See Chapter 45, The Eldest Princess ([-])

An Haoxin has long since discovered that someone is following her, because of the original owner's talent, now she is slowly digging out the original owner's talent, and in the end she will definitely know everything in this world when there is a wind blowing, and she can't hide even a little bit of wind and grass realm.

This is awesome, but it's a bit embarrassing, she can't keep her mental power covered in the wind, it's very tiring.

She can do it herself, but the original owner can't, maybe in the future at least not now.

Okay, a bit of a mouthful.

She changed the strength of the wind, and the sharpness directly obliterated those who followed her.

Whether the other party is innocent or not, she doesn't know.But she has to be responsible for the original owner, and this kind of person cannot be kept.

She has no compassion, nor does she embrace the world like the original owner, nor does she seem to have cut off her emotions and desires like the national teacher Ruowu Wuyou.

The only thing she can do is to complete the task and ensure the satisfaction of the original owner.

After An kindly killed the follower, she did not immediately return to Xiaoxiao Bamboo Forest Yard, but went to the branch of the moon. She isolated the demon king with the wind and held him in her hand. No one saw what she was holding. , because they all stared at An's kind face.

Feng Qingwu's appearance is stunning, because she is indifferent and completely unattainable, and she is a witch, so she naturally has an unusual affinity.

Ordinary people in the imperial city are full of admiration for her,

But An Haoxin didn't notice them, but she was thinking about another thing in her heart. If Yue Zhuo is a mixed blood of human and demon, what about Yue Jin?Is he?Or does he know that Yue Yuyue is a hybrid of human and demon.

An Hao stood on the branch of the moon, she paused slightly and looked around to make sure there were no other buildings before she looked at the road in front of her.

Phoenix trees are planted on both sides of the road, and Phoenix flowers are blooming on the trees, which are gorgeous and prosperous.

On the other side of the road is the branch of the moon, she walked over.

There are not unicorns or lions but two rabbits at the door, which are cute but too strange.

When I looked up, I saw that the vermilion gate was wide open, and there was no one on duty here.An kindly rubbed her temples, what kind of trap is there in this situation?After thinking about it, An Haoxin still walked up to the branch on the moon.

8888 turned on the navigation, told her where Yuejin was, and told her how to get there.

An kindly found Yuejin, and Yuejin was sitting on a wooden wheelchair under a very gorgeous phoenix tree in bloom, looking at the flowers on the phoenix tree, and there was a rabbit in his arms. Brush the rabbit's fur.

Yuejin's temperament is soft and gentle, very similar to the rabbit in his arms, but also extremely alienated.

Yuejin is like Moshang, people are like jade, it's a pity for Young Master Shi Wushuang to have his legs.

"Yuejin has met the eldest princess." Yuejin noticed the existence of An Haoxin, and he moved the wheelchair with his hand brow.

"Do you know me?" Feng Qingwu was raised by Ruowu Wuyou since she was a child, except that she would go to the altar with Ruowu Wuyou on the day of sacrifice. At that time, she was always wearing heavy makeup and wearing a veil, and everyone knew She is the eldest princess but she doesn't know what she looks like, so she dares to show her face.

Yue Juan didn't recognize her, but Yue Jin knew it was her.

Yuejin stroked the rabbit, squinting slightly, showing a lazy look.

An kindly asked 8888 if Yuejin was a hybrid of human and demon. 8888 was silent for a while before opening his mouth.

"He's not a hybrid of a human and a demon, a demon. But it's different from a demon. It's a bit like a mixture of a fairy and a demon. The fairy energy is more mellow than the demon energy."

"Could it be that he is a mixed blood of fairy and demon?"

"...Lord host, he is a boss who became a fairy with a demon body." Originally, he became a fairy with a demon body, so the demon body should be replaced with a fairy body.But this person's body is definitely a demon body with immortal energy.

It was also because of the mixture of monster energy and immortal energy that caused his legs to be unable to move, 8888 and An explained kindly.An kindly expressed her understanding, but she was more wary of Yuejin.

In the plot, it was never said that Yuejin was a demon who became a fairy, ah, and it was never said that Yuejuan was a mixed blood of a human and a demon.

"Eldest princess, do you think the phoenix flower is beautiful?" Yuejin didn't answer An Haoxin's question, but instead asked An Haoxin.

An Hao took a look at the phoenix tree in the yard and the red flowers on the phoenix tree. She was puzzled but answered truthfully.

"The phoenix flower was originally the favorite flower of the first lord of Fengyang. In the past, the whole Fengyang was full of phoenix flowers. It was as red as a flame and resembled the feathers of a phoenix."

An Haoxin: "..."

May I ask how she hit the button of this person to tell the story, just like the plot of the npc was suddenly inspired.An Haoxin searched in her mind about the first monarch of Fengyang...

Fengning Qi, female.

The daughter of Phoenix, the founder of Fengyang.

At the time of birth, all birds face the phoenix.

At the time of death, heaven and earth cry.

And then... it's gone.

The original owner only had this memory, and she had read all of these from ancient books. There was very little information about Feng Ningqi, probably because it was too long ago.

"When I met her, I was a little demon who hadn't transformed yet, and she was already a monarch."

"Excuse me, let me ask. You... a little demon who has not yet transformed, are you a demon?" An Hao knew his identity from the bottom of her heart, but she still appeared to be ignorant on the surface.

Yue Jin looked at An Haoxin with a little disgust... Yue Jin, who was originally a handsome son, looked a little strange at this moment.

Ok!This is completely different from Ruowu Wuyou. If Ruowu Wuyou doesn't care what you do, he will lose if he has an expression.

 Give me a vote and let me be ranked, not too high.

  ( ) pinch your flesh
(End of this chapter)

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