Chapter 64 The Canary in the Rose Sky ([-])

The disappearance of the seventh clan and the explosion of the birdcage made the other members of the thirteenth clan a little scared, and An was kindly brought to the human city by Zarok.

Now the human city has raised the cordon and is very vigilant against vampires. Humans have established the Vampire Hunters Alliance and convened many special blood hunters. I don't know how Zarok brought her in.

Zarok took her into his villa in the city, placed her on the sofa in the living room, took a shower, and changed his clothes into casual suits he usually wears.

"Can I change?" The small dress was uncomfortable for her, and she also wanted to change into regular clothes.Zarok straightened his wet blond hair, then Zaroko looked at her in a small dress and thought about it.

"There is no uniform."

An thought about it kindly, this kid just wanted her to wear a small dress.

"You can buy it."

"The house is full of small dresses, let's talk about it after wearing them again." In order to continue to see his sister wearing small dresses, Zalok said very calmly that his house is full of dresses, with various styles, which have been preserved from ancient times to the present. with.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Like women's clothing?Or collectible?

"My lord, don't worry, it's all in my lord's size."

"How do you know my size?" An Hao looked at him in shock. Is he a pancake?

"It can be seen at a glance." Zarok said with a smile.

"By the way, can my sis help me?" Zarok suddenly blinked and asked An kindly.

"What are you busy with?"

Then An Hao regretted it, the boy wanted her to be a model to try on clothes and take pictures.

An kindly tried on all kinds of small dresses, and was put into various shapes by Zarok, really no different from a doll.

An kindly found out by the way that Zarok is a fashion designer, a fashion producer, an internationally renowned photographer, and also a model himself, but he retired later.

Zalok posted the photos of An Xinxin on WB in his studio. He was not afraid of being discovered by Blood Hunter and Blood Ancestor that An Haoxin was with him, because he also put makeup and wigs on her while taking pictures, and he couldn't recognize who she was. Queen.

Zalok's WB's official title: Marry Me, Sister, Marry Me
Seeing this appellation, An good-hearted and tired Wai Jiao Linen, this elder sister refers to her... Ah, not the original owner, right?

After Zarok updated WB...

Heart-wrenching little fan girl: Wow, Miss Sister is so cute, when will the clothes be released @姐姐大人婚我婚我。

Waiting for Zha Xinda's new clothes: The sister-controlled Zha Xinda actually has a model!It was agreed to only take pictures of my elder sister!

Heartbroken old iron: I want clothes, I want clothes@姐姐大人marry me marry me

"Your fans are so crazy." Putting down her phone, An kindly glanced at Zalok who was laughing beside him with a fool.

Zarok smiled brilliantly: "Yeah"

An kindly covered her head, Zarok also noticed his gaffe and coughed.

"Sir, do you know why I brought my lord to this city?"

"Take a picture of me?" An Hao said speechlessly.

"Cough..." Zarok couldn't help coughing.

"The ninth clan of the thirteen clans is in this city."

"How do you know?" An kindly glanced at him, and Zaroke gave her a big smile back. An kindly knew that there was nothing to ask, so it was like this, what can I do?
"48, are you sure the Ninth Clan is here?" An asked 8888 kindly, and 8888 was given to her immediately.

"It is confirmed that the Ninth Clan is indeed in this city, but it is in an underground casino, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter."

"Isn't there a blood hunt in this city? How come they don't know that the Ninth Clan is here?"

"Because there are members of the Ninth Clan in Blood Hunt, who use special means to help the Ninth Clan."

"Well... we can't get in, but the blood hunter can. 48, send a message about the inner ghost to the leader of the blood hunter."

"Master host, you are good or bad." 8888 said with a smile, An twitched the corner of her mouth kindly, she ignored the evaluation 8888 gave her, no one cares who is a pig.

"The host has successfully sent the message."

"Help me pay attention to the situation."


After talking to 8888, she turned to look at Zarok:
"I'm hungry."

Zalok: "..." Didn't he just talk about the Ninth Clan, why did he collapse so suddenly that he was hungry.

But Zarok didn't ask too much, he went to the basement and took out a bottle of artificial blood for An Haoxin, who drank the blood while biting a straw.

She fell asleep while drinking, she was too tired.

Zarok: "..."

Zarok sighed resignedly, took the artificial blood away, carried An Xinxin into the bedroom, pulled the quilt on her, and then walked out.

He held the phone, swiped it twice, and didn't bother to display an app on the last page of the phone, the software name: "Paradise".

(End of this chapter)

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