Chapter 474 The Golden Witch
"Deng dong dong~" the music sounded, and An Haoxin opened her eyes to see the golden ceiling and a large group of people wearing masks and cloaks sitting below.

And she was lying on a white blanket, wearing a gold floor-length gown.Three-meter-long golden wavy long hair hangs behind her, and behind her lies a big golden lion.

It was like an exhibit for everyone to see. As soon as she opened her eyes, she heard the noise below.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this beautiful woman is a witch from Glory City, known as the "Golden Witch"."

Well, wearing golden clothes and having golden hair is the "Golden Witch"?
No, the Golden Witch is just a collective name, and the meaning of the Golden Witch itself is actually a treasure.

Every Golden Witch possesses a world's treasure, which is her own precious blood.

The blood of the golden witch is golden, which is the blood of the gods. As long as you drink it for a long time, that person will live a long life and even stay young forever.

"Everyone, the starting price for "Golden Witch" is [-] million gold coins."

In an instant, the whole hall was buzzing with people, An Haoxin sat up, her blond hair drooped, and she leaned lazily on the furry lion.

Because she moved, the auctioneer was a little surprised, because he knew that the auction house used a very large dose of drugs to make her unconscious, and she was able to wake up at this time.

And when she woke up, she didn't show any expression of fear at all, she even showed an expression of enjoyment.

She was unconscious before and the other party also believed that there would be no problems with her drug, so there was no restraint on her body at all. An Haoxin suddenly stood up, with the corners of her mouth raised.

He brushed his long golden hair back with his hand, and walked to the side of the auction stage close to the audience with bare feet and stepping on the steps of a queen.

The staff on the auction stage were taken aback for a moment, at a loss for what to do. After all, what should I do if the auction item moved by itself?
"Hello everyone, my generation is Sydney Sasha, a golden witch, a witch with the blood of the legendary god." An Haoxin suddenly crossed her legs, bowed and made a big gift, but the corners of her mouth rose wildly.

Looking up again, the originally brown eyes turned into golden pupils, and both women and men who stared at her were attracted by the magic power of her body.

"So I don't know, everyone, how crazy you can be for the witch's blood? Let us see."

In an instant, the confusion became louder, and the auction price was crazily called out, while An Yang smiled kindly, but she glanced at the people upstairs who were sitting in the box.

Afterwards, she turned around neatly, and the long, shining golden skirt flung out an arc.

She didn't care about the shouts of those people. Behind her, the big lion, which was two or two times bigger than her, came to An Haoxin, lowered her head, rubbed her hand, and then lay down again.

And she sat directly on the body of the big lion, with her legs crossed, watching the group of people dispute for her like a queen.

The people in the auction house planned to quell the turmoil, but they didn't expect those people to be even crazier. There are obviously many earls and viscounts from various countries here.

"Oh? Everyone upstairs, don't you want to bid?" Her crisp voice was like a ding-dong of hot summer spring water. As soon as she spoke, a man came to the auction stage.

"I, I am willing to give all my wealth, please leave with me, Mrs. Witch!"

An Hao nodded and smiled, and said evilly, "Oh? Is your wealth worthy of my honor as a golden witch?"

The man looked at the smile of the beauty in front of him, and was stunned for a moment, and he muttered to himself.

" can I match her! No...why I can't match her! Why!" After he finished speaking, he went crazy, An kindly stroked his hair with his fingers, the golden eyes were still as bright as the sun, and the corner of his mouth The smile is more charming.

"You say, can your wealth compare with ours' preciousness?"

An's kind voice flowed into everyone's hearts like gurgling water, and at that moment they felt a kind of unwilling anger, yes, the witch is so beautiful and noble, how can ordinary treasures be worthy of her! ?
For a while, they actually had the will to die, and some even directly wanted to commit suicide.

An Haoxin seemed to turn a blind eye to this and not hear it, she was just laughing, smiling so innocently.


Suddenly a voice that was more pleasant than An Haoxin appeared, and everyone stopped their movements. An Haoxin leaned against the big lion and subconsciously watched a man holding a scepter appear on the second floor.

Silver hair, purple eyes, white robe, red shawl.

A holy and perfect man, his appearance is very delicate, carefully polished bit by bit, everyone's aesthetics is different, but this man's stunning beauty is perfect, a well-designed doll.

There was no expression in his purple eyes, he just stared at An Haoxin calmly.

Ritual of Light, Listening to the Shining
An Hao chuckled softly, tilted her head, and squinted her eyes.

"Hey, the blood of God is also shed. My generation is a witch, but Your Excellency is the Son of God. It's really unfair."

The next moment she stood up again, patted the big lion, and the big lion also got up.

She stroked her hair and smiled almost maniacally.

"Everyone—are we beautiful?"

Everyone looked at her and instantly replied.

"My lord witch, the most beautiful!"


Ling Yao narrowed her eyes, seeing this, An Haoxin curled her lips, and suddenly she opened her hands.

"Then, for such a beautiful me, are you willing to sacrifice your life?!"

Witch Instinct Temptation!


A group of people spoke in unison, and suddenly the golden hall began to see blood.

Ling Yao's face sank, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

The next moment, Lingyao teleported to An Haoxin, stepping on a place only one step away from her.

The light that appeared on Lingyao's fingers was the light of deep sleep, An Hao heartily came up and slapped him.

Ling Yao was stunned by the beating, the sleeping light disappeared, An kindly looked at him with irony in his eyes.

"Holy Son, none of the people here is innocent, what you do will only make God hate them even more~"

"But what does this matter have to do with us, bye bye Holy Son!"

After finishing speaking, she stepped on the lion, and the big lion could actually tear through the profound magic of space, and it left with peace of mind.

She turned her head, showing a provocative smile.

The long golden hair and golden dress swayed behind her, Ling Yao seemed to smell the fragrance of her body, his heart trembled.

"Holy Son, are you still chasing him?" At this moment a knight came over, but Ling Yao shook his head.

"I can't catch up. This is tearing space and not ordinary magic. I still can't bear the crushing of time and space. Let's deal with the situation of the auction house now."

After speaking, he looked at the blood on the ground, which was so red that it was dazzling.

He also understood what the Golden Witch said, especially in this auction house, which sold everything that existed in the world, and had no moral bottom line.

All nobles dare to buy it, and every noble may have a sacred thing that has tortured and killed people, or is not human...

He, the holy son, was once almost regarded as a forbidden... did you think of that?
Still, the Golden Witch intrigued him.

At this time, An Haoxin, who had left the auction house, still had the big lion walking in the forest.

"Why are you running?"

An good-heartedly heard the big lion's question and laughed a few times, "The plot has just begun, and I still want to see the fallen son of God?

This holy son is also very powerful, he knows how to hide.

After experiencing such a thing when he was a child, although he was saved by the Pope, his hatred of others is still there.

The brighter the person, the easier it is to fall into darkness. "

An Hao thought of that face, the corners of her mouth raised.

"You seem to be paying too much attention to the Holy Son, and even agreed to the Golden Witch's request to kill everyone who hurt her."

An Hao tilted her head, "The Holy Son is actually the incarnation of void consciousness."

The big lion was stunned for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

An Haoxin frowned, "Holy Son is the incarnation of void consciousness, tsk tsk~"

 This article is purely word count...

(End of this chapter)

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