The boss of the fast travel system will always be the boss

Chapter 85 The life controlled by remote control

Chapter 85 The life controlled by remote control ([-])

An Haoxin opened her eyes and saw the white ceiling, and then saw a woman sitting in front of the bed, staring at her with red eyes.

"My son, no matter how many times you commit suicide, I will bring you back to life." The middle-aged woman choked up and left the room gloomily.

An Haoxin was taken aback by this, who the hell is this?And my son? ?An Haoxin felt that something was wrong with her body structure.

emmmm, it's really a son.

An Haoxin lay back on the bed, not having any surprises or surprises about her body.

Boy or girl...doesn't matter, why panic about having a male body?It's not like she hasn't had it before... Although she doesn't remember it, she has already gotten used to it...

8888: "Whether the plot is accepted"

"take over."

The original owner was a high school student named Li Weiwei.

He has a very controlling mother, who is the middle-aged woman who just appeared in the room.

And his life has always been under the control of his mother.

The beginning and end of the situation:

When the original owner was in the first year of high school, the original owner's father cheated and divorced the original owner's mother. The mother was particularly desperate and had a certain psychological distortion. She wanted the original owner to live according to her ideas. The original owner was a rebellious boy. He started fighting, his grades were also very bad, and he was a problem boy who didn't listen to discipline.

Once the test results came out, I forged the results to show my mother. My mother was very angry and cried, so my mother took out a remote control and rewound the time to the previous day without forging the results.

The original owner has not yet reacted, and slowly finds that the people he meets are the same as the ones he met before.

Only then did he discover that his mother had a remote control that could control his life, and his life has been in his mother's hands ever since.

Going to cram school, I don’t understand it once, I don’t understand it twice, and I don’t understand it twice, I don’t understand it three times.Repeat one day, two days, three days until you understand it.

You are not allowed to play with your friends, you are not allowed to do bad things, you are not allowed that, you are not allowed this...or rewind and start over!

The original owner finally collapsed and committed suicide. His mother used the remote control to rewind and was reborn on the day of the fake grades. If the original owner committed suicide and then rewinded the mother, there was no way to die. He could only listen to his mother's words and become a puppet, listening to her words Walked on the path she wanted, and then the original owner's psychology was also very distorted, and he began to hate the things around him.

The original owner finally killed someone one day. The moment he was arrested, he smiled at his mother, a cruel and terrifying smile.

The mother was stunned, but she had the remote control and returned to that day's life one at a time.But the original owner has released himself in various ways since he killed someone. Don't you have a remote control?Labor and capital kill people and you can rewind the tape, so how about killing people all the time?
The original owner kills—rewinds—kills again—rewinds again!Repeatedly like this, the mother's heart broke, and the original owner's psychology became darker and darker. He seemed to be taking revenge on his mother, killing countless people in front of her, including himself.

Of course, the mother did not press the remote control in the end, because her child could no longer return to a normal person, and so did she, but she returned to her beginning, gave birth to another child, and used the remote control.

That child has indeed become the perfect puppet...

But the world fell apart because of it...

That's it... The boy who was once young was destroyed like this, and the world was also destroyed by the remote control...

What the hell... This plot has a kind of mmp, the feeling of being ruined by the remote control.

The original owner has no wish, because his greatest wish is death, and death is still death.

She's here because the world has collapsed...

An Haoxin sat up from the bed, and the current timeline was rewinding back to the day before he forged his grades when the original owner committed suicide in despair for the fifth time, and his mother pressed the remote control.

An Haoxin: "There is no task."

8888 came out: "Master Host, you can do whatever you want in this plane, and there will be no shortage of points rewards."

An kindly said, "emmm, okay."

The original owner is indeed disobedient, but there is no need to remotely control his life. As a result, the original owner is blackened online. This mother is also very good. She is so good that she wants to beat her.

An kindly: "Will the original owner come back?"

8888: "It depends on the situation."

An Haoxin: "Okay."

An Hao stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. The young man looked really handsome. Any family would be envious of such a handsome son.

 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah this can't be a plane anymore
(End of this chapter)

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