See Chapter 51, The Eldest Princess (Seventeen)
An Haoxin came out of Xiaoxiao Bamboo Forest Yard. She was forced to cultivate by Ruowu Wuyou for three days, and today is exactly the third day, but the plot has gone awry, and it has turned into nine twists and eighteen turns.

Le Bo and Feng Zhimu had a conflict on the first day, and then Le Bo and Feng Zhimu actually fought, and the fight was inextricable.In the end, Feng Zhimu was slightly better, but when the angry Le Bo was about to leave, Feng Zhimu was slammed into the alley by Feng Zhimu. The man blushed inexplicably, but pushed her away arrogantly and let her go.

Feng Zhimu has always been tolerant of the people she likes. She forgave Le Bo very generously, and left a lip mark on Le Bo's face. Blushing, she touched the place where she was kissed with her hands, and then thought about Feng Zhimu.

An Haoxin: "..." Brother, do other people in your family know that you look like a little daughter-in-law?Aren't you still looking for the Demon King?Although the demon king burped, but the news hasn't come out yet, why didn't he continue to investigate?You are slacking off at work!

On the second day, Le Bo sneaked into the Thirteenth Princess' Mansion and hid in a corner, looking at Feng Zhimu like an idiot, watching her every move and every word and deed.Feng Zhimu naturally knew of Le Bo's existence, and at this time Yue Jin appeared in the Thirteenth Princess' Mansion.

Feng Zhimu squeezed Yuejin's chin with her hand, Yuejin watched Feng Zhimu pat her hand away deeply and let Yue come out as she saw fit.Feng Zhimu's eyes lit up with Yue Zhuoqing's shy look, she held Yue Zhuoqing's hand, Yue Zhuoqing showed a shy look at this, Le Bo was jealous.

She held her head up and talked to Yuejin, expressing that she would not dislike him and would marry him back, Barabara.Yuejin lowered her eyebrows and nodded weakly, as if she was being bullied.

Seeing that, An Hao wanted to spray him with water, but at night because of Yue Jin, he returned to the branch of the moon, and the other three were all in the princess mansion, and then they got that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that and that all night.

An kindly showed hot eyes, then stared at Ruowu Wuyou for a while and used him to wash his eyes.Ruowu Wuyou is naturally looked at by her with a blank face, only in his heart can he know what he is thinking.

On the third day, An Haoxin's injury was almost healed. Ruowu Wuyou felt miraculous, but An Haoxin knew that if it wasn't for "Mulin Sen" planted in her soul, her injury would probably not heal in half a month. Wu Wuyou said that he was going out, Ruowu Wuyou thought for a while and wanted her to wear the bell on her body, then took a jade bamboo hairpin and pinned it to her hair, An good-heartedly touched the hairpin and looked at it with an inexplicable expression. If I have no worries.

If it wasn't for the fact that the favorability rate was still 35%, she must have felt that Ruowu Wuyou might have fallen in love with her.Of course, it is also possible that Ruowu Wuyou didn't know the meaning of sending the hairpin, but simply gave her a magic weapon for self-defense. It is true that the hairpin is a magic weapon, which can protect the wearer from an attack by a big man.

Ruowu Wuyou sent An out of Xiaoxiao Bamboo Forest Court with good intentions, watched her leave, and when she turned to leave, a masked man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared:

"My lord, do you need to build the west room for the little master to live in?"

Ruowu Wuyou glanced at him coldly, and said lightly:
"Need not."

Masked man: "!" When will Master Guoshi be able to speak! ?No... no... is he saying anything other than "um"?But this is beyond his control, as long as he gets his own answer, he immediately responded:

Ruowu rubbed his fingers without worry, and then said: "Yin Yao needs a new leader now, and give me the list of suitable leaders before there is a riot in the sealed place."

The masked man lowered his head: "Yes!"

I don't know what the leader of Lebo did wrong to let the Lord directly remove him.

"Go back, and by the way, say something to the big demon Zhuojiu: Zhuoshi has been killed, and I will kill him with my own hands."

"This... If the big demon of Zhuojiu knew about this matter, would he riot?"

"I can't control my son, and my son has been used by others. What kind of face riot does he have? I left a trace of my soul in troubled times. He can find it, so he doesn't have to worry too much." Ruowu Wuyou said indifferently, just like ordinary words , but the masked man knew that these words were full of threats.The masked person took a deep breath, but he still bowed down to respond respectfully.


"One more thing, I can speak normally but I can't let the two of you know, including your little master Qingwu."


If Wuyou has nothing to tell him, the masked man will just leave.If Wu Wuyou raised his slender fingers to touch his throat, he inadvertently closed his eyes, when will he be able to speak normally?It seems to be three days ago, after the day when Qing Wu asked him about Le Bo.

He once vowed to use his sense of sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch as a seal to seal the monster race.But because of Jin Shanghua's destruction, as long as his heart fluctuates again, everything he lost will come back, but the Yaozu seal will definitely be broken.

By that time, the monster race will all invade the world.

The only way is to find someone to replace him, and then seal it.It is self-evident who this person is, naturally it is his apprentice Feng Qingwu.


Or he became a fairy at the moment when the seal was released, and opened up a truly separate world between the demon world and the human world with his own power.But this matter is also extremely difficult. He has been feeling it all his life, but it is just a little bit short, and it is this little bit that prevents him from becoming a fairy.

In the past, he should choose as he chooses.But now, looking at Feng Qingwu, he felt a little bit reluctant, obviously he was going to sacrifice her from the beginning.

Then, he let go.

If it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to fill in with your life, and do it with your body!
Ruowu Wuyou has never really wanted to sacrifice others, but he needs a successor, if he dies, someone can shake the sealed land,

This matter is very bitter and difficult, and he doesn't know if Feng Qingwu can go on.

It's just that the current Feng a strange soul.

Hope she doesn't do something dangerous...

He didn't know how he felt about her, he was very inexplicable about himself now.

I don't even know the name of this strange soul...

In some respects, she is very similar to Feng Ningqi back then, but Feng Ningqi is more decisive and cruel in her actions, and also has a heart of benevolence, but this strange soul is more like... a person who has no heart, a person who will not be afraid of rules.Such a talent is the scariest, because you don't know whether she will challenge the rules in the next moment.

Those who fall in love with her must be very tired, and she is definitely not someone who can be restrained.

If Wu Wuyou suddenly stopped thinking about it, what was he thinking so much about?Could he fall in love with her?

He was a little surprised by his own thought, then calmed down, and walked slowly back to the east room.

The bell around his waist was jingling, and his back was full of loneliness, but he had always been like this.

No one knew what he was thinking, including Yuejin.

(End of this chapter)

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