Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 208 Retraining the Air Force

Chapter 208 Retraining the Air Force
Sun Shangxiang eagerly took the sieve, clasped his hands together, and silently said "God bless, God bless."

Then throw out the sieve in your hand.

She just stared at the sieve rolling and finally stopped.

But it disappointed her. God didn't bless her, or she didn't know what she wanted.

So I just gave her a circle, just like Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan laughed, "Haha, it's my turn."

He picked up the sieve casually, followed Sun Shangxiang's appearance, clasped his hands together, and said silently, "Jade Emperor, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, Tathagata Buddha, Amitabha, God bless, Amen! 6666666"

Then he ran out and finally shouted "6 ah 6 ah, I want 6 ah"

The sieve stopped and really gave him a 6.

"Ahahaha, 6, see, it only works like me"

Zhang Lan raised an eyebrow at Sun Shangxiang and said proudly.

Sun Shangxiang pouted and snorted coldly.

Then Zhang Lan screened again, like Diao Chan, no 6 was drawn, only a 4.

It was Dong Yu's turn again, and Dong Yu was 5, just a little short.

After another four rounds, the hot air balloons of the four families have finally set off.

Sun Shangxiang came from behind, striding from the same color, then flew, and flew directly, 8 steps behind Zhang Lan.

"It's my turn." Sun Shangxiang sifted out the sieve again, and after the sieve stopped, four circles were displayed.

Zhang Lan's eyes widened.

Because Sun Shangxiang took four steps forward and landed on her color, just in time to catch up with Zhang Lan.

"Yeah, four o'clock, I caught up with you"

Sun Shangxiang blinked at Zhang Lan, and then moved to Zhang Lan's hot air balloon.

Zhang Lan sighed softly and said, "Hey, what a pity, it's okay."

Then he took his hot air balloon back to the base.

Everyone was puzzled and asked, "Why did Your Majesty take it back?"

Zhang Lan explained, "After catching up to the same position, the former's hot air balloon will be blown away, return to the base, and start again."

Everyone was stunned, and only then did they really feel the fun of flying chess.

Sun Shangxiang applauded even more.

Zhang Lan threw the sieve out angrily, but it was only a 2.

After one round, the final winner is Diao Chan.

The three girls have also fallen in love with the fun of flying chess after this attempt.

Although Zhang Lan lost, she was very relieved to see this scene.

His original purpose was to make them happy.

This result was exactly what he wanted to see the most.

"Okay, let's play. Flying chess can be played by two people, up to four people. I still have some government affairs to deal with, so I'll go first."

The girls were taken aback when they heard the words, but they still stood up and sent Zhang Lan away respectfully.

After Zhang Lan left, a ray of light shot out from Sun Shangxiang's eyes.

Originally, she came to participate in the concubine selection because she was curious about Zhang Lan, and then she made various inquiries, coupled with her own observations, and indeed felt that Zhang Lan was different.

At this time, she had unknowingly fallen in love with this emperor-level man, not to mention that the relationship between the two was already the relationship between the emperor and the concubine in name.

The reason why Zhang Lan left was because he had some insights while playing flying chess.

For a long time, he didn't pay much attention to the hot air balloon, so the use of the hot air balloon was very monotonous, and it didn't even work very well.

Now it occurred to him that the reason the balloons hadn't worked so well was because there were too few of them.

If it is said that the air force is trained in large quantities, and then the air force that has been overwhelming the sky to launch a siege, there is no need for much, just a few bottles of kerosene loaded on each hot air balloon.

Throwing all this kerosene into the city, once the fire ignites, even if it is rescued, it will not be able to survive.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lan shouted directly, "Come on!"

The guard pushed the door and entered "Your Majesty"

"Pass my order, and order the God Craftsmanship Camp to build hot air balloons. Within half a year, I will build 5000 hot air balloons."


When this news reached the Divine Craftsman Camp, there was an instant uproar.

"how can that be"

"Is this what His Majesty said?"

"How did you accomplish so much?"

There were waves of mourning.

Yes, this task is really difficult, because they not only need to make hot air balloons, but also need to make steam cars.

It is also necessary to make some parts needed to develop armored vehicles.

Ma Jun raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He has always been in charge of the Divine Craftsman Camp, and now that Zhang Lan has dispatched such an almost impossible task, he has to speak out.

"General, did His Majesty say it himself?"


"Then what else did your Majesty say?"

The guard shook his head.

As a guard, he naturally knew Ma Jun's identity, so he was very polite to Ma Jun.

"Then ask the general to lead the way, I want to meet His Majesty"

The guard thought for a while and said, "Okay, come with me."

After a while, Ma Jun was taken outside the study.

"Your Majesty, General Ma Jun of the Divine Craftsman Battalion has come to ask for an audience."

"let him in"


"My minister sees Your Majesty"

"flat body"

"Thank you Your Majesty"

"Deheng, isn't this task a bit difficult?"

Ma Jun adjusted his mentality and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, Shenjiangying now needs to be responsible for steam vehicles, Huaxia looms, and parts required for armored vehicles. The manpower is relatively tight. If hot air balloons are added, then it will not be possible to do it." At His Majesty's request"

Zhang Lan nodded.

"How about this, first stop the production of Huaxia looms, leaving only a small number of people for the production of steam vehicles and the production of armored vehicle parts, and now go all out to make hot air balloons"


Zhang Lan said with a wave of his hand, "Deheng, the steam car has no military function. It can only let the soldiers learn to master driving skills in advance. It doesn't take long, and the development of armored cars will be hopeless for a while. The hot air balloon has already been formed, and the current situation requires a new force to win a large-scale victory, so the production of hot air balloons is imperative.”

Ma Jun sighed and said, "Hey, I obey the order."

Ma Jun turned and left, returning to the Shenjiang camp.

Then spread Zhang Lan's meaning to everyone, and then divide the work.

The rush to make hot air balloons has officially started.

Zhang Lan called Guo Jia again and asked him to select soldiers from various armies to serve as the air force, and he must be selected within the time when the hot air balloon was rushed out.

Guo Jia took the order and left.

In the following period of time, every time a hot air balloon was produced, it would be sent directly to the barracks to allow the newly formed air force team to adapt to the air combat environment.

Moreover, this batch of air force has trained many more subjects, not only shooting, but also throwing.

Throw items from high altitude to the set location.

The training of this team is a long-term subject and requires leadership, so Zhang Lan dispatched Ma Dai and the air force team he led back for unified management.

(End of this chapter)

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