genius psychologist

Chapter 229 [One touch is about to fire]

Chapter 229 [Touch and fire]


The sound of shackles being dragged in the prison.

Everyone looked in the direction of the iron fence, and under the detention of two prison guards, the figure reappeared in everyone's sight.

This person is obviously Zhong Rui, a Singaporean man who was visited.

Now Zhong Rui has become the "key figure" of the entire prison, and it can be said that the three major forces are all staring at him.

One step, two steps.

His pace is very slow.

He kept his head down, and no one could see his expression.

Complicated and indescribable.

The whole thing lingered in his mind, and what those two people mentioned made him fall into inexplicable shock.

But the visiting time was too short, and there was no way to explain it too clearly.

There was no continuation of the topic about the organization of the older generation and the photo box.

The main thing is to expand around the real purpose of entering the prison this time, because Chinese is used for communication throughout the whole process, and the words are very cryptic.

And from another point of view, even if Peter Daniel bribed the prison guards, it is basically impossible to know the real content of this prison visit.

Clang for a moment.

Zhong Rui was put back in prison.

He looked outside, and several of Peter Daniel's subordinates looked over with cold eyes.

Everyone knows that at noon tomorrow, the prison emperor will be released again.

When the time comes, new revenge and old debts will come.

I'm afraid they all have to do some calculations, including the killers sent in by those three people, and they can't escape torture and interrogation.


The next morning.

A blinding ray of light fell through the crack of the window.

Hunger is overwhelming.

Trapped in the small black room for punishment, Chen Dong instantly opened his pupils, and what awaited him was an inevitable crisis.

He has already made corresponding ideas and preparations in his mind.

Now that Liang Fu and others outside the court have already started making arrangements, let Zhong Rui contact Peter Daniel.

In other words, I no longer need to worry too much about how to go to the red house to get the research results.

The only thing I have to do is to find a backer.

Then survive.

When the research results are in hand, there will be a storm in the prison, or he will be extradited from prison.

Or it's booing and planning a prison break.

Time passed minute by minute.

The people in the small black room also slowly began to commotion.

Finally at noon.

Six or seven prison guards opened the iron bars and came to the solitary confinement area here.

The big bunch of keys began to open the doors of everyone's rooms.

"(Come out come out!)"

"(It's labor time!)"

Chen Dong's eyes suddenly tightened, and he noticed something worthy of his attention, that is, the batons held by the prison guards seemed to be a little different from the past, and they had been replaced with electric batons.

This small detail is likely to win more life for itself.

From this perspective, it seems that the prison guards are really preparing to suppress the violence.

Judging from the fact that Peter Daniel was also imprisoned in a small black room and fasted for three days, the high-level prison officials really wanted to do it.

In this way, as long as you make sure not to leave the sight of the prison guards, maybe these guys don't dare to make too much noise.

Chen Dong's mind was running fast.

A group of people were released.

Walked on the railing passage.

The prison guards stared back and forth, not allowing them to delay their actions, so they led them to the labor workshop.

Ethan lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "What to do, they might have to do something during the break."

Chen Dong swallowed, looked at Peter Daniel, the blond man walking in front, from the corner of his eye, and said, "According to circumstances!"

Because there are many prison guards around, there is no room for them to communicate in depth.

Chen Dong's eyes were very complicated. He simulated several highly probable situations in his mind, and finally made a judgment!

Finally, everyone's footsteps came to the labor workshop. At this time, other prisoners were already in place.

All of a sudden.

Everyone's eyes were turned in this direction.

The reappearance of the blond man meant that the atmosphere in the prison was chilling again.

Chen Dong glanced over the states of those people, his gaze and inadvertent body movements were the true expression of psychological emotions.

Including the eyes of drug trafficker Laux and the playful expressions of his subordinates.

Almost in an instant, he judged it.

It is unlikely that Laux will be involved, the guy is very cunning and afraid of trouble.

Even if the other party is in prison, he can manipulate the drug trade outside, so the desire to escape from prison is not strong enough.

This is not my choice!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

His sight immediately fell on a person from another force, and it was Eddie Frank, an underground boxer thug who killed people without batting an eyelid and could blow people's heads off with a single punch.

The other party gave a slightly hateful gaze and a contemptuous expression.

As well as the cold eyes of the subordinates, the eye contact between each other.

It seemed that they were full of hostility towards the blond man, which was probably the real reason why Peter Daniel hid in the small black room.

After all, when most of his subordinates were locked in a small black room, no one could keep the richest man in Cambodia.

The corners of Chen Dong's mouth rose slightly.

He whispered into Ethan's ear, "Find a big guy as a backer!"

After all, he found a seat on the assembly line and sat down.

Ethan's throat choked slightly, and he probably understood what the boss meant!

This is also a situation that they have assumed before entering the prison.

That is, among the three major forces, the one who is the easiest to instigate trouble and possesses absolute violence, and has a great advantage when escaping from prison is the burly underground boxing champion Eddie Frank.

Those around that guy are also top-notch unarmed fighters, naked violent lunatics.

So, in a tense atmosphere.

Everyone found a seat and sat down, and began to complete the assembly line work at hand.

The dull and silent hours are passing.

Many people's eyes were communicating with each other, first they fell on the Singaporean man, and then they fell on Chen Dong and the two of them.

Some people also noticed that the baton in the prison guard's hand had turned into an electric baton, and their faces became more serious.

The world reflected in Chen Dong's eyes at this moment became very slow, everyone's expression, the direction of eyeball movement, and the position of these people's gaze.

This analysis is all in his mind.

He started labeling everyone who would sit aside and watch the show during a riot.

Who might want to take the opportunity to kill the enemy and gain some benefits for themselves.

He is like an electronic camera, engraving everyone's expressions, and even simulating the position of everyone in the assembly line in his mind.

According to the direction of the eyes of these people, it can be inferred who these people are looking at.

Is it communicating with each other through eye contact, or is it the transmission of hostility.

It was as if there was a pair of eyes watching everyone's actions, eagle eyes overlooking the audience.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly a whistle sounded——


The prison guard shouted loudly: "(Break time!)"

With such an order, people from the three major forces all stood up tacitly...

At this moment, it seems that there is a big drama about to be staged.

 I'm very sorry for the late update. There are many reasons but none of your concern. It's really that the family's economic environment is a bit bad.

  Want to break the hierarchy, I will not give up.

(End of this chapter)

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