Chapter 11: Scum stay away from me ([-])

An Haoxin woke up with a headache.Looking at the white ceiling, in a daze
"Excuse me, do you want to accept the plot?" The voice of 8888 startled in my mind, the voice of the cute and serious little Zhengtai.

An kind heart:?And the plot?The last mission had no plot, oh... the first mission is a bit special.

"take over."

This is a story of disgusting skin and rotten meat. The original owner Xu Meng is a 17-year-old girl who just entered high school. A lively and lovely girl, she never expected to meet a scumbag and ruin her life.

The original owner, Xu Meng’s family is in a good situation. She is not rich, but she can maintain a normal life. However, her academic performance is not good. This made Xu’s father and Xu’s mother want to find a cram school for the original owner, but they did not find a cram school. Instead, Ban asked his relatives to find a tutor he trusted.

Shen Xiaoning is the original owner's tutor.He is a high school English teacher. He is young, handsome, kind, gentle and considerate. He is a man with no shortcomings in the eyes of outsiders. He has a good reputation.

And it was this kind of person who made the underage Xu Meng a pitiful person one day, and threatened Xu Meng with this and that kind of photo of her, telling her not to tell her so many times that she became his plaything.

Shen Xiaoning looks friendly on the outside, but on the inside he is a beast in clothes.The original owner finally reported Shen Xiaoning to his parents. Xu's parents and Xu's mother didn't expect Shen Xiaoning to be such a person. They went to ask Shen Xiaoning for an explanation, and then planned to call the police. Unexpectedly, Xu's parents and Xu's mother died in a car accident on the way back. Shen Xiaoning later Just post all kinds of photos of the original owner, and slander her, it was the original owner who seduced him, it was the original owner's fault, etc.

The original owner had asked the police for help, but it was of no use.There is not enough evidence to prove that Shen Xiaoning committed his own crime.

The original owner is full of malice on the Internet, abused wantonly, and the address is given by everyone, so some people deliberately come to the door to intimidate and threaten.Some people, like animals, broke into the original owner's house and threatened her, causing the original owner to break down and jump off the roof in the end.But Shen Xiaoning was still at ease, and even showed a mocking expression when the original owner passed away.

At the last moment, the original owner's outburst of hatred attracted the attention of the counterattack system, and An Haoxin possessed him.

Original owner's wish:
One, she wanted Shen Xiaoning to get the punishment he deserved.

Second, protect parents from accidents.

Three, she wants to go to university.

An Haoxin opened her eyes again, her head still hurting so much.

The plot made her feel a little disgusted, she should have called the police the first time she was caught by that, and nothing later would happen.However, she is not the party involved, not the original owner, otherwise how could she be so calm?
Thinking about the timeline when she wakes up, Xu's father and Xu's mother introduced Shen Xiaoning to the original owner as a tutor, and she would come to teach at home every Saturday.

Unfortunately, today happened to be Saturday, and Xu's parents and Xu's mother also went out. They only took four days off from work a month, and they took turns taking rest and taking turns to be on duty.

Looking at the time at 8:30, Shen Xiaoning seems to be coming at 9 o'clock, um, he can continue to sleep. Thinking of this, An kindly sleeps wrapped in a quilt, and sleeps with a headache.

In the process of sleeping, she heard the sound of the doorbell in a trance.

"Master Host, the mission target is at the door."

"Ah, let him sleep."

"Master Host, he took the key and is opening the door."

"Oh..." Huh?key? !Xu's father and Xu's mother gave the key to this scum? !

An good-heartedly covered her head and got up unwillingly, her head still hurts!
System 8888: The host's temper is a bit grumpy today, not easy to provoke.

An Haoxin changed her clothes extremely quickly when Shen Xiaoning entered the house, brushed her teeth and washed her face, and came out of the room.

She didn't want the scum to come to her room to make people feel so dirty, not only in her room, but also in her house.

Find a way to get the key back.

Shen Xiaoning opened the door and saw Xu Meng leaning against the wall of the door with her arms folded, her head slightly lowered, her bangs covering part of her face so that she couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Mengmeng, so you are at home." Shen Xiaoning approached An Haoxin, and whispered in her ear.

The sound is magnetic and gentle.

An Hao raised her eyes and looked at the scumbag Shen Xiaoning.

The man has a docile demeanor, well-groomed hair, a handsome man with a three-point smile on his face, a casual white T-shirt and khaki trousers like a little brother next door, with fruits and snacks in his hands.

Ok.He looks like a human being, but he is a scumbag at the bottom.

Shen Xiaoning noticed that An was looking at him kindly, and he spoke softly in her ear with the corner of his mouth raised.

"What's wrong."

Anhao almost jumped up and covered her ears? ? ?Scum, don't touch your aunt!

"Ms. Shen regards my house as yours?" An kindly retreated from Shen Xiaoning's side, and she said casually when she saw him skillfully put on his slippers and put his things in the living room.

"Mengmeng, I'm your tutor. I have to be responsible for your lessons and safety today. This is my promise to my uncles and aunts, and it's also to you." Shen Xiaoning, who is gentle and considerate, is cutting fruit in the kitchen. Turn on the mobile phone video and put it in a hidden place facing the table in the living room, and then sat on the sofa again and smiled softly.

Oh, I believe you old man.

As soon as Shen Xiaoning came out with the fruit, he saw An's kind smile, chills came from the bottom of his heart, he always felt that Xu Meng had seen through him, he felt that he was overthinking when he asked her intentionally or unintentionally.

Still the same as Xu Meng before, she is not familiar with many high school courses, even the basics.Shen Xiaoning explained next to her, and taught her what formula to substitute.If there is no memory of the original owner, An Haoxin feels that this person's teaching method is quite suitable for the original owner "Xu Meng". It seems that he has done his homework.

"Mr. Shen, are you also so close when you teach other students?" An kindly put down her pen and left Shen Xiaoning slightly, leaning on the sofa and asked lazily.Shen Xiaoning paused, then chuckled lightly:

"what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I forgot. You don't understand human language, I mean stay away from me!" When she said this, An kindly showed a gentle smile, but her tone was indifferent.

Shen Xiaoning pursed his lips, and then he reacted and patted An's head.

"Forget, you are a big girl now."

Shit, can you forget this too?Are you afraid that your brain will be eaten by dogs? !

Afterwards, Shen Xiaoning kept to himself a lot, the snacks and fruits on the table were not touched by An Haoxin and Shen Xiaoning, and the two of them didn't talk except for exchanging topics.

Wow, I was really calm, and I secretly scolded him as a beast and didn't like her.Throw him a 6666 oh.

The day is over, Xu's father and Xu's mother haven't come back, it seems that they are left to work overtime, Shen Xiaoning glanced at the time and An said kindly and kindly: "It's getting late, see you next time."

emm, I don't want to see you anymore, it's because you have no appetite today.She didn't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner!Shen Xiaoning did it on purpose!She glanced at the fruits and snacks in the living room, because she couldn't even order takeaway because of you.

"Master Host, why don't you eat what the mission objective brings?"

"Afraid of being poisoned."

"...It is no problem to scan food according to the system."

"I'm sick."

I didn't take any medicine today, what about next time?Can't give Shen Xiaoning any chance, because the original owner was designed like this.Wutian brought something to eat and Shen Xiaoning's deceitful appearance and actions made the original owner unguarded, and was finally drugged.

Although she has a system, she doesn't want to eat what scum brings.

"48, what can the first-level system do?"

"What do you want me to do?"

An kindly took out the mobile phone hidden in the flower bed. The battery of the mobile phone was dead at the moment, but she had already captured what she wanted.

"Cut it, blur the characters and put it on the website. Don't be too hot, don't make headlines."


"Then check Shen Xiaoning's identity and hack his computer, is there any problem?"

"Woo..." Why does this host know so many system operations! ?It also wants to introduce itself!

(End of this chapter)

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