Chapter 69 The Canary in the Rose Cage ([-])

If Zarok is the archangel, why is that archangel afraid of him so much, why does Zarok tear up the wings of the archangel, why can he absorb the power of the thirteen blood ancestors, and why does he say that he is the younger brother of the original owner?

An Hao thought about the headache, at this moment the Thirteenth Blood Patriarch suddenly stood up, he seemed dissatisfied with the conditions proposed by Zarok.

The Thirteenth Blood Patriarch said dissatisfiedly: "You are breaking the oath you made by doing this!"

Zarok slightly raised his head and showed a bright smile, and tilted his head and said in the most weird tone: "Don't think that you are a "foresight" person so you can test me casually, even if you know my identity, so what, threatening Did you miss me? If it wasn’t because you are more polite than the other thirteen blood ancestors, you should come to see me so sincerely, I can make you unable to leave here on the spot.”

An Haoxin listened with a dazed look on her face, but it can be seen that Zarok is really not afraid of the Thirteen Blood Patriarchs at all, although she is not afraid either.

The Thirteenth Blood Patriarch: "..." It's really a devil!Thinking of his own life, he breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly:

"Okay, I promise to give you a drop of ancestral blood and my "precognition"."

Zalok smiled slightly, and An kindly bit the blood bag, always feeling that things were not that simple.

The Thirteenth Blood Patriarch dropped a drop of blood on An Haoxin's palm, and the seal in An Haoxin's body did loosen again, and then An Haoxin saw the Thirteenth Blood Patriarch shaking hands with Zalok, and the Thirteenth Blood Patriarch's expression was not good at the moment. It was too good to look a little weak, when the thirteenth blood ancestor fell weakly on the sofa after Zaroko let go, An Haoxin saw a red dot appeared on Zaroko's left hand.

The thirteenth blood patriarch panted slightly, and Zarok got up and covered the eyes of the thirteenth blood patriarch with one hand, and heard Zaroko talking, but An good-heartedly didn't understand.

The next moment, the Thirteenth Blood Patriarch suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood at Zaroko, which splashed blood on Zaroko's face, and Zaroko's face turned black.

An good heart: ()
Zalok: (╯-_-)╯╧╧

Zarok was so far away from the Thirteenth Blood Ancestor, the Thirteenth Blood Ancestor opened his eyes and stared at his body in a daze, for a long time he wept excitedly, stood up and bowed to Zarok to express his thanks.

"Thank you."

Zarok smiled, and said inexplicably, "You won't thank me in the future."

Thirteen Blood Patriarchs:? ? ?

An Haoxin was eating melons online, ah... no, drinking blood online.

The Thirteenth Blood Patriarch got a human body, and he looked very happy when he left, so Zarok watched him leave silently.

"Looking at you like this, you don't seem to think it's a good thing for the Thirteen Blood Patriarch to obtain a human body." An Hao stood beside him, and Zaroke said to her with a bright smile:

"Because you don't live long, you die easily."

An Hao was at a loss, but the next day she knew what the so-called saying that life is not long and death is easy.

"Latest morning news: Last night, a boy was thrown to death by a high-altitude parabola. The scene was horrible."

An Haoxin was pulled up by Zaroko and forced to sit on the sofa in the morning, and saw Zaroko open the morning news, which was the news, and then the photo of the boy on the news was the Thirteen Blood Patriarch.

An Haoxin's eyes twitched, and Zalok smiled even more happily. He leaned on An Haoxin's shoulder and said.

"How can a vampire become a human so easily? The immortality of a vampire is God's curse and God's blessing. Since abandoning the identity of a vampire is equivalent to abandoning the blessing of God, and you have used the life of a vampire for so long. Humans will definitely take it back.”

An Hao narrowed her eyes, speechless: Yes, yes, you are right.

(End of this chapter)

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