See Chapter 53, The Eldest Princess ([-])
The ministers of the court who received the secret letter knew that Yuejuan was a human-male hybrid and had arrested their children. They sued in front of the emperor, and the emperor thoroughly investigated the human-male hybrid.

Yue Shangzhi was forcibly included in the blacklist, and Yue was a hybrid of human and demon, so what about Yue Jin?Since there is one shemale hybrid, there are other shemale hybrids.Yin Yao was ordered in the face of danger, and took on the important task of investigating the mixed blood of humans and demons.

The place where Yue Jianquan lived was found out, and there was a dark room where many children were detained. They vomited when they saw the bloody scene, and some of them had never seen such a disgusting scene.

Yue Juan was imprisoned in the Yin Yao prison, but what he didn't expect was that he escaped and killed Le Bo.The news of Lebo hiccups immediately spread to the ears of relevant personnel. Many people hope that the person they cultivated will become the new leader of Yin Yao. After all, Yin Yao is the most powerful force in Fengyang. Mastering them is equivalent to mastering Fengyang. , All of a sudden the whole court was in chaos.

The emperor was furious,

However, the common people don't know the existence of the mixed blood of humans and demons, but they feel that Yin Yao is constantly catching people, which makes people panic.

At the same time, rumors began to appear, saying that the seal of the sealed land disappeared and the monster clan was coming, and Fengyang would perish.In the middle, there was a one-night stand between the thirteen princesses and a transgressive mixed-blood Yue Juan, and all kinds of words filled Fengyang Dynasty.

The heat of this matter lasted until three months later, when the national teacher Ruowu Wuyou announced that the new leader of Yin Yao, Wu Ye, had taken office, and the trend gradually stopped.

An Haoxin suddenly found out if Ruowu Wuyou had no sense of taste, one day she made a cake on a whim, it tasted very salty and when Ruowu Wuyou ate it, she just ate it like this, An Haoxin asked him what Taste, Ruo Wuyou said it was tasteless.An Haoxin conducted more than a dozen experiments and made all kinds of super sweet, super salty and super heavy-tasting foods.

Ruowu Wuyou still said it was tasteless, forcing An to take out the seasoning directly for him to taste.It's just that Ruowu Wuyou is so accommodating to An's kindness and let her do this kind of thing.

Later, he directly stated that he had no sense of taste, and An kindly stopped him immediately. By the way, she also knew a few things, except for taste, smell, and vision.

No sense of taste, no sense of smell, no sense of touch, the world of vision is black and white.

If Wu Wuyou didn't tell her, there was a problem with my voice, but now it's fine.

In these three months, Ruowu Wuyou and Anxin's favorability increased by 5%, and the total favorability was 40%

Among them, one day, An kindly threw Ruowu Wuyou down by accident. The reason for the fall was that when she ran in front of Ruowu Wuyou, she fell on the ground and fell directly on Ruowu Wuyou. Stopped, and then smelled the faint scent of An Haoxin's body, and was stunned, so the two fell to the ground at the same time.

Ruowu Wuyou fell to the ground and didn't feel it. An Haoxin lay on Ruowu Wuyou's body and naturally didn't feel any pain. Ruowu Wuyou was stunned for a while. The phone was resting on An Haoxin's waist and spine, and An Haoxin retracted sensitively when she moved her hand, and the distance between the two got closer.

If Wuyou finds something interesting, the color of An's soul just now will be as if it has exploded.He touched An Haoxin's waist lightly, and An Haoxin was so soft.

The first time was unintentional, what is the second time? ?

This person... did it on purpose!

An Haoxin was speechless, she immediately got up from Ruo Wu Wuyou, she was really ashamed of the sensitive things around her waist, Ruo Wu Wuyou got up, saw An Haoxin glared at him, and criticized his behavior, Ruo Wu Wuyou Worry suddenly became happy.

Favorability + 5%, total favorability 45%.

An Haoxin: Convex, what a bad idea.

At this time, a masked man in Tsing Yi appeared:
"The thirteenth princess asks to see the master of the country." In front of the little master, you can't directly call the master as the master of the country.

"Who is he?"

"Yeah." Wuye.

"Oh..." An kindly sized up the masked man in Tsing Yi. The person Ruo Wu Wuyou arranged by his side was probably a confidant or something, and it should be more than enough to replace Le Bo.

Wuye suddenly felt cold all over, as if he was being watched by something.

He didn't know that if he showed up to the little master today, he would be the leader of Yin Yao next time. If he knew, he would say:
A concubine can't do it.


(End of this chapter)

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