Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 174 Sun Quan's Ambition

Chapter 174 Sun Quan's Ambition

In the ninth year of Jian'an, 204 AD.

Zhang Lan, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, led his troops to counterattack Yuan Shu, and the army attacked Xuchang. Yuan Shu led the army to fight, lost, and retreated to the city. The remaining thousands of people were outside the city. Zhang Lan wanted to surrender. Thousands of people were shot and killed in the city, and there were only a hundred survivors, and they surrendered to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan did not accept more than a hundred people, but ordered one of them to be a captain, and allowed him to lead his troops to avenge him. Confrontation, back to the city again.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Lan was not in a hurry to attack the city, but ordered his subordinate unit 007 to spread Yuan Shu's evil deeds.

Yuan Shu learned that he ordered people to use violence to control the chaos, searched for rumors everywhere, arrested hundreds of people and put them in prison, and then beheaded them for public display.

At this point, the rumors became more and more rampant, Yuan Shu lost all prestige, many counties in Yangzhou and Yuzhou rebelled, and Xu Kang and Hua Ning, two generals of Yuan Shu's department in Xuchang City, gathered together to capture Yuan Shu and offer it to Zhang Lan.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Lan sent his army southward to recover most of Yuzhou, including Yingchuan, Qiaojun, and Runan.

At the same time, Cao Cao also sent troops to the east, taking Pingchun and Gushi to the south, and all places north of the Yangtze River.

Sun Quan of Wujun sent troops to the north to take most of Yangzhou.

So far, only Zhang Lan, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce are left in the world, these five princes.

Guo Si, Li Jue and his ilk were no match for confrontation, so they surrendered to Guan Yu.

After Liu Bei's rear was calmed down, he followed Sima Yi's words and started a decisive battle with Yuan Shao in Xindu.

Yuan Shao was defeated and returned to Youzhou, and Liu Bei wiped out most of Jizhou.


"Bo Fu, Zhongmou sent troops to take Yangzhou, and his momentum has been greatly improved, and he looks like he can keep pace with you. You must guard against it."

Zhou Yu came to Sun Ce's room alone and talked with him.

This time, Sun Ce was finally at a loss. His brothers settled accounts clearly, and the power of this side can only allow one leader. Now Sun Quan is recruiting heroes from all walks of life, and has made military exploits, captured Yangzhou, such a great contribution, It is enough to stand up to Sun Ce, and most of Sun Ce's subordinates are veterans left by Sun Jian, not his confidants.

Then the problem arises. If it is true that Sun Quan has great ambitions as Zhou Yu said, then this group of veterans will stand in the middle. After all, both of them are Sun Jian's children, and there is no way to help one of them. against another.If Sun Quan is allowed to grow bigger at this time, then his own status will not be guaranteed. If his status is unstable, there will inevitably be a phenomenon of power struggle.

Often the most terrifying thing is not the foreign enemy, but the internal struggle.

The current situation already made Sun Ce have to consider these.

"Gong Jin, what should we do?" Sun Ce frowned, anxious in his heart, he really didn't want the two brothers to fall apart because of their power, and finally meet each other.

"It depends on how determined Bofu is."

"how do I say this?"

Zhou Yu smiled slightly, and slowly said, "The struggle for power and position has existed since ancient times, and if there is a slight mistake, you will die without a place to bury. The best way is to cut the grass and root out the trouble forever."

Sun Ce was shocked when he heard the words, he naturally understood the meaning of Zhou Yu's words, that is to kill Sun Quan directly, and it will be settled once and for all.

Sun Ce is not a benevolent woman, but if he is allowed to kill Sun Quan because of suspicion, he will never do it.

"Impossible." He shook his head quickly, directly rejecting Zhou Yu's proposal.

Zhou Yu also shook his head. Based on his knowledge of Sun Ce, he had already guessed that Sun Ce would veto this proposal, so he said the second solution.

"Since Bofu is not going to go down, he can use other people's hands to get rid of it. Now Zhang Lan is stationed in Yuzhou and ordered Zhongmou to lead the army to attack Runan. Jiangxia will leave a general to guard, and the rest of the troops Withdrawing from Changsha, this is the middle policy.”

Sun Ce still shook his head, it was no different from killing Sun Quan directly.

Now is not the time to confront Zhang Lan head-on. Many places need to recuperate. Although most of Zhang Lan's troops are stationed in the north, it is not the best time to start a war with him. Withdraw, then Cao Cao will definitely have no worries, and will definitely send troops eastward. At that time, Sun Quan will be attacked on both sides and cannot escape death.

Zhou Yu went again to "call Zhongmou to come and stay with him, so that peace can be guaranteed for a while."

Sun Ce nodded, "Let's do it this way."

After finishing speaking, he edited a book and ordered people to pass it to Yangzhou, and ordered Sun Quan to come.

Sun Quan received his brother's letter and immediately summoned Zhuge Jin, Lu Xun and others to discuss.

Zhuge Jin said, "General Sun's trip is suspicious of my lord. If my lord goes there, I will definitely put him under house arrest. I can't leave him, and I can't go."

Sun Quan also thought of this, but he really didn't know any way to reject Sun Ce without tearing his face, so he called everyone together, and Zhuge Jin's words were useless, Sun Quan could only say His eyes turned to Lu Xun, who he valued the most.

Lu Xun understood, smiled slightly and said, "This matter is simple, as long as the lord borrows the new Yangzhou under the guise, needs to stabilize the hearts of the people, and can't take it easy."

Sun Quan patted his forehead. Since he didn't think of such a simple truth, he doesn't really blame him. The smarter a person is, the easier it is to think things complicated. The reason why those top strategists are smart is not because they are superior to ordinary strategists. How much resourcefulness is there, but can use these things that the more intelligent people can think of, the less they can be analyzed.

However, Sun Quan is not a puppet-like character, he also has his own ideas, so he couldn't help asking, "If this is the case, wouldn't my brother know my ambition?"

Lu Xun sighed, shook his head and said, "Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin have always been friends with General Sun, and they are also very resourceful. Isn't it so unclear? It must be Zhou Yu's idea to come here to call the lord. Do big business?"

Sun Quan understood that this was a problem with the window paper. Anyway, he already knew it well, and there was no point in hiding it. As long as I don't pierce the window paper, I can't do it with my brother's personality. What about yourself.

After thinking about this, Sun Quan didn't hesitate anymore, and sent the people in the front row back directly, telling Sun Ce that Yangzhou is too busy and there is no time to go there for now, let's wait until I settle down in Yangzhou.

When Yangzhou is settled, there is nothing to worry about. With my own territory and my own people, even if my brother is coming, I will not be afraid of him.

But the last sentence was just what Sun Quan said to himself in his heart, and he didn't say it openly to others.

(End of this chapter)

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