Chapter 101 There is no cure (End)

At this time, Zhang Lan had no power to fight back, and Dian Wei, who was guarding him in front of him, was no longer as brave as before.

Since she was powerless to resist, Zhang Lan no longer hesitated, and directly entered the optimization space consciously. First, she exchanged for a detoxification pill, then a bone-renewing pill and Xiaohuandan, and then exited the optimization space. In the middle, the elixir immediately turned into liquid and flowed into the abdomen as soon as he took it in. What Zhang Lan didn't expect was that the effect of the Jiedu pill began to play, and he passed out directly. The only person who had taken the elixir before was Guo Jia. , and Guo Jia was already in a coma at that time, but Zhang Lan directly ignored this point, so the current situation came into being.

Di Yu looked at the besieged ghost meaningfully, but found that ghost was also looking at him. Both of them hesitated for a while, and then went about their original 'jobs'.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the weak Dian Wei is naturally not comparable to everyone in the Emperor Soul. Although he has begun to show signs of withdrawing from the bloody battle state, his combat effectiveness is still unquestionable, and the position at this moment has reached In the corner, Zhang Lan was lying on the ground in the corner, Dian Wei was in front of him, and in front of Dian Wei was not only the soldiers of the Emperor Soul, but also the corpses of the soldiers of the Emperor Soul. Wei blocked one side so that he could fully protect Zhang Lan and prevent everyone from the Emperor Soul from approaching.

Looking at Ghost again, he didn't bring many people, only a dozen or so people, but all of these ten people are the elite of 007's Assassin Hall. It's not weak either.

But standing in front of 007 was the Yulin Army. Although the number of them was more than twice that of his own, the Yulin Army was the rest of the urban management brigade, and their fighting power was far from being comparable to 007.

Ghost suddenly exerted force, piercing the throat of a Yulin soldier with a sword, and then touched his waist with his left hand, and another dagger appeared in his hand, and the dagger in his left hand turned back, and another Yulin soldier died in Huangquan.

Ye Ming and Ye Liangchen were obviously stimulated by Youhun's bravery, and Ye Liangchen also charged forward with a spear, blocking Youhun's pace.

At this time, Di Yu's side has also entered a fever pitch, and he and You Hun are like a competition, trying to get ahead of each other.

A stance of Gale Slash landed on Dian Wei's right arm, and Dian Wei kicked him flying at the same time.The people of the Emperor Soul didn't stop, they saw the gap and stepped forward one after another, one of them gave Dian Wei a sword again, Dian Wei was finally overwhelmed with two fists and four hands, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He braced his body, swung the short halberd with his left hand, beheaded one person, and forced everyone back again. At the same time, his bloody state had completely disappeared.

But Dian Wei's bravery has really overwhelmed everyone in the Emperor Soul, and each one of them lost their previous decisiveness, but mainly used their dexterous body skills to dodge.

The number of emperor souls is large, so not all of them went to Zhang Lan, but some of them had already moved to 007's side. Most of the Imperial Forest Army was killed and injured, but there were more emperor souls to replenish them. Under the leadership of Youhun, the 007 and others sacrificed 6 more people and entered the house, which is also very close to Diyu.

Di Yu didn't care about Youhun and the others, but rushed to Dianwei more decisively, hoping to solve Zhang Lan before Youhun killed him.

To Di Yu's surprise, Ghost did not rush in Zhang Lan's direction, but he chose the direction of Liu Xie who was already in a coma.

Youhun led the 007 crowd to kill, while Di Yu led the Dihun crowd to kill.

Almost at the same time, Ghost came to Liu Xie's side, and Di Yu stabbed Dian Wei's chest in the same way.

Ghost mentioned the unconscious Liu Xie, clamped the dagger around his neck, and shouted "Stop!"

Time stopped instantly, and there was only the sound of slow panting in the room.

"Let him go," Di Yu said
"Let him go" Youhun repeated Diyu's words with different emphasis

"Okay, from now on, San Daoliu's kindness will be severed, and I will be named Emperor Yu in the future," Di Yu said slowly, and then winked at his subordinates, and everyone in the Emperor Soul gave way one after another.

The Three Swords Stream is the name of the previous organization of Youhun and Soul Eater, because both of them are the best among them, and they have a deep relationship. Soul Eater uses a Tang knife, but it is regarded as a strange sword by everyone, while Ghost uses it. They are two daggers, Soul Eater is called the Gale Blade, and Ghost is called the Invisible Blade. From the names, it can be seen that Soul Eater is good at attacking, while Ghost is good at hiding. The common point between the two is speed.

And the Emperor Yu in front of him is Youhun's brother, Soul Eater.

Youhun carried Liu Xie slowly to Dianwei's side, put his hand on the tip of Dianwei's nose for a test, but found that Dianwei had no breath, but such a heroic man once again protected Cao Cao just like in history, and once again protected Cao Cao. The main battle died.

After discovering that Dian Wei was dead, Ghost did not pause, but gave 007 a wink at the only three left. One of them nodded and carried Zhang Lan on his back, and then slowly walked out of the gate.

Until outside the gate, Youhun asked Liu Xie to throw it on the ground, and then left quickly. Everyone in Dihun looked at Di Yu, and Di Yu just shook his head slightly.

But Ye Ming couldn't hold back anymore. He first helped Liu Xie up, sent someone to find the imperial physician to heal Liu Xie, and then rushed to the palace, because that was the only territory of the Imperial Forest Army. The people in the brigade, and the others are in the palace.

Youhun left Prince Chenliu's mansion, and hurried to the gate of the city. The guards at the gate had been replaced by members of the Imperial Forest Army. Youhun shouted, "King Chenliu is in danger. I am ordered by King Chenliu to go to Beihai. Open the gate quickly."

The guards of the city thought that the ghost was the soul of the emperor. They were a little hesitant when they saw the bloody ghost, but they were afraid that Liu Xie's important event would be missed, so they opened the city gate without stopping.

After leaving the city gate, Youhun and the others left all the way south, but Zhang Lan's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and he was about to die.

I don't know how long he walked, but when he saw that no one was chasing him, he immediately got off his horse to check Zhang Lan's injury. He was taken aback when he saw it. Even if Bian Que was alive, he couldn't save Zhang Lan. He clenched his fists bitterly. Punched on the nearby tree and said "It's still too late"

Pieces of leaves fell, looking extraordinarily bleak.

"Commander, what should we do next?"

One of the last three 007s asked Wraith.

Although he saw that Zhang Lan was hopeless, he still decided to bring Zhang Lan's body back to Hongnong and hand it to Cheng Yu. He immediately got on his horse and headed south again.

(End of this chapter)

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