Chapter 186 Flooded Fancheng
It is said that Gao Shun led the troops to Fancheng to fight Xia Houyuan again.

The two armies confronted each other, each winning or losing, until August, and reached a stalemate.

At the time of melancholy, Pang Tong said, "Today it rains continuously, and I see that the Han River is soaring, and Cao Jun has many people who are not familiar with water, so it is better to attack them with water."

Gao Shun trembled, and hurriedly asked, "What is Pang Sikong's best plan?"

"Although Fancheng is the land of Cao Cao, the local leader is Xiahouyuan. Xiahouyuan was originally stationed in Nanyang. Now that the army has been defeated, he must not be familiar with the situation here. The air force has already been dispatched. The enemy must be prepared and cannot win. Now the river is surging. If we block the water mouth secretly, then bury people in ambush here, and then order people to prepare more boats, rafts and rain gear. When Xiahouyuan comes to challenge, our army will feign defeat and lead Xiahouyuan to chase to a low-lying place, and then stand on a high ground to resist. If you dig the mouth of the water again at this time, the enemy will surely be defeated."

Gao Shun was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly ordered people to look for boats, rafts and rain gear.

Then at night, people were secretly sent to various water outlets to fill them.

However, within a few days, Xia Houyuan really came to fight.

Gao Shun acted according to the plan, and ordered Pang to lead the troops to set up an ambush on the high ground, and lead the troops to fight Xia Houyuan himself.

The two armies spread out their formations, Gao Shun galloped out, and went straight to meet Xia Houyuan. Xia Houyuan had also fought Gao Shun several times, and the two were very difficult to distinguish in terms of martial arts. Now that they are fighting again, naturally they are not afraid.

When the two horses crossed, Xia Houyuan obviously felt that Gao Shun was no longer in a good state, so he took this opportunity to kill him, waving the weapon in his hand continuously, Gao Shun hurriedly resisted.

After fighting for more than 100 rounds, Gao Shun finally couldn't resist and ran away.

Naturally, Xia Houyuan would not let go of this opportunity and hurried to catch up.

The soldiers under his command naturally followed in the footsteps of their leader, chasing while fleeing.

Because the road was flat, it was impossible to set up an ambush, so Xia Houyuan was very relieved.

Chasing all the way to a high ground, Xia Houyuan finally stopped, standing in a low place and not daring to go forward.

"Come here, send out scout horses, go to investigate"


Several scouts quickly ran towards the forest.

But for a long time, visit Malaysia to report.

"General, there are no birds singing in the forest ahead, and the leaves are shaking, there may be an ambush"

Xia Houyuan snorted coldly and said, "I wonder why Gao Shun is so helpless today. It turned out that I came here with an ambush, passed on my military order, and ordered the soldiers to shout loudly. If they don't come out, they will burn the mountain with fire."


The military order was passed down quickly, and the shouts were deafening for a while.

"Gao Shun comes out, if he doesn't come out, he will set fire to the mountain"

"Kid Gao Shun comes out"

"Come out and die, or set fire to the mountain"

All the soldiers under Xia Houyuan's command shouted loudly, but there was no movement in the forest.


Not long after, there was a roar in the distance.

Xia Houyuan's heart couldn't help but tremble, it was so dark.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

But before they started to retreat, the floods coming from all sides had already approached them.

At this time, Xia Houyuan's face was ashen, and he hurriedly shouted, "Go up the mountain, go up the mountain!"

The soldiers also reacted naturally, and ran up the mountain in a hurry.

Just when they were about to go up the mountain, huge boulders rolled down from the mountain one by one, blocking their footsteps, but even so, they still climbed to the top of the mountain desperately.

If you climb up the mountain, although the opponent is ambushing, there is still a chance of life, but if you don't climb the mountain, you will only be submerged in the flood and there will be no life.

The soldiers on Xia Houyuan's side wanted to go crazy and climbed up desperately, completely ignoring the boulder rolling down.

After a while, the number of people who were crushed to death by boulders has far exceeded the three-digit number and entered the four-digit number.

But with the death of these people, the rolling of the boulder stopped, and the flood came.

Countless soldiers who had no time to escape were submerged by the flood, and the entire land turned into a lake.

Those who were lucky enough to climb up the mountain faced rows of crossbow arrows.

The army had already been washed away by the flood, but now it was facing the threat of crossbow arrows from the local area. Those who escaped by chance no longer had the intention to fight.

One by one, they fell to their knees and shouted surrender.

Xia Houyuan was also running ahead, so he was naturally one of the lucky crowd. Seeing this scene, his heart was extremely cold, but facing the rows of crossbows, he didn't have the slightest intention of resisting in his heart.

But he knew that he originally followed Zhang Lan out of the mountain, and now he has betrayed Zhang Lan, and now he is forced to such a situation, the situation can be said to be impossible to advance or retreat.

Therefore, instead of leaving an eternal infamy and not being reused, it is better to fight hard.

That being the case, he had no encouragement, shouted "Kill", and rushed forward with his surviving henchmen.

Faced with his charge, then their response was to shoot.

Rows of crossbows were launched, and countless sharp arrows flew towards them.

The confidantes behind Xia Houyuan fell down one by one unwillingly.

But Xia Houyuan was also defeated in the end, and was shot by several arrows, and fell to the ground and died.

After the rebels were dealt with, Gao Shun immediately ordered the soldiers to be recruited, and then took a small boat to the embankment to block the water outlet again, and then stopped watering Fancheng.

If it continues, the entire Fancheng will become a body of water, making it uninhabitable.

At this time, Fancheng was also in a mess. Although there was a city wall to resist, there were still those fragile houses that were washed away by the flood.

The flood came quickly, but it receded slowly.

Gao Shun led the soldiers to camp and rest on the ground, and the road slowly appeared, but they still couldn't leave.

Because of the flood, it was difficult to send news. Cao Cao didn't know the situation here in Fancheng, but Zhang Lan got the news earlier.

Needless to say, the reason is that with hot air balloons, there is not much difference between the sea area and the land in the transmission of messages.

When the flood receded, Gao Shun immediately led the army to the gate of Fancheng. The guards on the city saw Gao Shun's army coming here, and their original guess was verified.

Therefore, he had no intention of fighting again, so he opened the city gate and declared his surrender.

Gao Shun settled in Fancheng as a matter of course, and then handed over the task of stabilizing the hearts of the people to Pang Tong. At the same time, he also received a letter from Zhang Lan, asking him to stop advancing temporarily and stay in Fancheng with peace of mind.

At this point, the battle with Cao Cao came to an end temporarily.

Not long after the war ended, Zhuge Jin came to Luoyang again to ask to see Zhang Lan.

Meeting Zhuge Jin this time was not in the imperial garden, but in the palace.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Zhang Lan looked down at Zhuge Jin, and asked, "Why is Wu envoy here?"

Its aura is extraordinary, very different from the previous image, and once again confused Zhuge Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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