See Chapter 35, The Eldest Princess ([-])

8888: "Welcome back" (`)**
An, who returned to the system space, lay down on the bed bought by 8888, and fell asleep as if I was sleepy, so I went to bed first and said something later.

When An Haoxin woke up and opened her eyes, she saw the task template in front of her, and she was very tired.

Mission: All points are doubled due to the increased difficulty of missions.

One, she wants Shen Xiaoning to get the punishment he deserves. (Completed, completion bonus points +3000. Extra task: expose Shen Xiaoning's true face points +4000 (cannot be doubled))

Second, protect parents from accidents. (Completed, complete reward points + 2000. Recognize them as ancestors + 1000 points (cannot be doubled))

Three, she wants to go to university. (Completed, completion bonus points +2000)

Total points: 1w9
Side task: Help the guardian of the plane (completed + 3w points)

Gift from the plane (the plane expresses gratitude to the tasker for what he has done): Shen Xiaoning's Heart of Destruction x 1, Blessing from the plane x 1.

An kind heart:? ? ?Shen Xiaoning's heart of destruction? ? ?What the hell?

She really wanted to pull out the front plane and ask it what it meant, but unfortunately it was impossible.

And the blessing of the latter plane is similar to the halo of the heroine, which can complete the task more perfectly, and the affinity bonus can be superimposed.

8888 whispered in her ear, saying that this mission was simply poisonous.

An Hao didn't say anything, but she saw that the system space had changed a lot, much bigger than when she came in, and there were other scattered furniture, which had a sense of life.

An kindly smiled at this, and asked 8888 to bring up the property panel.

Name: An Haoxin (22 years old)
No.: 8888
Level: Level 1 (random tasker)
Points: 26000+19000 (45000/500000)

Ability: Mind Control
Items: Heart of True Love, SSS+Gene Fluid, Heart of Broken World (not to be discarded, not to be used.) Heart of Destruction,

Special: Ice ability (bound, only available on special planes.) Blessing of planes (continuously valid)
The heart of destruction is not like the heart of true love, which is a crystal love heart, but a beating heart with the power of destruction wrapped around it.

An Haoxin saw that it was still beating like a human heart, she was dumbfounded.

An kind heart: (_)
System 8888: (○o○)
Her place is not a place to store human organs, and she has no habit of collecting organs, especially this heart belongs to Shen Xiaoning.

When An Haoxin was thinking about how to place the Heart of Destruction, the Heart of World Brokenness suddenly moved. Under An Haoxin's nose, it expanded into a ball of light the size of a football, wrapping the Heart of Destruction.

"Master host!" 8888 hastily reminded his host, and An kindly waved his hand in a carefree attitude towards this situation.

It's just that it was fine that the Heart of Destruction wasn't wrapped by the Heart of Brokenness before, but now it's wrapped.The entire system space is filled with the beating sound of the heart of destruction, and the heartbeat in the noisy An Haoxin's chest is also beating along with it.

The Broken Heart broke even more, and the beating sound of the Destroyed Heart became more intense.The two of them are at a stalemate, one wants to eat the heart of destruction, and the other wants to break free.

An Haoxin watched quietly, watching how they killed herself.

I want to eat melon seeds, hey...

Suddenly, a feeling of grievance came from Broken Heart, which surprised An Haoxin a little, but she didn't help them and let them go.

Anyway, it's not a good thing, since you want to eat it, you have to bear the backlash from the other party.And vice versa, it's not cheating to ask her to step in, just quit.

"48, the next plane." After watching for a long time, the battle between Broken Heart and Destroyed Heart would not stop for a while, and she was a little tired and didn't want to watch it, so she directly told 8888 to go to the next task.

"Okay, Master Host." 8888 is very happy that Master Host will take the initiative to go to the next plane.

"However, 48, you have to look at them both."

8888: "OK"

"Mission transmission..."

"Mission transmission completed."

(End of this chapter)

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