Chapter 195
Xiang Feng was defeated, and after gathering the remnants of the army, he retreated to Guangping.

Zhang Lan did not pursue, but stayed in Yujin, Chen Dao and Weijun, and led the army to Hanoi again.

After arriving in Hanoi, Zhang Lan made some adjustments and set off to support Zhao Yun.

When he arrived at Shangdang, Zhao Yun was fighting with Guan Yu. Although Guan Yu had expected Zhang Lan's appearance, it was a little too early, so that he was caught off guard and led the troops back to the city, unable to defend.

After Liu Bei learned about it, he immediately led the troops to support him.

Zhang Lan did not call for an attack, but ordered someone to urge the transportation of the thunderbolt car.

The thunderbolt chariot is an artifact of siege. With the help of the thunderbolt chariot, casualties can be greatly reduced for the siege, and it will directly hit the local soldiers and morale.

Pili Che and Liu Bei arrived at Shangdang almost at the same time.

When Guan Yu learned that Liu Bei's reinforcements had arrived, he took the initiative to attack and wanted to destroy the thunder chariot.

But Guo Jia had already expected it, and secretly set up an ambush to wait for Guan Yu.

Who knew that Guan Yu had already received the letter from the messenger sent by Liu Bei.

Above the letter is Sima Yi's strategy.

Sima Yi expected that Guo Jiading would guess such an attack, so he asked Guan Yu to divide into two teams and attack back and forth.

When Guan Yu led his army to kill, all the surrounding ambushes came out and surrounded Guan Yu.

After fighting for a while, reinforcements arrived behind him, rescued Guan Yu, and killed the ambush soldiers.

It even destroyed all the Thunderbolt cars.

Guo Jia naturally also had concerns, so he didn't deliver the thunderbolt car all at once.

It is also divided into two batches.

Sima Yi was not present, so he didn't know the specific situation, so Guo Jia had a better plan and delivered the Perak car smoothly.

With the thunderbolt car, Zhang Lan didn't rush to use it, but repeated the old trick again to build a high earth city.

Liu Bei followed Sima Yi's advice and refused to give Zhang Lan the opportunity to build an earthen city. When he saw that Zhang Lan wanted to build an earthen city, he immediately sent troops to harass him.

After several times, Zhang Lan secretly set up an ambush, waiting for Liu Bei's arrival.

But Liu Bei was not fooled. Instead, he sent troops to detour to meet the ambush.

The ambush was defeated, and the soldiers were led back.

At this time, Liu Bei killed again.

In desperation, the construction can only be stopped again.

After several days of stalemate, Zhang Lan had an idea and came up with a plan to get along.

He led the soldiers under his command to take a cloth bag each, which was filled with soil and stones.

Then lead the troops to the front of the pass.

Liu Bei didn't understand what it meant, so he simply ignored it.

Zhang Lan was very excited about this.

Then he ordered the soldiers to drop them in batches towards the city.

Only then did Liu Bei react, and immediately sent troops out of the city to pursue him, but was stopped by Sima Yi.

At this time, Zhang Lan's troops were only 400 meters away from the city, and Zhang Lan's soldiers only carried a small cloth bag, which did not affect the battle.

Zhang Lan did come here with this kind of mentality. If you don't come out, I will throw clods of dirt to disgust you. If you don't come out, it will add up.

If you come out, I will take the opportunity to attack the city, and there is still a lot of work left.

Liu Bei, who was in a dilemma, was very annoyed, and asked Sima Yi for advice.

Sima Yi was also helpless, and suggested that he either go out of the city to fight, or find a way to solve Zhang Lan's thunderbolt car.

At this time, it is not the time to go out to fight in the city, so Liu Bei asked Sima Yi again, how to deal with Zhang Lan's Thunderbolt car.

Sima Yi only said two words "attack camp"

For a moment, Shangdang City became very quiet.

Guo Jia guessed that Liu Bei was preparing to attack the camp, and then informed Zhang Lan, who immediately divided up his troops and ordered them to rest during the day and lie in ambush at night.

But did not wait until Liu Bei's arrival.

The next day
Zhang Lan still wanted to do this, but was stopped by Guo Jia.

Guo Jia said with a smile, "Sima Yi predicted that our army must be prepared, and there will be no attack today. The Lord can rest assured and go to sleep."

Listening to Zhang Lan's words, nothing happened overnight.

A few days later, uneven hills appeared in front of Shangdang.

Zhang Lan ordered people to start building the earth wall again.

Liu Bei didn't send troops to stop him, but just watched Zhang Lan build.

Zhang Lan felt that Liu Bei was about to send troops, so he set up an ambush again at night.

Sure enough, a group of men and horses appeared at night, but before entering the ambush circle, they heard the sound of killing.

Seeing the ambush soldiers coming out, that group of people hurriedly retreated without fighting the ambush soldiers.

Zhang Lan was surprised and asked Guo Jia what was going on.

Guo Jia said, "This is a strategy to disrupt the army."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhang Lan felt very depressed. This kind of harassing strategy is very annoying. If he is not prepared, the enemy can take the opportunity to enter.

If you take precautions, you must be mentally unbearable to wait day and night.

So Zhang Lan asked Guo Jia again, how to deal with it.

Guo Jia returns to "Only Quick War"

Zhang Lan listened to his words and no longer built earthen walls. The low earthen walls can already play a certain role.

Ever since, Zhang Lan led the army to the front of the city and slowly pushed out the catapult.

Liu Bei ordered Guan Yu to lead his troops out to fight Zhang Lan.

Head-to-head confrontation, the two sides just rely on the number of people to fill the balance.

A group of scuffles until the night.

Zhang Lan led the troops back.

At this time, the grain official came to report.

"Your Majesty, there is already insufficient food and grass, and we can only sustain the army for a month."

Zhang Lan frowned, "January?"

"A month's worth of food and grass is fine. When will the next batch of food and grass arrive?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the next batch of food and grass will take half a month."

Zhang Lan frowned even more.

In half a month, there are a lot of variables.

If the city is not captured within half a month, and the grain and grass are intercepted by Liu Bei, then his team will starve to death.

Zhang Lan didn't dare to take the risk.

After thinking about it, Zhang Lan decided to retreat.

Then he approached Guo Jia to discuss.

Guo Jia also retreated in the same way. After all, fighting on three sides at this time is a bit difficult. Even if he wins, he will be at a loss in all aspects, and he won't be able to change for a while.

Since Guo Jia also agreed, Zhang Lan had no worries, and then summoned the generals to lead.

He ordered the army to pack up his luggage secretly, set off overnight, and retreated back to Hanoi.

Liu Bei did not expect Zhang Lan's retreat, even Sima Yi did the same. They didn't know that Zhang Lan's food and grass were about to run out.

However, Liu Bei did not pursue the victory. After all, the defeat on Xiang Feng's side this time has dealt a big blow to his side, and it will take some time to restore morale.

After returning to Hanoi, Zhang Lan did not stay too long, but returned to Luoyang after a short stay for a few days.

Now he is the emperor after all, and it is not appropriate for him to be away all the time.

The days of stability did not last long.

News came from Zhang Liao that Cao Cao suddenly sent Cao Ren to kill Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao was defeated and retreated to Yiyang.

This made Zhang Lan really helpless, this is the disadvantage of facing the enemy more.

Before the problem was solved here, there was another problem there.

(End of this chapter)

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