Chapter 74 The Canary in the Rose Cage ([-])
Fei Wen hung on An Haoxin's shoulder all the way as a epaulet, and An Haoxin felt exhausted after teleporting three times, so she quickly took out a bag of blood from her bag and started to suck it.

Hey... It's still too weak.

An Haoxin quickly found the Eleventh Blood Patriarch, but what she found was a corpse, the body of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch. She squatted silently beside the Eleventh Blood Patriarch, looking at his eyes and surroundings In the messy environment, An kindly ate two bags of blood to suppress her shock.

The Eleventh Blood Patriarch's body didn't suffer too much damage, and there was no fatal injury at all on the surface. However, An Hao touched the body of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch and found that the chest cavity was empty.

Almost all the organs of the Eleventh Blood Ancestor disappeared, and An Haoxin's eyes froze.

Who can do this level?An kindly sucked two blood bags, and then asked 8888, after all, she asked the Thirteen Blood Patriarch to monitor the whole process.

An kindly: "48, do you know who did it?"

8888 also became strange: "Let me doesn't show up."

An Haoxin: "...Did that disappear out of thin air?"

Seeing the appearance of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch died for about a day, she received an invitation letter from the Eleventh Blood Patriarch early in the morning.

Could it be that someone used the Eleventh Blood Patriarch to let her come here?An Haoxin took a mouthful of blood subconsciously, unable to figure out who was going to lure her here, but can the blood of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch still be used?Does it prevent her from unlocking the seal? What if the seal is useless?
An Haoxin's thoughts suddenly jumped from the death of the Eleventh Blood Ancestor to her seal, and then An Haoxin didn't care about 21, cut the finger of the Eleventh Blood Ancestor, squeezed out two drops, wiped it on her palm, and Fortunately, the blood of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch is still effective, and her seal has loosened a bit.

An Haoxin let out a sigh of relief, Emma can still use it, as for the corpse of the Eleventh Blood Patriarch, An Haoxin curled her lips, wondering if she wants to destroy the corpse.

Fei Wen watched the queen tangling with the corpse of the Eleven Blood Patriarch, but he was actually at a loss. It was too simple for the angel to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, and it was annihilated in ashes with a single holy light.

After learning about this incident, An kindly said: Yes, it's a very simple operation.Did you say that angels are kind?

Fei Wen was speechless: Our kindness also has a premise, okay?

An Haoxin also said that the corpse of the blood ancestor is so easy to destroy that it is not the blood ancestor. You see, she used to bury the corpses of the twelve blood ancestors.

An kindly couldn't do anything about the eleventh blood ancestor. She buried the eleventh blood ancestor next to the twelve blood ancestors. As night fell, she should have returned to Zalok's villa, but she didn't, so she sat alone. In the garden of human beings, she looked at the uncles and aunts who passed by, she was in a daze, because An Haoxin's clothes were too conspicuous, those passers-by all looked sideways at An Haoxin.

Fei Wen asked curiously: "Her Majesty also has troubles?"

An kindly curled her lips: "As a creature, there are troubles. I don't believe you don't."

Fei Wen thought about it, there are indeed many bad things in angels, even gods have them, hey... It's not good to live too long.

Anhao leaned lazily on the chair, closed her eyes slightly, the night was getting darker, and there were fewer and fewer people on the road. She had the unique voice of night in her keen ears, and she had nowhere to go and nowhere Where she was going, she was hungry again, and she had no artificial blood to drink.

The fangs were ready to move, and the sweet aroma in the air stimulated every nerve of her, because her senses were magnified many times by hunger.

Fei Wen also noticed that something was wrong with the Queen, and the bloodthirsty aura on her body was getting stronger and stronger.

Fei Wen: She can't be... hungry.

The answer is really...

(End of this chapter)

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