See Chapter 56, The Eldest Princess ([-])
The wind passed by Ruowu Wuyou's ear, he stared blankly at the seal in front of him, at this moment the seal changed from gold to red gold, the current seal is no longer maintained by him, but why is he so sad.

His hand brushed against his chest, and his heart was beating thumpingly.

All feelings come back at this moment, including my own affection and love.He suddenly knew what this uncomfortable feeling was because the person he liked was not there because of him, and he was separated from her by a seal. Only one day when he attained enlightenment and immortality would he be able to truly fulfill his responsibilities. He seemed to know that he was short which point.

The person who bid farewell to Yin Yao and the royal family set off towards the world of mortals, and no one knew where he was going.

But because of this incident, Feng Qingwu got an unprecedented title.

The eldest princess of Fengyang, the witch of Fengyang Yanji.

——Fengyang Qingwu

Her title carried the title of the country, and her name also became known as Fengyang.

After An Haoxin lost her five senses, she stayed in the sealed place, but because of the system, she was still able to see the situation around her, that is, she suddenly changed from the first perspective to God's perspective, which made her very uncomfortable.

Ruowu Wuyou's favorability has reached 80%, and the side mission is completed.

The big monsters who surrounded her were still nearby, and An Haoxin would not go out at this time. She sat cross-legged to recover her strength and body.

In the end, she heard Ruowu Wuyou say that when he... When he attains the Dao and becomes an immortal, he will completely change the peace maintained by the demon world and the human world in disguise.

An Hao believes that he can succeed, but in her eyes, the internal division of the demon world is extremely serious.

There have been too many changes in five years, whether it is the Fengyang Dynasty or the demon world.

There was a forced palace incident in the Fengyang Dynasty. Feng Zhimu and the prince rebelled and were suppressed by the people led by Wu Ye. They discovered that the prince had no blood relationship with the emperor and was connected with the demon world. Feng Zhimu touched the royal family this time. The bottom line, the queen ignored her, and the emperor had zero tolerance for her, but Nian deprived her of her princess status at the last trace of blood, cut off her tongue, broke her five fingers, abolished her cultivation, and then locked her up.

A black-clothed woman appeared in the demon world. She lost all five senses, but she beat up from the weakest little demon to the strongest monster and then sat firmly at the No. , Yuejin was forced to change from a lord to a minor lord.

Yuejin carried out the counterattack plan day after day, but she was beaten into a petty victim, so wronged that the rabbit fur exploded, and her drooping ears almost stood up.

Daily life in the demon world: Yuejin wants Feng Qingwu to turn into Feng Ningqi to find An Haoxin, An Haoxin beats him up, Yuejin cries and whimpers, and comes back the next day, An Haoxin beats him up again , the third day and the fourth day day after day, year after year.

Yuejin's wailing could be heard throughout the demon world, and their group of big monsters couldn't figure out why Yuejin Xiaozun mainly came in front of the big lord?

Doesn't that hurt enough?In fact, Yuejin doesn't know why, he was beaten because of Feng Ningqi at the beginning, and now his life is full of Feng Qingwu, he sat and thought about it for a whole day, and finally figured it out .

He stood up and patted the dust off his body, and walked towards Feng Qingwu's bedroom.

An, who was about to take a rest, noticed Yue Jin coming, and she rubbed her hands helplessly and wanted to beat him up again, didn't she have been so annoying for five years?

Yuejin came to her bedroom and saw her hands crossed chest, although her eyes were dull but she was still so beautiful.

"Feng Qingwu." Yue Jin called out, and An kindly tilted her head and said coldly
"Is something wrong? Or do you want to be beaten by me again?"

"Cough...I'm not here to be beaten, I want to ask you to prove something."

"Say!" An said angrily.
"Why didn't you kill me?" Yue Jin asked, expressing her doubts. Those things he did before were enough to make her hate herself and even hate him, but she never wanted to kill him in the past five years.

"Why should I kill you? It takes a lot of effort to kill you. It's too bad not to do it." An kindly waved her hand in disgust, killing him and then it would be too dangerous for him to fight back. It would be better to beat him up. If it doesn't work, then Two meals.

"...You're just asking this?" An Hao frowned, her character design has been turned upside down since she came to the Demon Realm.

"You...will you stay in the demon world forever?"

An kindly curled her lips: "How is it possible, I will definitely go back to Fengyang."

Yue Jin paused, and then said:
"Can you stay?"

An Hao raised her eyes and looked at him blankly.Laughed lightly for a long time:
"Yuejin, it's not daytime right now." Are you daydreaming? !
"I...I..." Yuejin was a little anxious, he didn't know what to say, but An kindly kicked him out, and then An kindly lay on the bed and touched the broken bell and two broken bells that were set aside. Hairpins, these two things saved her several times when she was in the most danger, she is very grateful to Ruowu Wuyou.

Five years later, Ruowu Wuyou's understanding of the Tao became deeper and deeper, and the system 8888 told her that he was about to become a fairy now, and he didn't know how graceful he would be when he became a fairy.

Yuejin sat at her door, looking at the moon in the demon world, feeling very sad.

Impossible from the start...

(End of this chapter)

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