Chapter 25

An kindly listened to what Wu Yue said about Shen Xiaoning's past, she wanted to complain like an old lady, and wanted to quit.

What is this plane doing?Large-scale suspenseful reasoning drama? !
Brother, I won't take you to play like this.

She has already received two plots, both of which are particularly suspenseful, thriller, reverse, and quickly refresh Shen Xiaoning's recognition, and the third plot is the story relayed by Wu Yue, the nature of which is the same.

Can you lie down, I'm so tired.

Back in time, when Wu Yue talked about Shen Xiaoning's past, he might as well be talking about himself.

He didn't know where to take out a photo, which showed a group of children and several adults.

An kindly saw the words on the photo: Hope Orphanage.

Then I heard Wu Yue's deep voice talking about the long past.

Shen Xiaoning came from the same orphanage as him, and Shen Xiaoning was not alone at the time, his twin brother was named Shen Mingcong.Two people are exactly the same because they are twins.It's just that their personalities are very different. Shen Xiaoning's actions are gentle and gentle, like the wind in spring and the water in summer.

Shen Mingcong was more like a volcano that was about to erupt, imminent.Many times, he was bullying the children in the orphanage, deliberately framing the children.

Therefore, everyone in the orphanage liked Shen Xiaoning very much, and respected and kept Shen Mingcong at a distance.

Shen Xiaoning is very kind to his only younger brother, Shen Mingcong, and will give Shen Mingcong any good things as soon as possible, and also protects Shen Mingcong very much.

Wu Yue is a bullied character in the orphanage, and the targets of bullying are other older children.Wu Yue was oppressed by the older children for a long time, but at that time, even if Wu Yue told the dean when he was young, although the dean helped him, he would only be bullied even worse when the dean left, and he could only bear it silently .

At this time, Shen Xiaoning stepped forward to stop those older children, which gave Wu Yue a moment of peace.

The day things started to change was when Hope Orphanage got a new director and a new female counselor.I hope that there will be no more hope for the orphanage. Shen Xiaoning is often called away by the female counselor, and every time he comes back, he will see red welts or some indescribable marks on his body.

Suddenly one day, Shen Mingcong fell from upstairs, and the blood flowing from his body was very dazzling.

That day, Shen Xiaoning and Shen Mingcong were called to the dean's room at the same time, and he remembered Shen Xiaoning's mournful voice that day.

After Shen Mingcong's death, Shen Xiaoning actually seemed to be a different person, very scary.

When this incident happened, the dean blocked the entire orphanage and ordered everyone, including the children, not to speak out about these things or they would face corporal punishment.

The children in the orphanage were terrified, as very few children had been called out alone after this incident.And Shen Xiaoning was shadowed by this incident and was also locked in a small dark room by the counselor. Wu Yue went to visit him secretly, and saw him staring at the dark corner with red eyes.

Not long after, Wu Yue was adopted.Wu Yue's young heart was also happy because he was adopted and could stay away from the orphanage, but what he never expected was that the person who adopted him was actually an organ trafficker. He was arrested rather than adopted. Have done organ transplants in the past.

He met Shen Xiaoning in that black clinic, and he was also locked in there. Shen Xiaoning thought of some way to escape with Wu Yue.

It's just that Wu Yue accidentally fell into the trap when he was running away, which was full of glass shards.His face was destroyed at that time, after they escaped Ascension, they reported the illegal trade in orphanages and black clinics, and the media made a big splash about it.

Later, Shen Xiaoning was adopted, while Wu Yue stayed in the New Hope Orphanage, but he has always been sponsored by Shen Xiaoning.

The later story is almost understood without telling, and An Hao's head hurts a little.

Twins, orphanages.

It can be a little more complicated.

From his point of view, Wu Yue sees that Shen Xiaoning has no problems, but in An Hao's eyes, she feels that Shen Xiaoning was definitely not a good person when she was a child.

In the early days of Wu Yue's memory, Shen Xiaoning was really gentle.But after Shen Mingcong passed away, Shen Xiaoning's character became even more withdrawn.

Presumably because of the death of the brother, this change is normal.

It's just that the sense of disobedience is a bit heavy...

After An Hao listened to the story, she bid farewell to Wu Yue and left.After Wu Yue finished talking about these things, he felt much more relaxed. He had watched her leave, but when An was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and asked a question.

"How did you fall into the trap?"

"Ah?" Wu Yue paused, not knowing why she would ask such a question.If you fall, you will fall. No matter how you fall in, it is impossible to be pushed down by others.

push down?
"..." Wu Yue seemed to have thought of an important point, and he was stunned.An Hao didn't continue to pester him, let alone explain to him, but left quickly.

8888 told her that Xu's father and Xu's mother were rushing home, and she should hurry home.

(End of this chapter)

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