Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 166 Expanding Strategic Goals

Chapter 166 Expanding Strategic Goals
After hearing Diao Chan's words, Zhang Lan felt even more depressed. Both of them turned off the lights, so Dong Yu must have the same mentality, no need to ask.

Thinking of this, he didn't continue anymore, and planned to wait until tomorrow to resolve the two small troubles.

He came to Dong Yu's room again with luck in his heart, and knocked on the door.

"Yu'er, it's me"

There was no sound in the room, so Zhang Lan knocked again, "If you don't speak, I'll go in."

"Husband, I've already fallen asleep, you should go to my sister's place"

Indeed, Dong Yu was also pretending to be asleep, and Zhang Lan was destined to be alone and sleepless that night.

He reluctantly returned to his residence, fell headlong on the bed, and couldn't help crying.

How sad it is to have two daughter-in-laws who look like gods, but can't meet either of them.

But he endured it for such a long time, and he didn't care about the time of this night. It would be settled tomorrow when he found two women to come and see the child.

Nothing in the night

The next morning

Originally, Zhang Lan wanted to accompany Dong Yu and Diao Chan's two daughters, but Guo Jia broke this idea.

Guo Jia came to the palace to meet Zhang Lan, and said directly, "My lord, the army is on standby. When will we leave?"

Zhang Lan rubbed her temples helplessly, and said to Guo Jia, "Feng Xiao, what do you think we should do?"

"When our army invaded Hanoi, Yuan Shao was alert and dispatched troops. Now that Liu Bei and Yuan Shao are fighting fiercely, it is better to gather a large army and act like a soldier. It will not lose its word, but also sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. When there is a crisis, if you suddenly attack, send troops from Hanoi, Baima, Puyang, and Jibei at the same time, and attack Muye, Liyang, Neihuang, and Qinghe. Go around Yanzhou and Xuzhou, break Liu Bei again, occupy the two states of Bing and You, and then send troops south to gather Yu and Yang, and the world will gain."

Zhang Lan couldn't help but applaud Guo Jia secretly. It can be said that the analysis is incisive, but things have changed. Now the general pattern of history has changed, and he has no idea about the future development. The most troublesome things are Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Sun Quan. , these tripartite forces.

Now that Cao Cao occupies the western generation, he has begun to march into the Central Plains again, and the Sun family has already occupied Jiangdong. Even Liu Bei, an old guy, is in a much better condition than before. The position of Cao Cao changed again, Cao Cao became the king of Shu, and Liu Bei became the king of Wei.

It can be said that several forces in the Central Plains are fat, especially Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng in Jingzhou. If he wants to get in, it is not impossible, but in that case, Yuan Shao will definitely destroy Liu Bei and become bigger and become his own side. enemy.

Moreover, the three families have joined forces to encircle and suppress it. If they see an 'outsider' intervening, whether they will join forces to attack is also a question.

So, in the end, he accepted Guo Jia's suggestion, and chose to gather people wantonly, bluff, and planned to wipe out Yuan Shao's great enemy in one go, and then take advantage of Liu Bei's failure to deal with one opponent.

Then he immediately sent Zhang Ren to garrison with Baima, Huang Zhong to garrison with Tai'an, Hanoi to be garrisoned by Zhao Yun, and himself to sit in Luoyang.

It is worth mentioning that Ma Jun was born as a carpenter, so he was not favored by Liu Bei and Liu Xie, and the entire camp of master craftsmen was left in Luoyang, which happened to be cheaper for Zhang Lan.

However, Liu Bei naturally did not let go of some of the manufacturing secrets of Cheng Liannu, and was brought to Bingzhou and manufactured in large quantities.

Yuan Shao mastered the stirrup, Liu Bei mastered the Liannu, and Cao Cao also mastered a series of internal secrets that Zhang Lan had earlier.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Lan is not very comfortable. Without the support of advanced equipment, it can only rely on the quality of the soldiers and the planning of the counselor.

After Zhang Lan signed the agreement with Liu Bei, the war between Liu Bei and Yuan Shao also became fierce. The army gathered in Guangping to fight Yuan Shao's army, and Guan Yu also sent troops to Shiyi.

And it seemed that Liu Bei couldn't hold it anymore.

After a while, Zhang Lan finally made a move. He couldn't just watch Liu Bei be wiped out. At that time, Yuan Shao would definitely turn the tide of battle again and start a war with himself instead.

Many people and horses dispatched troops in unison, heading towards Muye, Liyang, Neihuang, and Yangping respectively.

Yuan Shao must have been shocked when he heard about this incident, but at this moment he couldn't care less, and he was about to defeat Liu Bei, so he couldn't fall by the wayside.

Therefore, Liu Bei is facing the most violent round of attack in history.

Countless Yuan soldiers attacked the city day and night, and even a counselor like Sima Yi couldn't help but mutter.

Fortunately, Yuan Shao was faced with multi-faceted development, and finally did not seize the opportunity. However, within a few days, he received battle reports from Shiyi, Muye, Liyang, Neihuang, and Yangping. The four cities of Shiyi, Muye, Neihuang, and Yangping fell. Only Li Yang is still fighting to the death.

Yuan Shao finally stopped being calm, and hurriedly divided his troops to go to Yangping. If Yangping was gone and Zhang Lan's army started to attack him from Yangping, then he really had nothing to say.

But by the time his men arrived in Yangping, Huang Zhong's army had already crossed the Yellow River to Neihuang.

However, Liu Bei was finally defeated, and he was defeated in Guangping, where he joined Guan Yu's reinforcements and joined Xingtai.

Yuan Shao naturally had no choice but to divide his troops to pursue, and the army was placed with Wei Jun to block Zhang Lan by defending instead of attacking.

And his move was undoubtedly useless, because Zhang Lan was not in a hurry to move on, but planned to use the tributary of the Yellow River to prevent Yuan Shao from attacking him, and waited for Liu Bei to fight him, so that he could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Liu Bei lived up to Zhang Lan's expectations, quickly broke through Xingtai, and reorganized his troops to attack Changshan and Julu counties.

Yuan Shao finally couldn't sit still at this time, and hurriedly sent someone to find his half-brother Yuan Shu for help.

Yuan Shu is currently fighting fiercely with Liu Biao, he wished Zhang Lan would stay away from him, and take the opportunity to quickly eat the cake in front of him, how could he help this 'brother' whom he was not used to.

After receiving Yuan Shu's reply, Yuan Shao stomped his feet angrily. In desperation, he could only say that both of them belonged to the Yuan family. No matter how much they fought, they belonged to their own family. If you come to help him, then he will recognize Yuan Shu's status in the Yuan family, and everything will be his saddle.

Only now did Yuan Shu's eyes light up, and the symbolic Ji Ling and Zhang Xun led troops to attack Luoyang and Chenliu.

Zhang Lan didn't expect Yuan Shu to give up Liu Biao's piece of cake to attack him. Fortunately, he left Ma Chao in Luoyang to stop Ji Ling, and Yuan Shu didn't really want to attack Zhang Lan, but just pretended to distract Zhang Lan. That's all, so, there is no practical significance, but it just makes Yuan Shao feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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