Chapter 188 Sun Shangxiang (1)


Bai Rong really didn't expect that Zhang Lan, the emperor of the Republic of the world, would ask such a wonderful question when choosing a concubine. Although she had made a lot of preparations in private, she never thought about this question.

"Well, dream"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Bai Rong is a daughter. Naturally, she hopes to serve His Majesty by her side, rub shoulders and backs for His Majesty, care for her husband and teach her children."

Bai Rong's thinking was very sensitive, and she reflected it all at once, and said the most appropriate answer.

However, this was not what Zhang Lan wanted.

However, Zhang Lan saw that she was so alert, so she decided to give her another chance, "Other than that? Or you can tell me what you think about choosing a concubine."

Bai Rong was confused again, she really couldn't figure out what the emperor in front of her wanted to do, was it to choose a concubine or a minister?
But the person in front of her is the emperor after all, since she asked her, she had to answer, but since ancient times, the higher-ups would not agree to the harem's involvement in politics, so naturally they dare not express their thoughts.

"Your Majesty's atonement, women dare not speak nonsense in front of His Majesty"

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Lan could only nod her head and said, "Well, you go down and call the next one."

It's the third person's turn to come in, "The daughter of the people, Mu Hui, has seen Your Majesty"

Zhang Lan nodded, "Sit"

"Menwomen dare not"




Zhang Lan began to feel depressed.

"His Majesty.."


Zhang Lan's eyes glared, and Mu Hui was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak, and she bowed and left.

"The queen of the people has seen her majesty"


"Thank you Your Majesty"

"What is your aspiration?"


"But it's okay, I'm sorry you're not guilty"

Wang Cai paused for a moment, and finally summoned up the courage to say, "With the one you love, you will stay by your side all day long."

"Well, okay, let's call the next one."

Finally, there is one that is okay, but it is not suitable for an emperor like Zhang Lan. Obviously, this woman named Wang Cai is not what I want to come.

"Men Daughter Retires"

"Minister Liu Cong pays homage to Your Majesty"


The progress was fast, but none of them satisfied Zhang Lan.


"Minister Sun Xiang met His Majesty"


"Thank you Your Majesty"

"What is your aspiration?"

The woman named Sun Xiang was obviously taken aback. Like those women before, she didn't think about the issue of choosing a concubine since this was it.

Zhang Lan immediately lost interest and was ready to call the next one.

"Shouldn't choosing a concubine be about family status, talent and appearance?"

Since Sun Xiang asked Zhang Lan back, Zhang Lan was also stunned this time, this is already the 28th.

But they are almost the same, either they are timid and afraid to speak, or they speak well without the slightest emotion. These are all things that Zhang Lan cannot accept. After all, the person who passes will be his daughter-in-law. The four concubines, and even the three thousand beauties in the harem, but Zhang Lan still wants to be responsible for them.

"Oh? Who stipulated that these questions should be asked when choosing a concubine?"

"Your Majesty's redemption." Sun Xiang stuck out her tongue and continued, "Young girl is so ignorant that she doesn't understand these things, so His Majesty will laugh at you."

"It's okay, tell me, how old are you?"

Only then did Zhang Lan realize that the woman in front of her was still a 'child', obviously a little lolita, did Li Ru let her be selected?

Zhang Lan patted her forehead, waiting for the woman's response.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the little girl is fifteen years old, just at the age to talk about marriage."

'The wicked old society'

Zhang Lan took a closer look. From the perspective of height, she was six feet seven inches, that is to say, her height was 1 meters, which was not at all the height that a girl of this size should be. It should be only about 62, and 158 is considered very high, but the one in front of me is 160 meters.

'Since it's smaller than I thought'

Zhang Lan couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Well, I see, the next one"

"Take your time, Your Majesty, did I fail?"

Facing a little girl who was only 15 years old, Zhang Lan really couldn't bear to drive her out, so she could only say helplessly, "You are still young, come back in a few years."

"Where am I so young?" Sun Xiang straightened out her small chest.

Indeed, a 15-year-old girl has begun to develop, and if you look closely, you can see that her chest has begun to bulge slightly.

Zhang Lan had no choice but to explain in a nice way, "You are still young, you are just 15, and I am almost 40, I can be your father"

Who would have thought that Sun Xiang would retort, "15 years old is already a good age, and you can talk about marriage. I heard that you are a great hero, and you are very good to Queen Dong and the others. I thought you were some great person , I didn’t expect to look down on people so much, hum.”

As soon as these words came out, the guards outside the door rushed in.


Sun Xiang obviously knew that she had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly took two steps back, but quickly recovered, puffed up her chest again, and looked at Zhang Lan with her mouth pursed.

When Li Ru saw that the guards rushed in, he hurriedly followed, with Zhuge Jin behind him.

Zhuge Jin's face was pale, and he cast his eyes directly on Sun Xiang.

At this moment, Zhang Lan reacted instantly, "Sun Xiang, Sun Shangxiang, that's how it is."

He waved his hand, signaled the guards to step back, shook his head helplessly and said, "I think this is King Wu's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is true that the princess is young and ignorant, and if there is something wrong, please forgive me."

Zhuge Jin hurriedly smoothed things over, but Zhang Lan raised her lips and said, "This princess is so courageous, since she said that I look down on her, it's nothing special."

Zhuge Jin hurriedly knelt down, "Your Majesty redeemed, Your Majesty redeemed, the princess was young and ignorant, and didn't know how to talk to people, it was an unintentional mistake. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

The reason why Sun Shangxiang appears here is because Sun Jian is just such a daughter, and everyone in the family loves her very much, which led to her becoming such a fearless character.

In ancient times, women would look forward to their husbands being a great hero, and Sun Xiang was no exception.

Hearing that Sun Quan was going to marry Zhang Lan, he sneaked out and followed Zhuge Jin's team to Luoyang.

After arriving in Luoyang, she heard about the selection of concubines again, so she secretly found Li Ru again, saying that she would participate in the selection of concubines.

But the concubine selection has already gone through the first round of screening, and Sun Shangxiang is only 15 years old, and she is still alone with unknown identity.

Naturally, Li Ru would not agree to let Sun Shangxiang participate.

Who would have thought that Sun Shangxiang directly revealed his identity, Li Ru was naturally very surprised, and hurriedly sent someone to find Zhuge Jin for verification.

(End of this chapter)

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