Chapter 9 Survival in the End Times ([-])

"Mr. Li, does the evolution of dust require no external force?"

Outside the research institute, a young and beautiful girl was holding a book and staring at the indifferent, mature and intellectual woman in front of her.

Girls' worship of women is engraved in their bones.

The person in front of her who she calls a teacher, although she looks unattractive, her name and reputation have already resounded in every corner of the world.

Everyone knows that there is a teacher "Li Shu" in this base, who is so powerful that even the most powerful person in the base is not her opponent, and her research on "dust" is the only one in all ages.

There are tens of thousands of "dust", and if you can find one, she will give you a complete answer and weakness.

Those who give today's weak humans the upper hand in the war against "dust" are called heroes!
"Wenwen, the evolution of "dust" is just the appearance of the evolution trend of this world, so it is the world that promotes evolution, which requires no external force at all." The intellectual woman has a gentle smile on her face, just like a person appearing in a hot desert. Clear water, clean and comfortable.

In her understanding: "Dust" evolves because "Dust" is like the consciousness of this world, or a scavenger.

Since the moths in the body are not dead, and even more powerful, it can only evolve
"Aww." The girl nodded vigorously, with a look of sudden realization.

"Stop barking like a puppy."

The delicate and elegant woman touched the girl's head, the cute girl stuck out her tongue playfully at her, and ran away slightly.

The woman who was originally smiling became very cold at the moment, she stood where she was and watched the girl leave.

Then come to the railing and look down from here.

From where she was standing to the ground floor, there were dozens of floors high, and just looking at it made people shiver.

In this plane, she saw all kinds of human beings.

Some are greedy, some are evil, some are indignant, some are moral, some are kind...

The end times magnify various aspects of human beings, whether good or evil, for example, if you form a team together, some people will stab you in the back, and some people will protect you behind you.

She has experienced such a thing, and because of this, she has become more indifferent in dealing with things.

What is the fairest thing in this world?The most ruthless existence.

That is time, it is the cruelest, most ruthless and fairest existence in this world.

And she has also reached the last week in this world, looking away, she feels a lot of emotion in her heart.

She is thinking about everything in the past at this moment:
After she met "Song Yang", she was brought to this base.

With her joining, it's like adding wings to a tiger.

The strength of the base has risen a lot, and even started to develop, and it has also unearthed a lot of energy that did not belong to the past.

The evolution of the world has never stopped, and the last days are becoming more and more cruel.

Many bases have been damaged by "dust", and there are many reasons for this.

But the main reason is that the evolution of the supernatural beings cannot keep up with the evolution rate of "dust", and the supernatural beings have been abandoned by the world.

The heroine "Li Wenjun" who originally created the supernatural beings was betrayed and died under the attack of the "dust" army. Those supernatural beings were killed like ants.

The hero Zhuo He retreated to this base along with the researchers from other bases, and this base became the last guarantee of mankind.

"Hive" is the name of the base.

Looking at this huge spherical base, each room on it looks very similar to a real beehive, so the name is worthy of the name.

There are nine people in charge of the base, including her, An Haoxin, now Li Shu.

As mentioned above, "Li Shu" has a great reputation. He not only studies the evolution of "dust", but also participates in the research process of Zhuohe's extraction of genetic fluid, thus proposing improvements.

"Li Shu."

A cold and quiet voice came from behind, An Haoxin paused for a moment, she turned her head slightly, the hero Jun Zhuo He looked much thinner than before.

The cheeks were sunken, the face was pale, and the eyes looked tired and looked like they were about to collapse.

He was wearing a white coat and was spotless, just like the first time we met, the only change in his eyes was that there used to be nothing, but now only her figure can be imprinted in his eyes and in his heart. .

An Haoxin frowned slightly, she didn't like Zhuo He and didn't want to have too much contact with him, so she said coldly: "What's the matter?"

Zhuo He took two steps forward, the two of them were very close, he lowered his eyes and stared slightly at An's kind eyes.

There was no particular emotion there, just calm, nonchalantly calm.

He was very bitter in his heart, and he didn't know why he wanted to see her so much.

An kindly looked at Zhuohe, and took a look at the favorability degree by the way.

Yes, this number has increased over the past few years, but she really didn't do anything!

"Can I hug you?" Zhuo He's tone changed from stiff to soft, An Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then refused in words.

"Feel sorry."

She didn't know why he hugged her, and Zhuo He really looked a little strange at this time.

"I think this is the last time I see you, can you fulfill my wish?" Zhuo He pulled out a very ugly smile
System 8888: "The male lead's life value is on the verge of a critical point."

An kind heart:? ? ?What?The hero is dying?This script is wrong, the heroine died too?Isn't this the hero and heroine of the world?

System 8888: "It is impossible to estimate what happened in the last days, maybe the world has abandoned the hero and heroine?"

An Haoxin: Hehe, she doesn't believe it.

She felt that something might happen to her, so she turned around and planned to leave.

After all, people will do some things that you will never think of when they are about to die, such as dying together, framing and other bad things.

"Li Shu, you are really ruthless."

Zhuo He's voice sounded from behind, An Hao didn't look back.

Zhuo He staggered suddenly, supported the wall next to him and looked at An Haoxin's back, after a long time he chuckled inexplicably:
"Goodbye, Li Shu."

"Zhuo Crane Favorability: 100%"

An Haoxin stopped when she heard the systematic voice, and slowly turned her head to look at the place where Zhuo He was originally, she sighed a long time.

Can't afford to hurt, can't afford to hurt.

In the future, don't ask her to find missions from the strategy team.She's completely paddling in this world, and she's already full of favorability with the male lead without doing anything!
Along the way, An was kindly greeted by many people, and she nodded slightly towards her destination, the base meeting room.

When she found the door of the conference room, she saw Song Yang standing at the door, wearing a black vest, with muscular body and full strength.

He lowered his head as if thinking about a problem, and the broken hair on his forehead fell down to cover his eyes.He didn't look up until he heard footsteps and saw An Hao paused:


"We're all waiting for you."



(End of this chapter)

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