Chapter 93 The Remote Controlled Life (The Finale)

An Haoxin got up from the bed as usual, went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, and looked at the handsome guy in the mirror who was more handsome than before. She couldn't help but feel ashamed. She subconsciously pushed back the hair on her forehead with her hands, and looked down at her eight-pack belly muscle, she sighed.

On that day, 8888 said that it would be a while before going back. Unexpectedly, ten years have passed since that time. She has been living with Li Weiyi's body until now. She is now 27 years old.

Don't ask her how she has spent the past ten years, she has lived like this, and she is still used to her body.As for the problems of men, she will naturally face them, but I won't go into details here.

An Haoxin came out of the bathroom and looked out the window with mixed emotions.

However, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past ten years. Now you can see cars flying on the road, robots flying across the road, and technology buildings covering the entire city, so now technology affects the world.

She spent ten years watching the development of this world, although part of it was her efforts.

"Master, it's eight o'clock, it's time to go out." A beautiful woman appeared at the door of her room, and An kindly glanced at her.

"Bai Qiusheng, black seeking death?"

"Hei Qiushi has been dealing with the things left by the master in the company."

An Haoxin: "Well..."

Ever since the two guys, Baiqiu Survival and Black Qiushi, had a body, they let themselves go in various ways. An Haoxin couldn't stand it anymore, so she found something for them to do, otherwise the world would be ruined.

An Haoxin put on a dark blue suit, put on a tie and walked out the door. As soon as she opened the door, she was hit by a bouquet of roses in the face. The strong fragrance of flowers made An Haoxin sniff her nose. She took a step back in disgust. Rubbed his nose.

"My dear one."

Then she heard a familiar voice, and An kindly twitched the corners of her mouth, speechless to the extreme.

"Kamiyamaji, you have been sending flowers as always for ten years. When did I accept them? The rejection is so obvious. You still send them? Are you sick?"

I saw a handsome man with short black hair emerging from the other side of the rose, his appearance was exquisite and beautiful, with a silver earring on his earlobe, shining in the dark.

"Only, I am really sick, I have heart disease, and you are my medicine."

"Dear one and only, you also know my heart, since that day I have been thinking about you all the time."

"Only, have you really never liked me at all?"

"Shut up, no, get out!"

An kindly glanced at him, this man has been pestering him for ten years.Even though the time is back on track, this person has the memory of that day, has been chasing after her, and is very talkative, she is afraid of him.

Kamiyamaji has a good appearance and good strength, and even has several companies and gangsters under his name.

It's obviously the version of the domineering president, but it has a sand sculpture script.

She really wanted to act out the feeling of the king of heaven being cold and broken, and let Shen Shanzhi experience bankruptcy.

But she has principles in doing things, so Tian Wang Liangpo waits to talk about it later, she knocks out Shen Shanzhi as usual, throws away the roses, and then goes out.

"Mr. Li, what is K2568?"

"Mr. Li, I heard that you are cooperating with the state to develop the sixth energy source..."

"Mr. Li, may I ask you..."

When she came out of the door, she saw a bunch of reporters, and An Haoxin walked down expressionlessly.

Bai Qiusheng led the bodyguards to separate from a group of reporters to let An Haoxin get in the car. As soon as An Haoxin got in the car, she took out a tablet computer, and she swiped left and right.

Immediately there was a video call, and An kindly pressed to answer.A 3D middle-aged man appeared, and An kindly nodded.

"Is something wrong?"

"Mr. Li, hello! Not long ago, the K2568 plan you proposed has been launched. This time, Ms. Fang Qi and Luo Rang Gongqiu will help you together."

An Haoxin: "Well, I see."

As a "raider", Fang Qi also chased her fiercely. From high school to university, she skipped a grade and Fang Qi skipped a grade. She didn't know how Fang Qi worked so hard.

On the contrary, Luo Rang Gongqiu is indeed a person with talent and great luck, and his achievements are higher than those under intelligent life.

He is now the deputy director of the National Research Institute, mastering various high-tech.

As for the K2568 research project, which is about the production of technological weapons, An Haoxin also feels that the development is too fast, so it is only a private research, and she has taken confidentiality measures. However, she is dissatisfied with the fact that the reporter knew about K2568, and someone leaked it.

As for who it is, of course someone will investigate.

Now her status is second to none in this world, and Li Yunyun lives as a good mother and wife, like a puppet being led away.

But compared to the original owner, she is quite happy.

"Ding" Another video call came over, and An kindly opened it. A man in a white coat appeared in the Mediterranean, and he said to An kindly:
"Mr Lee, the target number G7999 is alive."

An took a good-hearted meal and told the driver to divert to another research institute.

When she walked in, she saw a group of people surrounding a bed, and when they saw An's kindness coming, they all made way for her, and she stepped into the circle calmly.

She saw the young man sitting on the bed at a glance. The young man was very delicate, with long black hair draped over his shoulders, and blue-gold eyes covering his entire eye sockets. Looking carefully, there were circles of data-like colors, and his expression was unwavering.There was a bandage around his neck, and he was wearing a white uniform for the researcher.

Poor but not helpless.

"Li, this child..."

"You don't need to worry about the rest, just remember the confidentiality agreement, you go down first." An said kindly and indifferently, seeing the person in charge of the research institute, she took the others out of here.

An kindly didn't say anything to him, she asked 8888 to bring this child back to the system space first, and then left here.

Fang Qi's favorability towards her target was at zero. It was zero from the beginning to the end. She was obviously by his side all the time. It was nothing. Later, when she went back, the mission judgment failed, and she didn't figure out why.

An Haoxin lived to the end of her life in this world, without any private life, and adopted many children under her own name, some of them were gifted, and some of them were mediocre all their lives, but they were all very filial.

What An Haoxin never expected was that Kami Sanji would accompany her all her life, and he was also not married and had children.

An Haoxin had already clearly rejected him, and he didn't even care about it. He was pestering when it was time to pester her, and occasionally challenged her when she was old in the first half of her life.

The evaluation of him from the outside world is: talkative, infatuated, and superb swordsmanship.

His infatuation with Li Weiyi was really touching, and some netizens even commented on why Li Weiwei rejected him, and many people even supported the pair of Li Weiwei and Shen Shanzhi.

At this time, it is legal for the two to be together again.

An kindly refused,
She talked about these things with Shen Shanji, and she has already warned Shen Shanji, but Shen Shanji has been by her side all the time, and she has beaten him violently with good intentions, and let him go bankrupt, but he is not willing to leave her. , An Haoxin's heart was broken, and finally let it go.

Love is not love, marriage is not marriage.

Her life has really been dedicated to technology.

She finally died in a nursing home with her eyes closed in front of her adopted sons and daughters.

Baiqiu Survival and Blackqiu Death destroyed the liquid robot at that moment and returned to the system space.

What An Haoxin didn't expect was that when she died, Shen Shanzhi also passed away, and his wish was to be buried beside Li Weiyi, so that he could continue to pester him when he went down.

If An Haoxin knew about this, the coffin board probably wouldn't be able to hold it down anymore, and she would overturn it for you to see.

 It's the end, the end.

  This is the plane that thinks the least and writes the fastest.

  It fell apart a bit later, but I'm still satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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