Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202 Target Armored Vehicle

Chapter 202 Target Armored Vehicle

Jian'an 12th year, AD 207, autumn

The Qiang general Ghost led his troops to attack the northern region, and Xiang Feng led the attack.

Seeing this, the ghost led his troops back, but Xiang Feng refused to pursue them.

The ghost came again, and Xiang Feng chased after him.

After chasing to 50 miles, troops were stationed in the village.

The ghost came to kill again.

Repeatedly like this, finally led Xiang Feng to An Ding.

When Xiahou Dun saw the enemy attacking, he went out to fight randomly and confronted Xiang Feng.

The two armies confronted each other, Xiahou Dun lost to Xiang Feng, was defeated for a while, and retreated to Anding.

Although Xiang Feng won, he also retreated to Shangjun.

At this time, the great republic had begun to fully promote Huaxia's cloth machines, and Luoyang became popular again for doing business.

Jian'an 13th year, AD 208, spring

The first steam car in history came out, and the great republic country "celebrated the whole country", and the steam age took another step forward and began to prosper.

"Zi Li, come, let me introduce you. This is Ma Jun, whose name is Deheng. He invented Chenglian crossbow, keel waterwheel, etc. In the future, you should work together and work together."

"Mr. Ma is well." Zili greeted Ma Jun as a junior.

Ma Jun also returned the salute slightly, signaling to Zili.

"Zi Li, go and call me everyone, I'll tell you the principle of this armored vehicle first."

"According to the purpose"

After a while, Zhang Landuan sat in the middle of the room, and all those involved in the development of the steam car came here.

"Now that the steam car has been developed, it can be used as a basis for improvement and put into war."

Zhang Lan looked around and continued, "First of all, the steam car has a good load capacity and can carry multiple people at the same time without affecting its speed. Secondly, the steam car is made of steel, which is incomparably hard. After improvement, Sufficient to replace the role of heavy cavalry in warfare”

Everyone listened carefully. During this period of time, their respect for Zhang Lan became stronger and stronger. This was not because of Zhang Lan's lofty status, but because of Zhang Lan's endless mysterious thoughts and insights, which made them see To a whole new world, a world they never dared to imagine.

"Although the steam car is made of steel, it has no defensive effect. We can put a layer of armor with the strongest defense around it, and there are soldiers hidden in it. There is a hole in the armor, and we can use the crossbow to shoot and kill the enemy. People, with a mouth on the top, enter from the top, and a lock from the inside. Once locked, it is difficult to break from the outside. Then set spikes on the front end of the steam car and both sides of the wheel, and use the speed of the steam car to perform a powerful sprint Killing, do you have anything to add?"

Speech here is very free. Zhang Lan did not use the authority of her status to monopolize the power, but let everyone speak freely and say what they think.

At the beginning, everyone was concerned about Zhang Lan's identity and dared not speak. Zhang Lan was anxious and even walked away.

Slowly, Zi Li, the youngest, was the first to ask questions. Although the questions seemed a bit naive, Zhang Lan not only did not criticize them, but even rewarded them.

At this moment, everyone began to let go of their hearts slowly, and after a while, they completely opened the shackles in their hearts.

Ma Jun was the first to speak and said, "Your Majesty, although the steam car has a very strong carrying capacity, it is surrounded by armor and added with spikes. It doesn't work anymore."

Hearing this, Zhang Lan pondered. It is true that the current land is uneven, and steam vehicles cannot run as fast as vehicles in the 21st century. Even if the load capacity is strong, it is still limited. The weight of the armor is not normal. Coupled with the spikes, the steam car will run very slowly, so the soldiers can easily dodge, and it will not have any effect.

"This is indeed a problem, but if you don't increase the armor, then you can't play the role of a chariot. Is there any solution?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I don't know much about steam cars, so I have no other way for the time being." Ma Jun's words seemed a little more official.

Zhang Lan nodded. Ma Jun did not participate in this project from the beginning to the end, and only saw it once when the steam car was successfully tested, and had not observed and tested it at close range, so Ma Jun could not bring it up. It's normal to have valid advice, and it's good to take that into account.

"An armored vehicle must be driven and fired by someone. At least two people are needed. If you add one person to control a long gun that is more than two feet long to attack, then it is powerful. The only problem is the weight of the armor. This is what you will study in the future. main target"

"According to the purpose"

"Do you have any questions?"

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, obviously there is no problem.

"Since there is no problem, let's come here today and go to work."

After Zhang Lan finished speaking, she got up and left.

"Farewell to Your Majesty" everyone saluted.

Walking to the door, Zhang Lan stopped and said, "Zi Li, come here."

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Zili quickly followed Zhang Lan's pace.

"Zi Li, although the steam vehicle has been researched, it still needs to be built. At least a hundred vehicles must be built before the soldiers can learn how to drive the steam vehicle in advance and prepare for the use of armored vehicles in the future. You are familiar with the development of steam vehicles. , I will leave it to you to continue the production.”

"According to the purpose"

Zili chuckled.

Zhang Lan couldn't help but smile, also chuckled, patted Zili on the shoulder and said, "Little guy, work hard, I'm optimistic about you"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your appreciation, hehe"

For a moment, Zhang Lan thought of Liu Bian, his first disciple.

It's a pity that time flies, time is wasted, too many things have happened in these years, and this disciple is no longer in this world.


Zhang Lan sighed lightly.

Zi Li looked at Zhang Lan suspiciously, and couldn't help asking, "Why is Your Majesty sighing?"

Zhang Lan said with a chuckle, "I just remembered an old friend, but at this moment, heaven and man are separated, that's all, you go."


Zili left in a sensible manner.

Zhang Lan returned to the palace and came to the study.

Click on the lottery system again.

"Are you sure you have ten consecutive draws?"


The pattern dances again.

This time, Zhang Lan was very nervous about the lottery.

Because I have never won anything useful, and there are also experiences like the last time that I won several things at once.

The first golden light flashed, then the second, and the third.

The pattern is still beating.

Until the nine golden lights flashed, the pattern finally began to slow down.

Rows of items appeared in Zhang Lan's field of vision.

"Plant seeds X100, precious flowers X10, purebred noble pet cubs X3, perfume making principle X1, Pepsi X100"

The first five items are not bad. The principle of perfume is straight down. After the world is settled, this thing will be a sharp weapon for making money.

(End of this chapter)

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