Chapter 15
During the break, An kindly flipped through the books on her seat, pursed her lips as she looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar textbooks, and sighed deeply.


Suddenly a figure appeared beside her, kicking over An's kindly desk.The books and pens on the desk were scattered on the ground, and the deskmates beside him hurriedly stepped aside, and stood not far away to watch the play with their classmates. Hippie smiling or mocking and joking, they are actually scarier than spectators at this moment.

An Haoxin looked up at the person with a blank expression. The boy had dyed yellow hair. Although he was wearing a school uniform, there were all kinds of graffiti on the uniform.With a ferocious appearance, there is no wave in An Haoxin's dark eyes.

"No matter who you are, lift up my table and pick up my things." The tone was unhurried, cold and terrifying.

Does she not know him?No, she does.Ah, to be precise, the original owner, Xu Meng, knew her but had no contact with her. After all, those who bullied her were all her classmates, how could she provoke a school bully?

Who is he?He is the bully of S High School, Song Hongyu.

Coincidentally, Song Hongyu is Song Huining's nephew.

"Cough, Xu Meng, who do you think you are, who dare to talk to Laozi like that." Song Hongyu was stunned by those extremely dark eyes. Later, Li Feifei saw Song Hongyu was stunned and pulled his clothes. Song Hongyu immediately recovered Consciousness said viciously, and even kicked An Haoxin again. This kick was very painful to kick a girl with all its strength.

An kindly shook her eyebrows: Can I beat him to death?

8888: "I beg the host to calm down, you will go to jail if you kill him!"

"Aw!" Suddenly Song Hongyu yelled, and everyone was still at a loss as to what had happened.Seeing Song Hongyu kick on the chair, Song Hongyu screamed in pain.Just now he kicked the table with a little force and felt nothing, but he used a lot of force to kick Xu Meng, who knew that Xu Meng suddenly stood up from the chair to avoid his kick, and then kicked directly to the chair because of inertia, the chair Fly his feet useless.

At the next moment, the students were all stunned, only seeing Xu Meng's weak and small appearance, grabbed Song Hongyu's collar, and said softly:
"Help the table up" in a low tone, Song Hongyu looked up and saw those emotionless eyes, his heart skipped a beat, he doubted very much that if he refused, he would be beaten up by the girl in front of him.

He was called by Li Feifei, Li Feifei and Song Hongyu were childhood sweethearts.Song Hongyu liked Li Feifei, so Li Feifei deliberately mentioned his wrist and Xu Meng in front of him, and he immediately asked Xu Meng to avenge Li Feifei, and he didn't expect to kick the iron board.

"Help the table up." An said again kindly, as if she was on the bar, but her tone became colder when she listened carefully.Song Hongyu shuddered and complained in a low voice.

"If you don't let me go, how can I support the table."

An Haoxin: "..."

With a slap, An Haoxin let go of the hand tightly holding Song Hongyu's collar, and Song Hongyu sat down on the ground. He wanted to stand up but found that his legs were weak.

An Hao took a casual look at Song Hongyu's appearance, heh, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.Then she stared at Li Feifei, Li Feifei's scalp became numb from her gaze, and the expressionless An Hao finally smiled.

Li Feifei: This is even scarier, okay?

Under the weird eyes of everyone, the school bully Song Hongyu obediently helped the table up and picked up the scattered books and pens, then bowed at 90 degrees and left without saying anything.

When I left, the soles of my feet trembled.

Li Feifei's group never troubled An's kindness, and the others didn't want to bully An's kindness as far as they could.

In general, it is unlikely that Yue An has good friends in S High School.

"Xu Meng, Teacher Shen is looking for you." When school was over, Shen Xiaoning's student came to An Haoxin, and An Haoxin raised her eyebrows at this.She packed her schoolbag, and when she walked out of the classroom with her schoolbag on her back, she heard the systematic voice of 8888 in her head.

8888: "Release the system side task: help the guardian of the plane."

An kind heart:? ? ?What?What?who I am?Where am I?what am i doing
(End of this chapter)

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