Chapter 217 The Big Bang

"Who says girls can't learn martial arts? Didn't my father tell me the story of Hua Mulan? She joined the army instead of her father and became a female general. Why can't I?"

After hearing what her daughter said, Zhang Lan sighed secretly, she really shot herself in the foot.

"Yes yes, but"

"But what, I want to learn." Chen Xi interrupted Zhang Lan directly, and said angrily.

Zhang Lan sighed softly, and could only say helplessly, "Okay, okay, but the evil way is not suitable for you, you'd better wait for Zilong to teach you when he is free, not to mention that the general also needs to learn the art of war, how do you Why not learn the art of war first?"

Chen Xi rolled her eyes, said with a smile, then walked to Zhang Lan, grabbed Zhang Lan's arm and said, "Father, you are the best for Chen Xi, who do you think I can learn the art of war from?"

"This" Zhang Lan was a little speechless, but learning the art of war is better than learning martial arts, and then said, "Feng Xiao, Wen You, Zhong De, Shi Yuan, and Yuan Zhi are all masters of the art of war. You can learn from anyone you want."

"Hey, why is there no Uncle Kong Ming? I think Father's trust in him is even higher than that of Pang Tong."

Although Chen Xi is not very big, she is quite intelligent and can see things clearly.

Hearing this, Zhang Lan explained with a slight smile, "Kong Ming is very talented, but it is not military, but stronger than internal affairs. If you want to learn from a female general, then it is naturally inappropriate to find him."

Chen Xi suddenly realized when he heard the words, and then rolled his eyes again, thinking in his heart, "Uncle Guo Jia is the most favored by the father and emperor, and he is busy with official duties, and he will not focus on me, a woman. Xu Shu and Pang Tong are both in command of the army outside. Impossible, but what about Cheng Yu?I'm not familiar with it, and it must be very strict, so let's find my uncle'

Thinking of this, she chuckled, and said to Zhang Lan, "Don't regret it, don't say I'm obstructing official business."

Seeing Chen Xi like this, Zhang Lan's heart trembled, and she couldn't help asking, "Then who do you choose?"

"Naturally Uncle"

Zhang Lan was taken aback when he heard that, he originally thought that Chen Xi would choose Guo Jia, but he didn't expect to choose Li Ru, but then he understood and laughed.

"a ha ha ha"

"What is Father laughing at?"

Zhang Lan touched Chen Xi's head and said, "I never thought my daughter would be so smart. I don't choose the best one, I just choose the right one. Not bad, not bad."

Chen Xi smiled sweetly. It was obvious that Zhang Lan's praise was very helpful to her. Indeed, which child would not want his parents to recognize him?

"But I can't help you with this matter. Whether Wenyou can teach you or not depends on your own ability."

Who would have thought that Chen Xi didn't care, patted her chest and said, "Father, don't worry about it, Chen Xi will go on her own."

Zhang Lan shook her head with a smile.

"Then, father, then I will go first."

"Well, let's go"

Chen Xi skipped and left.


The surrender of Zhang Xiu and others is undoubtedly a good thing for Zhang Lan now, but how to arrange these people has become a problem.

Although Zhang Xiu, Xu Rong, and Jia Xu were not reused in Liu Bei, it was because of Liu Bei's lack of manpower and high official positions. Now they have taken refuge in themselves. Although they have rebelled, they have never beaten themselves. It is because the form is broken, and I choose to stand on my own.

Now not only did he rely on himself, but he also made meritorious service, and the reward was high. Now the people under him are not convinced, and the reward is low. I am afraid that they also have opinions in their hearts, and another mutiny against him will not be worth the loss.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Lan still decided to hire people without suspicion and not to use people with suspicion.

The military power is still handed over to them, but the official position is slightly lower, so as to ensure that they will not be dissatisfied, and secondly, it will not make the original subordinates repulsed.

A few days ago, Zhang Lan received news that Cao Cao sent Xia Houyuan to fight Lu Bu.

But it was just a symbolic fight, and there were not many casualties.

The meaning is obvious, both of them are afraid of any changes on Zhang Lan's side, and dare not attack them all.

How can I say that Zhang Lan is the most powerful now, and neither Cao Cao nor Lu Bu has any advantages.

After calculation, Zhang Lan decided that Cao Cao was just showing off to the people below, so as not to chill everyone's hearts.

This battle will definitely not last long, and when the time comes, they will definitely turn their guns around and aim at themselves.

And now Zhang Lan is not suitable for taking the initiative to attack, so it can only speed up the progress of the two alliances.


While Zhang Lan was thinking, a roar spread throughout Luoyang.

"what happened?"

Zhang Lan couldn't help asking sharply.

When the guard saw Zhang Lan asking questions, he couldn't help answering, "I don't know."

This answer was naturally expected by Zhang Lan. He just asked casually, "Send someone to investigate immediately."

"According to the purpose"

After a while, the person who went to investigate reported back.

"Your Majesty, the gunpowder 'research base' exploded, the situation is unknown, and more than half of the researchers were killed or injured."

"What!" Zhang Lan turned pale with shock.

The research of this gunpowder is the top priority for Zhang Lan, even more than the research of armored vehicles, but there is no technology as the foundation, and he can only rely on the memory of the 21st century to guide them, so it has not been too big. success.

Now there is a sudden explosion. The key is that more than half of the researchers were killed or injured, so how can he not be in a hurry.

"Go take my horse"

"According to the purpose"

The guard turned and left to lead Zhang Lan's horse.

When the horse was drawn, Zhang Lan immediately got on the horse and galloped towards the 'research base'.

"Get out, get out"

Zhang Lan hurried all the way, and pedestrians on the road gave way.

After all, few people have met Zhang Lan, so the common people don't know Zhang Lan.

And some people told the news to the patrol team in the city, and the patrol team was shocked when they heard the news.

Since there are still people who dare to ride horses and gallop in this Luoyang city, they will go there quickly.

But how could their speed compare to Zhang Lan's Maxima, even Zhang Lan's guards had already been thrown away by Zhang Lan.

When they arrived, they only saw Zhang Lan's guards.

Even so, they didn't dare to go forward and argue.

This phenomenon naturally made the people dissatisfied, but then they thought of the loud noise before, and they were afraid that something had changed, so they appeared in this scene, so they no longer pursued it.

Although it is useless for them to pursue it, even if it is not Zhang Lan.

The thousand-mile horse runs very fast. Although it is not the psychic horses given by the system, it is also much stronger than ordinary horses.

It didn't take long to reach the designated place.

The current 'research base' is already in a mess, and countless people outside are howling on the ground.

More than a dozen doctors were busy investigating the condition of the injured and treating them.

"In the end what happened?"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lan couldn't help shouting and asking.

(End of this chapter)

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