Chapter 29

"Xu Wenhua, I'm here this time to find you." An kindly shook her hair on her shoulders, and said to herself.Xu Wenhua looked at her in a daze, she didn't have any impression of her and didn't know why she was looking for him.

Sister Yao saw that the girl in front of her was looking for Xu Wenhua as if she knew her, and she remembered what happened to Lin Lefei just now, Lin Lefei was implicated by Xu Wenhua?Then Xu Wenhua can't just stay in the kiln, he can only send her away, otherwise the owner will know that he was implicated by Xu Wenhua, and the people in the kiln will be killed.

She was glad that Lin Lefei was calling outside instead of here.

Lin Lefei called Lin Ruicheng, and was honestly explaining what happened to him just now.Lin Ruicheng was about to go out when his cell phone rang.

Oh, it's Lin Lefei's illegitimate son on the phone.

While listening to Lin Lefei's phone call, he watched 06 send him a kind message from An in his mind.

His head was about to explode, so he wanted to provoke that woman.

But he also knows what Lin Lefei, the illegitimate son, is doing outside. This time he doesn't know how Lin Lefei provoked her, but she revealed from the system communication that she wanted to take time out of Lin Lefei's old background, so he understood what she wanted. Lin Lefei made life worse than death.

"Lin Lefei, take care of yourself."

After saying this, he hung up Lin Lefei's phone, turned around to talk to the old man, and by the way, reported to the police to report to the kiln, which was just a matter of effort.

Anyway, one word draws the salary from the bottom of the pot, and it can be dealt with as it should be dealt with, no matter how ruthless it is.

Anyway, he wasn't Lin Ruicheng, even Lin Ruicheng himself didn't like the illegitimate child, and wished he could go up and tear the illegitimate child up.

An Haoxin in the kiln had already learned about the accident at the Hope Orphanage from Xu Wenhua, and she left after hearing it.

Later, the kiln was sealed off, and the leadership was arrested, causing a sensation in S City.Of course, this is something to say later, in addition to asking Xu Wenhua about what happened back then, she also had to attend the family gathering of Xu's family.

Ah, it's not so much a family reunion as it is to inform the rich family about Xu's parents and Xu's mother's return to the rich family, and countless people from the wealthy family were invited.

Lin family, Xu family, Song family.

The three families in S city stand together, and in the future, the Jian family will squeeze out the Song family and come from behind.

Most of the Lin family participated in politics, followed by merchants.

The Xu family and the Song family are both businessmen, doing business.

The Xu family tends to be practical and is involved in entertainment but politics is a weak point. The Song family prefers entertainment and is more inclined to politics.

Xu Meng will be a fashion design company in the future, not relying on the Xu family but on her own ability and diplomacy.This is what An Haoxin admires very much, but now the original owner has not yet grown up, so she just needs to take the exam for the university.

By the way, the original owner knows what she learned.

But her own ability, she won't be able to leave the original owner.

An kindly resolved Xu Wenhua's matter, so she contacted Lin Ruicheng and exchanged 10 points for a dress.Lin Ruicheng once again saw An's kind-hearted stingy and bargaining, and he was sure that she was Li Shu from the previous mission.

It cheated his 2w points.

Lin Ruicheng has a good eye, and the dresses he chose are very suitable for the original owner Xu Meng's style.

Xu's father and Xu's mother's dresses are also the shopping guides of Lin's shopping mall. They are responsible for choosing the most exquisite suits and dresses that are very suitable for Xu's father and Xu's mother's personal style.

Mama Xu is gentle and elegant, wearing a peacock blue handmade cheongsam.Xu's father looked energetic in a black suit, Xu's father and Xu's mother's appearance was online, and Xu's mother was very confident holding Xu's father on her arm.After all, when I was young, I was also a generation of school beauties. In that era, the school beauties were judged to have good looks and real skills.

An Haoxin's curly black hair draped over her shoulders. She walked slowly into the arena in a green suspender tube top dress. The suspenders highlighted her charming shoulders, her delicate swan neck and her flawless collarbone. The straps on the back showed her Beautiful butterfly bone and beautiful back.

The three-dimensional cut waist of the skirt shows her small waist, and the front skirt is wavy from the waist to the ground, which is elegant and flexible, making her thighs appear slender.

Xu Meng's appearance has inherited the perfect side of Xu's father and Xu's mother. Although she is not the kind of peerless beauty, she is very unique. In the past, her obstinacy made this beauty a little stagnant and not obvious, but Xu Meng's beauty is when she shows her confidence. Flying in the sky like an eagle learning to fly, proud and wild like a cheetah chasing its prey, it is also a star in the sky, although it is not bright, it is still a star.

Everyone present noticed her. Lin Ruicheng was leaning against the wall with a stern face. When she looked at him, he raised the wine glass in his hand and mouthed to her:


Then he drank the mellow and sweet red wine in one gulp, the corners of his mouth raised, and he seemed to have found a treasure in this endless plane.

No, he had this feeling in the last plane.

But he is more clear, who can make such a woman submit to her?
The rebelliousness in her bones can't be washed away even if her bones are blown away, her rebellion in her blood can't be washed away.

Don't know who she is, but she's definitely not from this organization.

The raider Lin Zheng looked at Xu Meng, who looked like a star, and he was at a loss.My mission goal has changed from A-level to SSSG+ level, what a damned system this is.

Hey... When did the goal become so difficult, unconsciously he understood in his heart that he had failed in this clearing task, and if he could beat the SSSG+ level, he could try to clear the main system, which is also SSS+.

At the Xu family's banquet, people from the Song family also came, including Shen Xiaoning.Shen Xiaoning stared closely at the radiant man, brushing his fingertips over his heart.The almost impeccable intuition told him that Xu Meng, who exuded a charming personality, was the one he was thinking of.

He wanted to drag her into hell, to make her beg him, to make her admire him.

Just like when she stepped on him like mud, she said the most indifferent words with the most contemptuous eyes:

"You are my opponent? are just a hot chicken."

In the memory, her appearance has long been blurred, but now that she looks at the person who has attracted so much attention, her face gradually becomes clearer.

He gasps, he aches, he rejoices, he adores.

Until the future, until now.

She looked over with her eyes and noticed that something was wrong with Shen Xiaoning.The emotion in his eyes seemed to be shrouded by a strong wind, and the almost crazy obsession devoured him.

System 8888: "The aura of destruction in Shen Xiaoning's body has intensified."

An Haoxin: "What the hell? The breath of destruction?"

System 8888: "Yes, I don't know why Shen Xiaoning's soul has an indicator of destruction. This indicator is directly at the peak."

Destruction can only really appear when the plane collapses. Now that the destruction has come in advance, this plane is in danger.

An kindly noticed this, and Lin Ruicheng naturally noticed it too.

(End of this chapter)

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