Chapter 103 Plagiarism Ten Wins Ten Defeats Theory

After Zhang Lan sobered up, she couldn't stay idle, and often talked with Sima Hui, Pang Tong, and Pang Degong about major events in the world. The three of them also had a different impression of Zhang Lan. After all, he is a college student in the 21st century. The insight was indeed something the three of them could not have imagined.

His injuries recovered quickly, and after recovering, he really went to farm with Sima Hui. Fortunately, Sima Hui didn't have much land, and it was just a way of leisure under normal circumstances.

During this period, Zhang Lan asked about Pang Tong's situation outside, and the news he got gave Zhang Lan a headache.

Because Yuan Shu's army was in Rongyang not far from here, and after the news of Zhang Lan's death spread, Yuan Shu easily attacked Rongyang, using this as a basis to fight against Hongnong Cheng Yu and Guo Jia.

If Zhang Lan wanted to enter Hongnong through Rongyang and then across Luoyang, it would be easy to be discovered under such circumstances, and the consequences if he was discovered by Yuan Shu can be imagined.

"Xiaofan, don't be so busy, come, try my newly bought tea."

Mr. Pang De, who came from a distance, beckoned Zhang Lan to go back. Zhang Lan wiped the sweat from her brow, looked at the farmland that had basically been settled, and followed Mr. Pang De back.

"Xiaofan, how long have you been here?" Sima Hui took the tea from Mr. Pound and asked calmly

"It's been more than half a month, uh, if you include the period of coma, it should be more than a month, almost two months."

"Well, it's not too short, what's your plan?"

"Follow Mr. to learn and enrich yourself"

Sima Hui shook his head, "I want to listen to the truth."

Zhang Lan was taken aback for a moment, unable to understand what Sima Hui meant, and continued, "Everything I just said is true, I hope you can see clearly."

"The prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Lanruo, is like this, and the world will surely be at peace, and there will be no more wars to speak of."

Zhang Lan's heart skipped a beat. The meaning of Sima Hui's words was obvious. It meant that I knew your identity a long time ago. Don't hide it from me. Tell me what you think, maybe I can help you .

Hearing this, Lord Pang De, who was speechless on the side, also widened his eyes. Obviously he didn't know Zhang Lan's real identity. He had always thought that Zhang Lan was Sima Hui's new disciple, but he was still in the testing stage, but He is also a smart person. After being pointed out by Sima Hui, and thinking of all the previous things, he quickly understood.

"I didn't expect that Mr. would have guessed it a long time ago." Zhang Lan said helplessly, "Yes, I am Zhang Lan. Now there are a lot of troubles outside. If I go out, I will undoubtedly throw myself into a trap. What I just said is not a lie. I really intend to Study here to supplement my ability, and see the opportunity to make a comeback."

"En." Sima Hui nodded, but did not continue speaking.

"Shiyuan knows too, right?" Pang De said openly
Sima Hui nodded again

"It's hard for you to hide from me"

Sima Hui shook his head with a smile, and said to Zhang Lan again, "For more than a month, you have never traveled to make friends. At this time, Shi Tao and Meng Jian are traveling here. Don't let them go and talk to them."

Zhang Lan thought about it for a while, and then slowly said, "Shi Tao and Meng Jian are very talented. They can be prefects and governors. They could have been entrusted with important tasks and treated with talents, but now that the tiger is in Pingyang and they are in a dangerous situation, it is inconvenient for many people. Walking, only those who have the latitude and longitude of the world can accompany them, or the mighty men can accompany them. In terms of writing, these two people are the heroes of the world, but their martial arts are not enough."

Sima Hui smiled and asked, "Oh? Then who do you want to take?"

"Sir, have you forgotten what I said at the beginning?"

Duke Pang asked curiously, "What do you say?"

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, whoever gets one can be safe in the world"

Sima Hui and Mr. Pang De looked at each other and smiled, and they all burst into laughter.

Zhang Lan was puzzled, and hurriedly asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Xiaofan, haven't you noticed that Shiyuan hasn't come recently?" Although Zhang Lan's identity has been revealed, Pang Degong still habitually calls Zhang Lan Xiaofan.

Zhang Lan thought about it, and it was true. Normally, Pang Tong would come to talk with Sima Hui every day. Even if he didn't talk, he would come to drink tea and chat a few words, but now he hasn't come for three consecutive days. .

"Young eagles also want to spread their wings and soar in the sky, not to mention the phoenix, you can decide for yourself"

After hearing Mr. Pang De's words, Zhang Lan stood up and bowed, "Thank you Mr. Pang De for your guidance."

Then he hurried out the door.

But after taking a sip of tea, Zhang Lan came back again, and asked embarrassingly, "How can I get to Shiyuan's residence?"

Sima Hui and Mr. Pang De met each other again and laughed.

This made Zhang Lan feel even more embarrassed, wishing she could find a hole to get in.

"Shui Jing, then I'll go first." Mr. Pang De took another sip of tea, then got up and patted Zhang Lan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

Duke Pang De led Zhang Lan to Pang Tong's residence, and Pang Tong was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Lan, "Why is Brother Xiao Fan here today?"

"When we first met, hearing Shi Yuan's words was like seeing the sun through the clouds, and today I was instructed by Mr. Shui Jing, and it was like waking up from a dream. I came here today, not for him, but for Shi Yuaner alone."

"Who are you?"

Zhang Lan puffed out her chest and said solemnly "Zhang Lan Zhang Deliang" and then said after a pause "also Zhang Xiaofan"

"Haha, what a Zhang Xiaofan"

Seeing the scene, Mr. Pang De knew that this was Pang Tong's final test for Zhang Lan, so he interjected, "I'll go to Shuijing for some tea, and you two can talk slowly."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Pang Tong glanced at Pang Degong who left, and continued to say, "Who in the world can be a hero?"

Zhang Lan almost blurted out, "I am the only hero in the world", but she held back, "The only heroes in the world are Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian."

"Oh?" Apparently, this answer was somewhat beyond Pang Tong's expectations. He asked curiously, "Yuan Shao's fourth and third princes, with 30 elite soldiers, and countless generals and advisers, are they not heroes?"

"Liu and Xiangzhi were defeated, as we all know. The ancestors of the Han Dynasty only won with wisdom, and although Xiang Yu was strong, he was eventually defeated. Shaofan etiquette, my body is natural, and this way wins one. Feng Shun leads the world, this righteousness wins two. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the government lost its lenient, and Shao used lenient to help lenient, so it was not intimidating. , Employing people is doubtful, and only relatives and children are appointed. I am easy on the outside but smart on the inside. There is no doubt about employing people. Only talents are suitable, regardless of distance, and this is four times better. Shao is more resourceful than decisive, and it is lost in future affairs. My policy is easy to act, and the situation is endless. This strategy wins five things. Because of the wealth of many generations, Shao made high opinions and bowed to gain reputation. It is vain and beautiful, under the leadership of thrift, and is not stingy with those who have meritorious deeds. Those who are loyal, upright and far-sighted are willing to use it. This virtue is better than the six. Shao saw that people are hungry and cold, and compassion is manifested in color, which they do not see. Whether you think about it or not, the so-called benevolent ears of women, I sometimes ignore the small things at present. It’s not good, this kind of benevolence wins seven things. Shao’s ministers fight for power, slander and confuse chaos, and the government’s subordinates follow the way, and they can’t be soaked. This Ming wins eight things. You can’t know right and wrong. , This article wins nine. Shao Hao is a vain power, and I don’t know the essentials of soldiers. I use less to overcome the crowd, use soldiers like gods, soldiers rely on them, and enemies fear them. This martial arts wins ten. I have ten victories, and I am defeated. Shao is no problem."

Zhang Lan directly stated Guo Jia's theory of ten victories and ten defeats, and his face turned red after he finished speaking. He had memorized the theory of ten victories and ten defeats in college for a long time. Changed Gong to Wu, but the content inside did not match him.

However, his words also had an effect. Pang Tong was stunned for a moment, and then Pang Tong also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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