Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 162 Beheading Yan Liang and Punishing Wen Chou

Chapter 162 Beheading Yan Liang and Punishing Wen Chou
Unwilling to be suppressed by Zhang Lan, the aristocratic Tu family simply rose up to resist, but they did not dare to join forces to rebel, so they had to use the economic offensive to slowly pursue it.

Zhang Lan arrested a family member and put him in prison.

Everyone asked Zhang Lan for a theory, but they were driven back by the soldiers.

A few days later, Zhang Lan released the member of the first family, who became confused and had to cultivate for several days before recovering.

Other aristocratic families invited him to think about countermeasures together, but he refused the invitation, but he calmed down.

The other aristocratic Tu families were outraged, regarded him as a traitor, and joined forces to suppress him.

But the effect has not yet been seen, and the family of the second family has also been released, and the situation is the same.

Only then did the aristocratic family realize that something was wrong, but Zhang Lan acted quickly and arrested the heads of several Tu nationality aristocratic families and put them in prison.

The family was shocked and protested one after another.

Zhang Lan came forward to persuade, saying that he just invited a few family heads to come to visit, and sent them back after a few days.

Naturally, the Tu family didn't believe it, and wanted to make trouble. They were frightened by Zhang Lan's strong troops, and all the talents went back one after another.

A few days later, the heads of the various families sent back one after another. The situation was the same, and they did not dare to be enemies with Zhang Lan again.

For a moment, the family of the Tu nationality was shocked and dared not make a mistake.

Afterwards, someone asked these Patriarchs, and this Patriarch still showed panic and dared not say much, but their tempers were surprisingly much better, especially since some Patriarchs who were not in a good mood went to make troubles and hang out all day .

The turmoil in the family of the Tu nationality ended so lightly, and Zhang Lan started to focus on agriculture again.

After several more lottery draws, Zhang Lan finally got something useful - high-yield crop seeds.

Zhang Lan immediately used these seeds and began to experiment with planting.

After the harvest, Zhang Lan used this batch of finished products as seeds again, distributed them, and started planting on a large scale.

This also caused serious economic trauma to some aristocratic families who still had the heart to resist Zhang Lan.

Because of the abundant grain harvest and severe price suppression, their economic income has naturally dropped a lot, and some people with vicious eyes have begun to show their favor to Zhang Lan, asking for this new type of grain seed.

Afterwards, Zhang Lan began to recruit some agricultural talents on a large scale, proposed grafting theory to them, and began to study grafting technology.

Gradually Yan, Qing and Xu became important agricultural areas.

It's just that these are things for later, Zhang Lan is still in the stage of planting the first batch of new grains.

Zhang Lan is engaged in internal affairs, but Liu Bei is fighting.

After Yuan Shao led the army back, he fought with Xiang Feng in Guangping.

Xiang Feng was not incompetent, otherwise Zhang Lan would not have suffered a big loss and almost died.

After Liu Bei captured Guangzong, he returned to aid Guangping. Xiang Feng, who had been somewhat irresistible, also regained his spirits.

This also caused Yuan Shao, who had already relaxed his vigilance, to suffer a lot.

But soon, Yuan Shao slapped his face back again. After all, Yuan Shao now has 'high-tech' equipment, and with the help of stirrups, Liu Bei's cavalry is no problem at all.

Stirrups not only help riding and shooting, but also enhance riding skills, making it easier for cavalry to display their combat effectiveness.

The battle failed, Yuan Shao wanted to bully Liu Bei, he got up late and had no one under his command.

Then the best choice is to fight the generals and spread out.

Yan Liang Hengdao, who had recovered from his injuries, immediately stood in front of the army. He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. Now that he was going to fight Liu Bei, he would be the first to fight.

Liu Bei knew Yan Liang's bravery, and he also knew Xiang Feng's bravery, so he directly sent Xiang Feng out to fight Yan Liang.

Yan Liang's opening remark as always, "The coming general is Xiang Feng, Xiang Boyue, I don't want to kill an unknown ghost"

"It's your grandfather"

Xiang Feng slapped his horse forward and stabbed Yan Liang directly with his halberd. Naturally, Yan Liang had heard of Xiang Feng's reputation. Knowing that this fierce general had almost killed Zhang Lan, he didn't feel slighted in his heart.

Yan Liang was extremely brave, and he didn't have the awareness of the tricks in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" at all. He swung his sword very smoothly, and he slashed at Xiang Feng one after another. Xiang Feng blindly defended, and the two weapons collided with each other. Straight ring.

Thirty rounds passed in a short while, Yan Liang narrowed his eyes, saw the timing and swiped his sword, and rushed towards Xiang Feng, Xiang Feng hurriedly waved his halberd to block it.

Another fifty rounds passed.

At this moment, Xiang Feng suddenly showed his flaws, Yan Liang was overjoyed, and quickly changed his move. The big knife suddenly slashed out, and the big knife whizzed away with the wind of the knife. With just this move, Yan Liang was stabbed to death by Xiang Feng on the horse.

Liu Bei was in a cold sweat from fright, thinking that "this peak is too good at acting, and he was beaten by Yan Liang all the time in front of him, it was all for show, just took the initiative to attack once, and Yan Liang was played to death!"And it seems to show the enemy's weakness, and let people come up to take revenge on Yan Liang'

Sure enough, Yan Liang's good brother Wen Chou was in a hurry. Seeing Xiang Feng being crushed and beaten by Yan Liang in the early stage, he thought it was Yan Liang's boat capsized in the gutter, not because he was weaker than Xiang Feng.

"The child takes his life"

Xiang Feng showed a look of panic, he hurriedly resisted, and abruptly caught Wen Chou's continuous attacks, and fought another fifty rounds, Xiang Feng showed pain, which made people feel that he was exhausted , although Wen Chou was happy, but because of the lesson of Yan Liang before, he still used his full strength.

Xiang Feng, who was 'weakened', unknowingly withstood another fifty rounds, his face became more painful.

But at this time, Wen Chou also felt that something was wrong, and the already exhausted person could fight him for another [-] rounds without losing, and he didn't run away.

Just when he thought of this, Xiang Feng really turned around and ran away, but Wen Chou didn't notice that Xiang Feng deliberately slowed down his horse.

Wen Chou was very happy to see this, and hurried to catch up with Xiang Feng. When he caught up with Xiang Feng, he waved his big knife excitedly and slashed at Xiang Feng. , right in the middle of Zhong Chou's throat, a column of blood spewed out.

Yuan Shao was finally shocked, Xiang Feng beheaded two of his confidant generals, which made him both surprised and annoyed.

Dazed, he couldn't care about anything anymore, with a big wave of his hand, the whole army attacked!

Unexpectedly, Xiang Feng did not confront him, and led his troops back to the city.

The army pursued to the bottom of the city, and arrows rained down on the top of the city. At this time, Ju Shou, who was next to Yuan Shao, had already tried to persuade him, so Yuan Shao suppressed his anger and led the troops back to the camp.

On the way of withdrawing troops, Yuan Shao had already ordered people to carry back the bodies of Yan Liang and Wen Chou, and then ordered people to prepare coffins, intending to bury them with dignity.

Xiang Feng once again showed his supernatural power, beheading Yan Liang and punishing Wen Chou, which is completely famous in China.

(End of this chapter)

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