The boss of the fast travel system will always be the boss

Chapter 90 The life controlled by remote control

Chapter 90 The Life Being Remoted ([-])

Being a good mother requires decathlon, you have to go up the hall and down the kitchen.

Won't?I can't learn it!

You can't learn twice once, and you can't learn three times twice.You can't learn for two days in one day, and you can't learn in three days in two days. Anyway, some of them can reset the time.

An Haoxin looked at Li Yunyun with a smile. Li Yunyun was forced to become a so-called good mother. In An Haoxin's hands, Li Yunyun couldn't turn over.

Fang Qi originally wanted to connect with An Haoxin, but An Haoxin has no interest in paying attention to her now.

After half a month, the news of "Infinite Possibilities" appeared, and even hung on the Internet for a long time, but the people from "Infinite Possibilities" never came forward to explain it.

After another half a month, this news seems to have disappeared without a trace, and occasionally it will be deleted when it is discussed on the Internet.

An Hao raised her eyebrows, "Infinite Possibilities" is really amazing.

After all, this news was uploaded through the system...

An Haoxin: "How about the national level?"

8888: "I have contacted them, and they all said that this "Infinite Possibilities" company is like a cancer, and there is no way to drive them away, and they are even threatened. If someone in the country interferes with this matter, they will reset the time to the past so that the country will not stop. re-exist."

An Haoxin: "..." This is really a disgusting thing.

An Hao let out a long sigh: "48, have you sneaked into their computers and found anything special?"

8888: "Their technology does not belong to this world. This world is a semi-modern city, and they are typical technology of the technological universe."

By the way: the technology that can turn back time is not at the level of the general technological universe.

An kindly: "Compared with you?"

8888 said disdainfully: "I am the most advanced technological universe technology, how can they compare with me."

An kindly shook her head and smiled: "Then they can cancel the news you posted on the website."

8888: "Hmph, that's because I haven't upgraded yet."

An kindly praised: "Well... the 48 after the upgrade is super powerful."

8888: "..." It's useless to praise indifferently, T﹏T
An kindly wiped the bracelet on her hand: "Waiting for survival and black for death, let me see what you can do."

Bai Qiusheng and Black Qiusi: "Yes, master." As long as you don't sell them, you can say anything.

As night fell, An kindly walked out of the house, and she sneaked into the "Infinite Possibilities" company alone.

She entered the company through systematic navigation and hacked into their surveillance system.

Hei Qiusi turned into a Tang-style black horizontal knife and was held by An Haoxin. She ran at a very fast speed. If there was a mysterious obstacle, An Haoxin would cut it off with the knife directly. The toughness of the horizontal knife is really strong. Like plastic, with ease.

Bai Qiusheng is a thousand silver threads, as long as a hair, which dissolves in nature and changes with the angle of light, you can't see it or notice it at all.

It is scattered around An Haoxin to form a unique "domain", protecting her and detecting the situation in a timely manner.

"Mulin Forest" provides the original power, while Black Survival and White Survival provide attack and defense power.

Put together, perfect.

An Haoxin found out that there are so many defenses and traps in the building in "Infinite Possibility". Although she has avoided and destroyed them all, she is only halfway there.

8888: "There are people in front! There are guns!"

An Haoxin: "!"

An Haoxin didn't see the other party with her naked eyes and mental strength, and it was only when 8888 reminded her that she noticed that An Hao raised her eyebrows, the other party is a master.

Then, there was a muffled gunshot from the muffler. When An Haoxin moved, the silver wire moved. The silver wire cut the bullet into two halves. Immediately, thousands of silver wires pierced forward like needles. An Haoxin saw a white light , the next moment, I saw the silver thread separated in an instant, no, it was shaken away.

An Hao squinted her eyes, and saw a short-haired boy in a black suit holding a three-foot long sword in his left hand and a black pistol in his right hand.

He was standing on the side of the corridor, and the moonlight scattered from the window next to them, shining on the two of them and the knife in their hands.

An Hao took back the silver thread, clenched the horizontal knife tightly, and stared intently.

There is obviously no wind around, but the clothes of the two are fluttering.

"Who are you?" The short-haired boy stared closely at the handsome boy opposite him, who should be about the same age as himself, and what he held should be a horizontal knife, one of the four types of Tang swords.He just walked down the stairs, and unexpectedly gave him such a surprise, his blood was swelled, and he was extremely excited.

An Hao frowned, how could she be so unlucky to meet such a person.

What kind of person?
A person who loves things to the extreme.

An Haoxin: "..."

The short-haired boy put away his gun and put it on his waist.An kindly took Bai Qiusheng back into the bracelet. The short-haired boy couldn't see Bai Qiusheng but saw the other party's movements, something should have been put into it, and it should be the thing he broke up just now.

"bring it on."

An Haoxin held the horizontal knife in his right hand and slashed at the short-haired boy, who blocked the horizontal knife's attack with the Taidao.

An kindly took the opportunity to kick him in the lower body. How could the short-haired boy be attacked by her, so she directly pushed him with her knee.

An Haoxin's hand slashed across the blade of the Taidao forcefully, and a string of sparks burst out.

The two suddenly jumped away and looked at each other
The moonlight appeared and disappeared with the blowing clouds, and there was a feeling of lightning and flint between the two of them.

 It's almost the end, I've written this face for three days
(End of this chapter)

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