Chapter 164
Zhang Lan withdrew his troops from Guandu and Baima to Luoyang, Liu Bei could figure out that Zhang Lan was coming to beat him.

Now that he and Yuan Shao are fighting fiercely, Zhang Lan's withdrawal has put even more pressure on him, and his original advantages have disappeared. If Zhang Lan's double-sidedness is added, then he will be doomed.

Ever since, Liu Bei asked Ji and Sima Yi.

Sima Yi didn't even think about it, and said directly, "The reason why Zhang Lan attacked was nothing more than for the emperor alone. Now that the emperor Liu Xie moved his capital to Jinyang, this is just an excuse for Zhang Lan to attack the lord Wei Wang. It is better to send the emperor to Jinyang." Dedicated to Zhang Lan, the matter can be settled."

What he said was that Zhang Lan was just using an excuse to raise Liu Bian for revenge. If Liu Xie was thrown out now, then Zhang Lan would have no reason.

It's just that he overlooked two points. First, Lao Liu started his business under the guise of being a Han family member. Now let him throw out the emperor as a shield, not to mention that his banner is gone, it is himself I can't let go of this face, and I will rely on this face to attract celebrities in the future.

The second point, he ignored Zhang Lan's importance to Dong Yu, Diao Chan and the children.In his cognition, it is impossible for such a hero to care about his family, wife and children, regardless of the safety of his own world.

Therefore, the proposal he put forward does not work at all.

Sure enough, Lao Liu quickly waved his hands after hearing what he said, denying the plot.

Then Sima Yi said, "Then you can only play the son of heaven, declare Zhang Lan as the king of Qi, and keep his son as a hostage, and use this as an excuse to restrict Zhang Lan's army."

After Liu Bei thought about it, he finally decided to adopt Sima Yi's strategy. He sent people to Jinyang to obtain the imperial edict, and ordered Guan Yu to send people to escort Dong Yu and Diao Chan to Luoyang, and keep his sons Zhang Si and Zhang Nian as hostages.

But he didn't want Dong Yu to leave the child alone, and Diao Chan didn't want to leave alone when he saw this. Guan Yu thought it was the same anyway, so he just brought the words, so he sent someone to Luoyang to announce the decree.

The envoy came to Luoyang to meet Zhang Lan and handed over the imperial edict to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan just sat on the dragon chair in the Luoyang Palace and listened to the envoy's reading, but didn't answer the connection, so he sent someone to imprison the envoy.

Then another letter was sent to Jinyang.

This letter is a letter of war, showing his identity as the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, saying that Liu Xie killed his brother to seize the throne, which is not allowed by nature. Now Zhang Lan is acting on behalf of the sky, leading an army of 80 to Jinyang, hoping to take the head of Liu Xie.

The 80 army was completely exaggerated just like Yuan Shao, and the actual number was only over [-].

However, more than [-] troops is an astronomical figure for Liu Bei nowadays. Most of his troops are in Guangping. People and horses surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao, and sent troops from Changshan to attack its rear.

Liu Bei really didn't expect Zhang Lan to tear up his face and start a war with him so quickly, even his counselor Sima Yi did the same.

Although Yuan Shu suffered a loss now, he already knew that Zhang Lan's goal was not his own. He was fighting Liu Biao again. After thinking about it, he finally decided to suffer a dumb loss. As if nothing had happened, he first fished in troubled waters and took an extra bite of Liu Biao. Let's talk about the big cake.

After the letter of war was issued, Zhang Lan left Ma Chao to stay in Luoyang, ordered Zhao Yun to be the vanguard, and personally led the army to Hanoi.

Zhao Yun's vanguard arrived in Hanoi, and the defender of Hanoi had been killed by his subordinate Xiao Da.

Xiao Da is the brother of Zhao Yun's "general" Xiao Yi. Xiao Da originally intended to join Zhang Lan, but he never had a chance. Several generals who had a good relationship with him united to kill the guards and offered the city to surrender.

Xiao Yi is now Zhao Yun's brother-in-law, and this is also due to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi's dead-faced spirit finally made Zhao Yun unable to bear it. Moreover, Xiao Meng had a good impression of Zhao Yun from the beginning, and Zhao Yun also had a crush on Xiao Meng. feeling not bad.

Xiao Yi followed Zhang Lan, and had a lot more power to speak in the Xiao family. After discussing this matter with his father, the two hit it off and completed the wedding for the two, but this matter happened some time after Zhang Lan was assassinated. later.

Closer to home

After Zhang Lan's army entered Hanoi, Liu Bei's envoy came again, this time it was Sun Qian.

After seeing Zhang Lan, Sun Qian expressed his intention to come. The main purpose was to seek peace, and he said that Yuan Shao was powerful, and his lips were dead and his teeth were cold.Moreover, there were many accusations in the words that Zhang Lan did not keep his promise and attacked his rear.

In fact, people are really strange. When the distance is far away, they will not have any thoughts, but when they are just a little bit short, their ambitions will be extremely inflated, and they want to make up for this.

Zhang Lan also said unceremoniously, my wife and children are all in the hands of your old Liu, which makes me think about sleep and food day and night. If you send my wife and children back, then I will not beat you. If you send Liu Xie to me again, then I will help you fight Yuan Shao.

Sun Gan was in a bit of a dilemma. Before he left, Liu Bei had paid him too much. Liu Xie's matter was impossible, but the matter of beating Yuan Shao still had to be done.

Sun Qian first agreed to send Zhang Lan's wife and children back, and then said that he would divide the south of Weijun with Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan laughed loudly, and said in a teasing tone, "Liu Xuande, the King of Wei, has no Wei land, and his name is not worthy of his name."

Sun Qian was aggrieved, but he could only swallow his anger and finally reached an agreement.

Sun Qian returned to Jinyang after completing his mission and told Guan Yu about it. Guan Yu thought about it and told Liu Bei about it.

Liu Bei agreed without thinking about it, because he was too anxious now, and if he disagreed, it was not Wei Jun's business, but he was beaten back to his original shape.

More than a month after the negotiation, Dong Yu, Diao Chan, Zhang Si, and Zhang Nian were sent to Hanoi.

The two daughters Dong Yu and Diao Chan wept with joy when they saw Zhang Lan, and expressed their heartfelt feelings to Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan couldn't help but shed tears, and embraced the two daughters Dong Yu and Diao Chan in his arms.

After a while, Dong Yu was the first to react. She wiped away her tears, and then waved to Zhang Si and Zhang Nian. Zhang Lan was very wary of Zhang Lan.

It should be because they saw their mother crying by the big villain in front of them, they were very unhappy, and they all pouted.

Dong Yu picked up Zhang Si, Diao Chan also picked up Zhang Nian, and then said to the two children, "This is your father, the prime minister of the big man, Zhang Lan"

Although Zhang Si and Zhang Nian are children, they have shown differences.

Zhang Si turned his head and looked at Zhang Lan seriously and asked, "Mom said you are my father, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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