Optimization System of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 220 Xuan Medical College

Chapter 220 Xuan Medical College
After a day and night of rescue, the rescue work finally came to an end.

Those damned ones can't be saved, and those who can be saved have no worries about their lives.

The sky began to clear up, and the guard Zhang Lan had commanded braced himself to stay awake.

Seeing Hua Tuo bandaging his last wounded man, he hurried forward.

"Mr. Hua Tuo, drink some water"

Hua Tuo took the water from him, smiled back, and thanked him, "Okay, thank you."

"Mr. Hua Tuo is polite, this is what we should do, but we should thank you for healing the brothers day and night."

Hua Tuo smiled slightly when he heard the words and said, "It is the job of a doctor to save the dying and heal the wounded, so why bother to thank you?"

The guard scratched his head, and said with a smile, "Hey, my old Wu is a rough man. I don't understand these things. I only know that the gentlemen saved the lives of the brothers. That is the grace of saving lives. The grace of saving lives is the rebirth of parents." "

The guard started talking, but suddenly remembered that Hua Tuo had been exhausted all day and night, and even remembered Zhang Lan's instructions, so he stopped talking and said directly, "Sir, please come with me to rest."

"No need." Hua Tuo waved his hand, "I'll just go back, there are still patients waiting for my treatment."

As soon as the guard heard that Hua Tuo said that he was in trouble, he stopped beating around the bush and said directly, "Sir, don't embarrass me. Before leaving, His Majesty specifically ordered me to take good care of Mr., and the first time after I am done. Time to tell Your Majesty, Your Majesty will come to see you in person, so let me take a rest with you, Mister."

Hua Tuo was taken aback when he heard the words, he couldn't figure out what Zhang Lan meant to see him in person, "Could it be that His Majesty has some hidden disease?"I figured it out. '

He couldn't help thinking that since he thought of this, as a doctor, he naturally couldn't shirk it, so he said, "Okay then, let's lead the way."

"Okay" the guard heard the words and hurried forward to lead the way.

After leading Hua Tuo to the place, he immediately sent someone to the palace to tell Zhang Lan about the matter.

At this time, Zhang Lan was exercising in the morning, and the people who came did not dare to disturb, so they waited aside.

During this period of time, Zhang Lan's martial arts did not improve again, probably because of the bottleneck.

After finishing a set of halberd techniques, the person who came came told Zhang Lan the news.

Zhang Lan cleaned up briefly, then hurried to see Hua Tuo.

The place where Hua Tuo rests is not far from the 'research base', but it is a little far from the palace.

It took Zhang Lan a while to arrive. After all, she was not in a hurry and was not galloping through the city like last time.

After arriving, Zhang Lan learned that Hua Tuo had fallen asleep, so she stopped the guards who were going to wake Hua Tuo, and found a place to sit down by herself, waiting for Hua Tuo.

Time passed quickly, and it wasn't until two hours after Zhang Lan came here that Hua Tuo slowly woke up. Dian Wei wanted to go in and arrest Hua Tuo a few times on the way.Fortunately, Zhang Lan already has this concentration.

"Mr. Hua Tuo, Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time."

Hua Tuo was taken aback when he heard the words, then got up in a hurry, trotted to Zhang Lan and said, "Hua Tuo, a grass-roots man, sees His Majesty"

"Mr. Hua Tuo please get up quickly, please get up quickly"

Zhang Lan hurried forward to support Hua Tuo.

"Your Majesty is here, but the grass people are sleeping soundly, it is really the crime of the grass people"

"Haha, sir, the master of the country, has saved countless people, but I am lucky enough to witness his honor."

Zhang Lan laughed, Hua Tuo saw this, and the atmosphere eased a little.

"Your Majesty really killed this old man."

"Hey," Zhang Lan waved her hand, "Sir, at such an age, but with such a strong body, he is indeed a man of real talent. The five-animal show alone is a blessing to all people."

Hua Tuo was startled when he heard the words, and then he understood.

With Zhang Lan's current status, it is still very easy to investigate some things about her, not to mention that Wu Qin Xi is not a secret, but it is not easy for Zhang Lan to have this vision.

But before he could speak, Zhang Lan said again, "I want to invite my husband to be an official in the court to teach medicine. I don't know what you want?"


For Zhang Lan's solicitation, he really wanted to decline, but Zhang Lan had waited for him for more than two hours outside, so it was hard to just refuse directly.

Zhang Lan also seemed to see Hua Tuo's intentions, so she continued.

"May I ask sir, how many people can be saved by one person?"

Hua Tuo pondered for a moment and replied, "Tuo is not talented, he is the only one in his life, and he has cured more than a hundred people."

While speaking, Hua Tuo couldn't help showing a proud expression.

"If the master teaches ten people, and these ten people rely on the master's true biography, and then heal them, how many people can be cured?"

Hua Tuo was stunned, and Zhang Lan continued, "What if these ten people teach ten more? What's more, Mr. can not only teach ten people."

Hearing this, Hua Tuo was very moved. For so many years, he has been concentrating on medical science, but he has not thought so much, let alone think about these issues from this aspect. It is undoubtedly enlightened by Zhang Lan's words, and he is out of control .

But Zhang Lan didn't wait for his reaction, but struck while the iron was hot, and continued, "A person's energy is limited after all. For example, chopsticks are easily broken, so what about ten?"

After finishing speaking, he asked the guards to bring chopsticks to demonstrate to Hua Tuo.

First one, which broke easily, then ten.

"Pa" Zhang Lan only exerted a little force, and the ten chopsticks broke with a sound.

This made Zhang Lan stunned. The guard next to him wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare.

This made Zhang Lan that embarrassed.

Hua Tuo was also a little irritated, but he understood what Zhang Lan meant.

It's not Zhang Lan's fault, it's just that he didn't consider that he is no longer what he used to be, and the strength required to break ten chopsticks is nothing to him now.

In desperation, Zhang Lan could only say "That, this doesn't count, sir, you come"

Upon hearing this, Hua Tuo bowed his hands to Zhang Lan and said, "Your Majesty's intentions are already known to the grassroots, but now that medical skills are weak, few people are willing to study medicine. I'm afraid they won't be able to work with Your Majesty."

Zhang Lan didn't care about saying, "No one in the world studies medicine. What happens when people in the world are sick? The so-called unintentional study of medicine is just that they feel that there is no future in study medicine. Then I let them think that study medicine has a future. But, as long as the master is willing to teach, then I can have people who really want to learn medical skills before the master."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lan paused for a moment, and then said to the guards, "I pass on my decree, from now on, establish the Xuan Medical College and the Military Medical Camp, and make Hua Tuo the president of the Xuan Medical College, the Xuan Medical Order, and rank third.

Anyone who recruits at the Xuan Medical College does not distinguish between high and low, as long as they sincerely study medicine and graduate successfully, they can enter the court as an official."

"According to the purpose"

The guard led the order, and Hua Tuo was directly blinded by Zhang Lan's move.

(End of this chapter)

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