scattered on the path, paving a golden road, loose and soft.The whole environment exudes the smell of nature, the smell of earth, fresh and refined, like a paradise on earth.

Neither of them said a word.It's complete silence.Surprisingly, Fu Jiani spoke first: "Hey, Cai Yilian, why didn't I know you could play tennis? And you're so good at it?"

"Hey, hey, you just know."

"Cai Yilian, you should reconcile with your mother. After all, she is also the one who gave birth to you and raised you."

"I see."

"By the way, those boys in that club really made you like this!"

"Why, don't you give it?"

"No, I just are amazing. You can settle everything and analyze everything calmly."

"I heard compliments in your words. I, how could I be so powerful? At least I haven't reached that kind of... the aura of a king. I just keep pretending. So, please Don't think of me as great. I'm not a saint, and I'm not someone you should worship." Cai Yilian looked at the girl in front of him, always felt that she had endured too much, and felt very distressed.

"Then what if I don't listen to you?" Cai Yilian suddenly stopped walking, lowered his head and said.

"That's better... huh? What's the matter with you?" Perhaps sensing his stopping, Fu Jiani also turned around.Full of doubts, always feeling a little bit wrong...

Cai Yilian grabbed Fu Jiani's hand, exerted a little force, and then hugged her because of gravity.Then he said softly in his magnetic voice, "Fu Jiani, I like you."

Fu Jiani was shocked at first, but she was overwhelmed by the whole reaction.

"Hey, that, are you kidding me? Come on, we've only known each other for a few days. Let me admit that I've lost." Fu Jiani forced a smile on her face Say.

"I won't let go." This big boy who was so close to her was quite firm when he said such words...

"Hey, Cai Yilian. Think about it for yourself, are you sure that your feelings for me are not sympathy?"


He was speechless.

"Hey, I have nothing to say. So, please let me go." After hearing this, Cai Yilian began to relax his hands slowly, and then felt his body was very weak.

Fu Jiani couldn't face the person in front of her face to face, so she had to lower her head.Fortunately, because of the height difference, Cai Yilian should not be able to see her expression at all, and she feels grateful for this.

"You also said just now that you feel 'like' towards me, right? That's not enough, let's talk about it when you feel 'love' towards me!" Same, directly.

On this day, Fu Jiani went back to the dormitory with the setting sun on her back without looking back, but Cai Yilian could only stare blankly at her leaving back, always feeling that she was gone in a flash.

Back in the dormitory, Fu Jiani lay on the bed first, all troubles and so on were not a problem before going to bed, and then Fan Xueyin walked over eating a lollipop and said: "Aren't you missing class this afternoon? Tell me the truth, where have you been?"

Sure enough, she still likes to eat those sweet foods so much.

"Me? I signed up for a tennis club in the afternoon."

"Hey, miss, did you make a mistake, you just carried your foot to sign up? By the way, if you signed up, wouldn't the club have to compete first?"

"Do you think I don't know how to communicate with my mouth? I told them that I will be playing in the next few days."

"You are also bored and calm down, sister, you are too awesome."

"Hey, by the way, did someone pass by this morning to help you? No one can bear a little girl limping to school!"

Fu Jiani thought of Cai Yilian in an instant, and remembered what happened just now, her heart started beating excitedly for some reason, she suppressed her bewilderment, and said: "No, no. How could there be? How much was it then? Besides, you know that I don’t have many friends. To be honest, you’re the only one.”

"Oh, as far as your expression is concerned, it's very suspicious!" Fan Xueyin pointed at her Pinocchio with a lollipop.

"I, what expression do I have! Besides, yes, is there anything suspicious! No, there is nothing wrong at all, no!"

"Cheeks are flushed, speech is confusing, repetition, do you still feel your heart beating faster? No matter how good Fu Jiani is, she will never learn to lie! From this, it can be concluded that lying in order not to tell the truth It's not Fu Jiani at all! That's Pinocchio! Come on, tell me the truth. Wait a minute, let me guess, is it a man who helped you?" Fan Xueyin said with a sinister smile , it gets closer.

That's right, what you can see now is a girl with a ferocious face in pajamas and a girl who looks like an innocent girl with blushing cheeks in a school uniform. Those who don't know it think they are Lily!
"Comrade Fan, I'll tell you if you move your body away from me." Although there is no one, this is really embarrassing. Didn't Fan Xueyin realize it!

"Oh, okay." She quickly sat on the edge of the bed, probably because of the magical power of gossip.

"I told you, don't talk nonsense to others."

"Of course, do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"I trust you, Cai Yilian."

"Uh, wait a minute, you just said... Cai Yilian?"

"Enen, that's right, Cai Yilian. He is the one who helped me."

"No way, sister, is that the one in your class?" Fan Xueyin looked very surprised.

"En. Since I've already talked about this, and you are my dear best friend, I'll tell you." Halfway through the conversation, Fu Jiani hugged Fan Xueyin and said softly: "And, He confessed to me."

Then, Fan Xueyin changed her original hippie smile, hugged her very calmly and seriously, and said, "What about you? What did you say?"

Perhaps, it was because of feeling the weakness in her heart!

"I refused."


"I don't want to hurt him. I don't deserve to be with anyone now."

Fan Xueyin didn't know how to comfort her anymore, she just knew that as long as she hugged her like this, it would be fine... When Fu Jiani fell asleep, Fan Xueyin arranged the quilt and covered her, but, she saw , Even when she was sleeping, she was crying.

Although Fan Xueyin really wanted to know what happened around Fu Jiani today, but for her sake, it's better not to ask!
A miserable person always has his pity.


The next day, Fu Jiani put away her sadness and thought about it a lot, but she still felt that she should speak clearly with Cai Yilian.

God loves to play tricks on people so much, even two people can meet each other while having a meal.Ever since, Fu Jiani came to Cai Yilian according to the thoughts in her heart, and said: "That...Cai Yilian... I was wrong about what happened yesterday, and I apologize to you. But, I can guarantee that every word I said is true. real."

"Ah? Oh, you mean yesterday, it's okay. If you choose not to hurt me, I will also choose to protect you. So, you don't have to take it to heart. As for what I said yesterday, you just treat it like me It's just talking nonsense!" After finishing speaking, Cai Yilian smiled back at Fu Jiani.

Ah, that's great, I didn't take it to heart,

"So you're kidding me, you pervert!"

"Who is perverted!"

"You! You are not a pervert who is!"


Things that were originally difficult to solve were solved so easily. As for why things went so smoothly, it should be attributed to Fu Jiani's best friend - Fan Xueyin!

It was still in the morning, when Fu Jiani was going to the bathroom, Fan Xueyin hurriedly pulled Cai Yilian to the back garden, pretended to be aggressive like a robber and said to him: "Cai Yilian, I didn't expect it, so you What a bastard and pervert!"

Um... embarrassing.He doesn't even know who this girl is, why do people always say that he is a pervert recently?

"That...classmate, who are you? Do we know each other?"

"You! You don't know me! But I know you, Cai Yilian! My name is Fan Xueyin, and I'm Fu Jiani's best friend! Tell me! What did you do to my Jiani yesterday!"

"I just confessed to her did I do something wrong? What happened to her?"

"Comrade, are you sure you're not playing with her? That guy has no friends since he was a child, and I only met her when I was in college. Her parents were not at home since she was a child, and there was only a nanny next to her. She can do it by herself, and she can’t be coquettish. That’s why she has such a personality. As soon as she returned to the dormitory yesterday, she kept crying after telling me, even when she was sleeping. She said she didn’t want to hurt you, you know I know. That's all I can say, you know what you should do, please do it yourself." After throwing out a long paragraph, Fan Xueyin left.I have to say that Fu Jiani really made a very reliable friend.Just like she said.

A few days later, Fu Jiani's leg injury was healed, and she passed the tennis club. Although Cai Yilian said contemptuously that as a woman, how could you recover so quickly? It should be a man, but everything Everything went smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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