Chapter 198 Mr. Teacher
Zhang Lan's explanation at the beginning made them confused, but after Zhang Lan's example, they understood a little bit.

"Since it's so amazing"

Zhuge Liang couldn't help sighing, after all, he had worked with Ma Jun for a while, and he was also very interested in research.

"Well, it's really amazing. If such a warship is built, then our Republic will become the overlord of the sea, and no one can match it."

This is what Guo Jia said.

"It's not just these, as His Majesty just said, if there is such a ship, the waterway can be dug there to develop the flow of goods, and the business will be greatly developed, and the same is true for unmanned carriages. reason"

This is Zhuge Liang's remarks, because their respective positions are different, so the first questions that come to mind are also different.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan laughed and said, "Just now I just briefly said that steam has many uses, but you can't understand some of it. After all, it is the method of immortals. If I hadn't been instructed by immortals, it would be impossible." understand"

Everyone nodded and said yes, very convinced of this

"I'm here this time to ask all my lovers, what do you think of this matter?"

Everyone began to ponder, this matter is good, but there are many problems in it.

"May I ask Your Majesty, is this method easy to learn?"

Zhang Lan was taken aback, he didn't think about this question until Cheng Yu mentioned it.

"Hold on"

He closed his eyes, looking at the steam technique in his mind.

After a while, Zhang Lan finally opened his eyes.

He frowned slightly and said, "Although this method is not difficult to learn, no one has been exposed to this kind of method. It is very troublesome to learn from scratch."

Guo Jia asked, "How long does it take to learn this method?"

"If you are smart, you can learn the theory in one month, and practice it in parallel in the second month, half a year is enough," Zhang Lan replied

Guo Jia took a step forward and said, "Since this is the case, I dare to speak up and choose ten intelligent and loyal people first. Your Majesty will put down the matter in hand and teach these ten people to learn with all his heart. After the ten people have learned it, order the ten people to learn." Ten people teach it separately, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, then the steam technology will definitely prosper.”

Zhang Lan remained silent again. After all, studying is indeed a long-term job. He is now an emperor and has so many things to do every day that it is difficult to get out.

"No, Your Majesty is the king of a country, how can such a thing be done?"

Cheng Yu said
Cheng Yu is older, and he is not as easy to accept new things as Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang, even Li Ru.

Moreover, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang were affected by the optimization system at the beginning, and they absolutely trusted Zhang Lan, so they dared to say so.

Li Ru and Cheng Yu are different, both of them are down-to-earth characters, although they know that Zhang Lan has many artifacts, but subconsciously they are still somewhat repulsed by the immortals.

Li Ru nodded when he heard Cheng Yu's objection, expressing his support for Cheng Yu.

The four divided into two factions and began to debate.

Zhang Lan didn't listen, but thought about it by herself.

"It will take a long time for steam technology to come out. There are too many variables in this period of time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve. No, Goujian can suffer three years of humiliation. The grievances will be all. In the end, he will go back and try his best to hone his mind, and finally succeed in one fell swoop. Why don't I follow the example of the sages, what's the use of even a momentary gain or loss, and steam technology is not just a matter of war, it can also promote the development of society and the progress of mankind'

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan suddenly jumped up.

The four people who were arguing were startled and looked at Zhang Lan one after another.

"I've made a decision. According to what Feng Xiao said, I will select ten people and I will teach them the immortal method myself."

"Your Majesty is wise"

"Your Majesty can't"

Two different voices reached Zhang Lan's ears.

Zhang Lan looked at Li Ru and Cheng Yu, and said with a slight smile, "I don't know the meaning of the two lovers. In the past, Gou Jian lived hard and tasted courage, and was humiliated in Wu State for three years. Why can't I follow the example of the sages and work hard? Once this steam technology is successful, This is a major event that is beneficial to the world, so what can we do if we succeed or fail for a while, the worst is to shrink our troops, and we will not be able to defend ourselves."

Seeing that Zhang Lan was so determined, Li Ru and Cheng Yu knew that it would be useless to persuade them with their clever minds, so it was better to take a step back and leave a good impression.

After another discussion, everyone dispersed.

Zhang Lan handed over the selection of suitable candidates to Cheng Yu, and let Cheng Yu handle it all by himself.

A few days later, Cheng Yu brought ten people to meet Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan naturally knew what these ten people were doing, so she ordered that all government affairs be handed over to Li Ru, Zhuge Liang, and Cheng Yu, with Li Ru in charge.

All the military power was handed over to Guo Jia, Xu Shu, and Pang Tong, with Guo Jia in charge.

Since then, Zhang Lan has transformed into a teacher.

And his students are the ten people in front of him.

These ten people are all carefully selected by Cheng Yu. They are absolutely first-class in terms of loyalty, and they are all intelligent people, but they are different in age. The older one is 48 years old, and the younger one is only 18 years old. years old, the biggest age difference is 30 years old.

Steam technology is the product of an optimized system, and it has been imprinted in Zhang Lan's mind. He came up with the best explanation plan after simple adjustments.

Moreover, it follows the class pattern of the 21st century. There are 8 classes a day, each class lasts 10 minutes, with a 10-minute break between classes, and these ten people are arranged to rest in the palace. Discuss learning.

It was too late to print the book, so Zhang Lan could only temporarily order someone to make a few large wooden boards, then use charcoal to write on the wooden boards, and then make the paper into a book and distribute it to them for them to record by themselves.

After a month, Zhang Lan explained all the theories of steam technology, and the ten people also had the concept of steam technology in their minds, so the next step is to experiment and explain in parallel.

The props needed to be used by Zhang Lan had already ordered people to prepare them within a month, so no time wasted waiting for the tools to be made.

The first step is to experiment with thermal energy.

Due to limited conditions, it was impossible for Zhang Lan to take them to study steam cars, steam trains, steam ships, etc., and could only do some simple experiments.

The first mode is heating. This technology is actually the simplest, but Zhang Lan didn't think about it before, so he ignored it.

Heating is also the principle of heat energy. Zhang Lan plans to let them know more about steam through this experiment first, and then carry out more profound techniques.

The ten people were indeed carefully selected by Cheng Yu. Their learning ability was really fast, and they quickly understood them, and they came to many conclusions that Zhang Lan was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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