Chapter 4 Survival in the End Times ([-])

Zhuo He was very hungry, but he was still very gentle when eating.He noticed that the woman sitting in the driver's seat was looking ahead blankly. The world has been occupied by dust. Prior to this, major natural disasters occurred all over the world, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcano eruptions...

The dense fog of dust was originally the flying dust caused by the collapse of the city, and then slowly covered the entire atmosphere, making the entire earth a gray piece.The land under our feet is fragmented. It is actually inconvenient to drive, but it is better than going out to inhale the smog.But what An Haoxin is most worried about is that the entire earth will have no sun due to the thick dust and fog, and also because of natural disasters, it is very likely that the earth will have no heat, and the temperature will drop sharply.

System 8888 popped up suddenly: "Master Host, there is something approaching in the dense fog."

An Haoxin: "..."

Don't tell her that monsters were born in the last days.

System 8888: I implore the host to verify the size of my psychological shadow.

Zhengtaiyin's system 8888: "My lord, the end of the world cannot be controlled by the end of the world, because the laws of heaven and earth have been disrupted. Only when new laws of heaven and earth appear can the end of the world be stopped." So anything can happen in the end of the world, just See if you can survive, everything is unknown.

An kindly wiped her face, she didn't have confidence in her character, especially she didn't want to do such a task that required character very much.

"Roar" Suddenly, a huge monster appeared in front of Zhuohe and An Haoxin, its whole body was pitch-black, and upon closer inspection, the black pitch-black was one stone after another, and there were red lines at the places where the stones were connected. It was flowing, An kindly guessed that it couldn't be magma.

Zhuo He immediately frowned when he saw the monster, and he reminded the person in a daze in the driver's seat: "Go!"

An Hao gave him a sideways glance, and quickly turned to the car and stepped on the gas pedal to try to get away from the monster as quickly as possible.

But when she stepped on the accelerator and was about to run, she saw the monster jump...jumped up...and pounced on it from the rearview mirror!

"I'm a big one!" An Haoxin swears for the first time, Zhuohe turned his head and saw such a powerful scene, and he twitched the corners of his mouth.

It didn't take a few seconds for An Haoxin to drive away until the monster jumped up. In addition, the monster's huge body jumped and pounced and overturned An Haoxin's car.

Zhuohe reacted much faster than An's kindness. The moment he lifted the car, he opened the door and rushed out. He rolled on the ground and then got up. His hair was messy and his glasses went nowhere. He stared at the monster coldly. Covering his mouth and nose, he moved the fingers of his right hand and there was a gust of cold air on the fingertips.

But An Haoxin didn't have such good skills and luck, she rolled over with the car, and her head hit the car window hard.Not only was his head badly bleeding, but his whole body was in sore pain that he was dying.

The moment the car hit the ground, the window shattered, and An Haoxin was thrown out of the car. She fell to the ground with a bang, and An Haoxin cried out as she felt the pain of fractures in her limbs to varying degrees.

An Haoxin: ... Who did she provoke?
System 8888: "Master Host, the heroine of the world is online."

An kind heart:? ? ?

This day has not yet passed. The male and female protagonists have gone online one after another. This is the rhythm of killing cannon fodder.

Emmm, I don't know if I'm forced to die or not, anyway, after meeting the male lead, An Haoxin almost belched.

Cherish life and safety, stay away from male and female protagonists.

When the monster was about to step forward, he saw a blue electromagnetic light directly penetrate the monster's head and hit the ground, forming a huge earth pit. The eyes of the people watching jumped.

With a "boom", I turned around and saw the monster fell to the ground, red liquid flowing out, steaming and making a chi-chi sound.

This is clearly magma, the male protagonist Zhuo He squinted his eyes subconsciously when he saw this, his eyes exuded strong interest, as for An Haoxin, the person who just gave him food, he didn't even look at it.

"Oh, there are still people here. I thought all human beings were dead." A beautiful and domineering female voice came from a distance, but the content of what she said made people uncomfortable.

An Hao got up from the ground, uh... not counting getting up, but changing from lying face down like this to lying down on her back. She turned her head on her side and still dripped tears from her face to the ground. As for the pain I feel blocked by the system 8888.

An kindly: "Didn't it mean that the system functions cannot be used normally?"

System 8888: "Oh, then I cancel?"

An Haoxin: "Tsk, forget it." She didn't want to die in pain, and she was already crying before the system blocked her pain.However, after getting out of the car, I realized that the smog was too severe, and after two inhalations, a large amount of dust would directly enter the throat.She barely covered her mouth and nose with her hands, but her eyes were on the male lead. She didn't know when a tall, curvy beauty was floating in the air and her index finger was hooking the male lead Zhuo He's chin to make him look up. look at yourself.

Her expression was unrestrained, her mouth was full of spring and she licked her lips from time to time, while the beautiful woman looked at the hero Zhuohe with aggressive eyes, she seemed to have taken a fancy to the hero.

Speaking of which, there are pink bubbles scattered around her, and even the smog can't enter her body. This is probably because the heroine has her own beauty and drives away the smog.

"Man, I seem to feel excellent genes in you. If you want, I can reproduce with you." The beauty leaned over and sniffed Zhuohe's body with her sensitive nose, and she immediately became very interested.

"cough cough"

When An Haoxin heard these words, she coughed violently.

The heroine is so domineering, I applaud and give you a thumbs up.

May I ask the male lead, have you followed the female lead?
Then look at Zhuo He, the hero of the world, who treats the heroine of the world with disgust on his face. He turned sideways and kept a certain social distance from the heroine.

When the hero and heroine hear someone coughing, they will definitely turn their heads to look at the source of the sound.

The heroine: "She can't be your woman, she looks really ordinary. Compared with her, I am more suitable for you."

The heroine ignored the hero and her, and she became more interested in Zhuohe.She knows that her charm is very great, and most men will surrender and admire her when they see her, and they will kneel at her feet and become her nourishment.

Therefore, it is really rare for Zhuo He to be so indifferent to her.

Moreover, there was a delicate fragrance on his body, which smelled very good. This smell was like poison, which made her addicted, as if she smelled it for a while.

In fact, this kind of thinking can be expressed in a simple sentence: man, you have attracted my attention.

As a passer-by, An Haoxin inexplicably became a female cannon fodder compared with the heroine, facing the heroine's declaration of sovereignty, An Haoxin wiped her face.

An Haoxin: "..." This should be the end of the world, where does the female version of the domineering president come from? !

(End of this chapter)

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