Chapter 159
Qin Song retreated back to Guandu to meet Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan was very surprised and asked Qin Song what was going on. However, who would have thought that after a round of projectiles, the enemy's advance speed would not decrease, and it was also a cavalry shooter, so we were not prepared, so we were hit hard."

When Zhang Lan heard this, she lamented, "How could I forget this?"

When Yuan Shao was in Dongjun, he had already started to make stirrups, but at that time, the blacksmith door deliberately delayed the time, and he was attacked from behind, so they didn't make them in time. Although Pang Tong and Yu Jin could guess Yuan Shaoding It will be built secretly, but I can't say it clearly, I can only mention it to Zhang Lan, but whoever thought of Zhang Lan didn't take it to heart.

Just as he slapped Yuan Shao in the face, he was immediately slapped back. This face is so painful.

In the face of Yuan Shao's army, Zhang Lan really felt powerless. Basically, all the tricks that could be used had been used before. Yuan Shao would definitely take precautions, and it would be impossible to implement them again. Sorry, although Yuan Shao has many soldiers and consumes food and grass quickly, he has accumulated a long time and has enough food and grass.

"Feng Xiao, what should we do for the present?" Zhang Lan rubbed her head and said to Guo Jia weakly.

"My lord, the enemy is strong and we are weak, but now that we know where Yuan Jun's food and grass are, it is better to defend Guandu, and then send elite soldiers to attack Wuchao, so that we can defeat him."

Zhang Lan nodded, "Well, that's the only way to go. Someone, please tell Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen to come and see me!"


After a while, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao came to meet Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan said, "I want the three of you to lead our troops to Wuchao to help. What do you think?"

The three looked at each other, "Listen to the master's arrangement"

"Okay, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao listen to the order."

"the end will be"

"Order Gao Shun to lead the trapped camp, Zhao Yun to lead the tiger and leopard cavalry, and Chen Dao to lead the serial battalion to set off immediately and go to Wuchao to help in the battle"

"The Last General Takes Order"

The three of them bowed their hands to Zhang Lan, then turned and left, and went back to the camp to make arrangements.

at the same time
Wuchao Waima Super Camp
"Now that Wen Chou can't defend himself, what should we do?"

Pang Tong cupped his hands and said, "Wuchao is where Yuan Shao's food and grass are located. It is difficult to lure the enemy to fight with it. Our army has fewer horses than Yuan's army, so it cannot be surrounded. It is feasible to lay an ambush and cut off the food road between it and Guandu."

"Impossible" Xu Shu waved his hand quickly, "The way of grain is the most important thing. Yuan Shao will definitely send more people to ensure the escort of grain and grass. Ambush soldiers will definitely not do anything. If things are revealed, they will be persecuted instead."

Pang Tong also knew about this, but there was no other way in this situation, he could only take a risk. Now that Xu Shu had spoken out, he couldn't refute Xu Shu's face, so he simply didn't speak.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and after a while, the soldiers outside came to report, "Report, the Prime Minister has sent three generals, Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao, to support them. They are already on the way and will arrive soon."

"Well, I see." Ma Chao waved his hand, signaling the soldiers who reported to back down, and then continued, "My lord ordered the three generals Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao to lead the troops here, and they must have intended to use Wuchao as a breakthrough point." In order to defeat the enemy army, the three generals are under the prime minister's elite troops, can they defeat the enemy now?"

The trapped camp, the tiger and leopard cavalry, and the serial battalion, these three battalions combined are less than 1 horses. It stands to reason that the support of [-] troops is not very useful, but these three troops are the trump cards in Zhang Lan's hands. The effect of the team is definitely not as simple as one-to-one.

"Wen Chou can't come out, even if three teams come here, it won't help," Xu Shu sighed.

"I don't think it's better to attack by force! Let me lead people to rush up and take it down in one fell swoop." It was Pound who spoke

"Impossible" Ma Chao shook his head

"Attacking is neither walking nor walking, so what should I do?"

"Go?" Pang Tong's eyes lit up, "Who said you can't go?"

Everyone heard the words for a while, and turned their attention to Pang Tong.

"Why did Shi Yuan say that?" Xu Shu asked

"Did all the generals forget that there is a white horse?"

Hearing Pang Tong's words, Ma Chao's face darkened again.

"Hey, the white horse is weaker than the Wuchao, but it is also difficult to attack, so what's the use of going!"

Xu Shu clapped his hands happily, "Miao, Miao!"

Ma Chao rose again and looked at Xu Shu and Pang Tong.

Xu Shu and Pang Tong looked at each other, and Pang Tong smiled slightly at Xu Shu, motioning for Xu Shu to speak.

He has already made a suggestion, and he has proved his ability, so it is better to be a favor and let Xu Shu speak out. First, Xu Shu may have opinions higher than his own, so he can supplement it. If there is something lacking, he can supplement it again. Second, Come on, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, the gun is to hit the first bird, and he has already taken the limelight, why not share the limelight with others, so that he will not make himself too dazzling, and he can win others over. One's own favorability can kill two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

Xu Shu naturally understood what Pang Tong meant, and replied Pang Tong with a kind smile before slowly saying, "This place will last for a long time, and there are many enemy soldiers. Stay here and lead the people to the White Horse. The White Horse is an important place for military strategists. He will treat them, but when the three generals Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen Dao came to Wuchao, Wen Chou must not know it at this time. The men and horses go to the white horse, and I will turn around and fight back, and merge with the left behind men and three generals, Wen Chou will definitely be too late to retreat, and a battle can be settled."

Pang Tong nodded in satisfaction, and thought to himself, "Xu Yuanzhi really deserves his reputation, since what he said is exactly the same as my plan."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Ma Chao immediately said, "Since that's the case, then act according to plan."


"Pang Tong"

"the end will be"

"Order you to lead an army of [-] to stay here, as a bait"

"The Last General Takes Order"

"Xu Shu"

"the end will be"

"I order you to go to Gao Shun, Zhao Yun, and Chen to the three generals immediately, and inform them of the plan, supplemented by actions."

"The Last General Takes Order"

"Pang Tong"

"the end will be"

"Order you to walk with me, to be safe"

"The Last General Takes Order"

"Armed Action Now"


With one order, the whole army began to move up and down.

Wen Chou didn't know what he meant, so he sent spies out of the city to investigate. Only then did he learn that Ma Chao wanted to attack Baima instead.

He immediately arranged for manpower, ordered Gao Lan to guard Wuchao, and led the troops to Baima to rescue.

Ma Chao took a step ahead, Wen Chou was afraid of an ambush, so he sent more people to scout the way, but there was no trace of the enemy, only horseshoe marks on the road.

Wen Chou learned that he immediately ordered to speed up, and must attack Ma Chao's rear when he arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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