Chapter 222
"Father, Jianning City is thirty miles ahead."

Cao Ang pointed to the direction ahead and said to Cao Cao.

"Well, take more pictures of horses and horses, and go another ten miles."


As soon as the words fell, I saw a burst of smoke and dust in the distance. Looking at it, it turned out that it was a report from a spy.


Seeing this, Cao Cao immediately pulled the reins and shouted sharply, "Is there an ambush ahead?"

"Report, go back to the king of Shu, there is no ambush ahead, but Meng Huo sent men and horses to come here."

Cao Cao frowned, and immediately said, "Explore again."


The scout immediately took the order and left.

Not long after, another scout came again



"King of Shu, the barbarian general Ah Hui led [-] elite soldiers to fight."



Cao Cao frowned even tighter, and immediately turned his head to Cao Ang and said, "Pass my military order, form an formation, and wait for the arrival of the barbarians."


Cao Ang took the order and quickly conveyed the general's order.

After a while, Ah Huinan's army had arrived in front of him.

Seeing that Cao Cao was ready, he did not attack directly, but set up a formation to confront Cao Cao.

"The one who came was Cao Cao"

Hearing this, Cao Cao flattered his horse and went out to the ranks, saying, "Meng Huo rebelled, why did you help the tyrant to abuse him? If you surrender early, you will be exonerated. If you resist, the day when the army breaks through Jianning is the day when you will die."

But he didn't want Ah Hui to laugh heartily after listening to Cao Cao's words, raised his weapon in his hand, pointed at Cao Cao and said, "I often hear that Cao Mengde is a hero in the world, but now I can't see it, my king rebelled? Haha"

Having said this, Ah Hui laughed again.

Cao Cao's eyes turned cold, and he asked coldly, "Why are you laughing?"

"Let me ask you, is my king a big man? Or you, Xishu?"

Cao Cao's complexion became more serious, but Ah Hui didn't dare Cao Cao, and continued to say, "If you are a big man, you, Cao Cao, are the rebels. We are the loyal ministers of the big man. This is to fight against the rebels for the big man on behalf of Tian Xingdao. If you My king of Xishu is not your subject of Xishu, how can you say you rebelled?"


Cao Cao snorted coldly, then ordered "Archers"

With an order, the archers drew their bowstrings one after another.

Seeing this, Ah Hui also gave an order, and the barbarians rushed towards Cao Cao's army and killed them.


As soon as the words fell, countless flying arrows roamed the sky, scattered from the sky, and shot at the Nanman army.

Countless soldiers of the Southern Barbarians fell in response, and even those who were not killed by the arrow were trampled to death by the soldiers rushing up from behind.

After the soldiers in the first row finished firing their bows and arrows, they pulled back immediately, and the second batch of soldiers came up.


Another round of shooting, more brutal soldiers died on the spot.

"Shields come forward"

The formation changed, the archers withdrew, and the shield soldiers came to the front one by one.

"Zhongye, I will give you 5000 troops, and you will go around from the side to stop the enemy."

"The Last General Takes Order"

Wenpin immediately took orders and led a detour from behind.

At this time, Ah Huinan had already led the troops to kill, and Cao Cao gave another order, and the army attacked and started a hand-to-hand combat.

Not long after the battle, Wenpin's leading troops rushed out from the flanks. Ah Hui was shocked when he saw this, and immediately ordered the barbarians to fight separately.

There was another chaotic battle, and Ah Hui's situation was in jeopardy.

Fortunately, Meng Huo was not without brains, and had already sent his younger brother Meng You to lead the troops to support him.

Seeing that Ah Huinan hadn't heard from Ah Hui for a long time, Meng You immediately sent scouts to investigate.

It happened that Wenpin led the army to go around and kill him.

Meng You's heart trembled, and he immediately led the troops to rescue him.

Originally Ah Huinan's troops had lost their morale, but when they saw the arrival of Meng You's army, they instantly became ready to fight again.

After all, everyone has the desire to survive, and now that they see the hope of survival, how can they not work hard.

The bravery of the barbarian mutiny quickly broke through a hole. Cao Cao was afraid of an ambush in the rear, so he dared not order to pursue him, so he asked Meng You to rescue Ah Huinan.

But even so, the 3 horses led by Ah Huinan also suffered heavy losses.

Cao Cao's side is not much better, it can be said that it hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred.

But after this battle, Cao Cao did not march again, but ordered his men to clean up the battlefield, and then stationed on a hill one mile ahead.

Nothing in the night

The next day, Meng Huo's army came to challenge him.

Cao Cao led the troops out of the camp, looking around, since the leader was a female general.

I saw that the female general had five throwing knives in her back, and she was holding a eight-foot long mark in her hand. The horse she was sitting on was Meng Huo's curly-haired red rabbit horse.

"Is there anyone in Shu who dares to fight me?"

The female general shouted sharply, she was very heroic.

Everyone under Cao Cao's command was silent when they heard the words. After all, the other party was a female general. If he won, it should be taken for granted. They would even be accused of bullying women.

If you lose, it's even worse, you can't even beat a woman, so you can't lose face.

Seeing this, Cao Cao was also helpless, so he ordered one of his young generals to fight.

The female general rushed out to fight the young general.

I don't know if the young general underestimated him because the opponent was a female general, or because of something else.

Since it was only five rounds, the young general was captured alive.

Cao Cao was shocked when he saw this, and immediately ordered Wenpin to rescue him.

The female general was not afraid to see Wenpin rushing towards her, and even went up to meet her.

It was another fight.

But this time Wenpin was careful.

Even though the young general just now had mediocre skills in martial arts, he didn't have the confidence to kill him within ten rounds, let alone capture him alive which was even more difficult.

The two fought for another fifty rounds, the female general seemed exhausted, and then returned flattered.

Wenpin was overjoyed, thinking that the young general just now was captured alive because he underestimated the enemy.

After a few steps, he saw the female general turn over suddenly, and a flying knife rushed towards Wenpin.

Wenpin turned pale with shock and turned sideways in a hurry.

However, he was still a step too slow and was stabbed in the arm by a flying knife.

Wen Pin hastily backed away, but unexpectedly, the female general had already expected this, and at the same time she swung the throwing knife, she turned her horse's head and charged again.

Cao Cao was shocked when he saw this, he didn't expect Wenpin to be defeated so easily by the female general in front of him, he immediately ordered the whole army to attack.

Wenpin wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

He was a step behind the female general, not to mention that the female general was riding Meng Huo's horse, the red rabbit curly horse.

Originally, Wenpin was already injured, but the female general picked up the weapon and captured him alive.

Cao Cao's army charged, and the barbarians naturally would not watch, so it was another scuffle.

The two armies did not lead their troops back to the camp until noon.

Meng got to know that the female general had captured the second general alive, so he hurriedly greeted him.

"Hahahaha, madam is so brave, she captured two generals alive in just one battle, amazing, amazing!"

Meng Huo laughed when he saw the female general.

The female general didn't appreciate it, she glanced at Meng Huo with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly, "Hmph, who is your wife?"

Meng Huo didn't care about it, hehe said, "You and I have a long-standing marriage contract. When we take Cao Cao back, we will get married again."

(End of this chapter)

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