Chapter 25
"Do it if you don't agree!"

Before the words were finished, Lese was surrounded by a ball of flames!
Then be burned alive!
After finishing all this, Qilong asked Yan'er to tell Yan to activate Alpha to pick him up~
Since the door of this reception room is outside the door of transparent glass, the outside of the door knew the situation immediately!
Although I don't know why the special envoy of the alliance attacked his own boss, but since his boss was beaten, wouldn't he be a fool if he didn't take action? !
But the tacks in this office building are all primitive pistols on the earth~
(Most civilizations in the universe use laser guns, but some relatively backward planets still use ordinary firearms~ After all, the technical requirements are low and they are quite practical.)
It was solved by everyone in just two strokes!

The tacks patrolling outside quickly surrounded the office building~
People on other floors of the office building have also evacuated early~
After all, the other party is a free man!Still four!

The remaining 6 managers from the general base also came.

Due to the danger of Qilong and others, they quickly decided to blow up the whole building!

Not low-end goods like bombs or missiles~
You mean nuclear warheads?
funny!We still have to live here!Space-based weapons!Small-scale precision strike space-based weapons!

As soon as this decision was made, all the people with Galaxy Eyes retreated 1 kilometer to the rear!

The entire office area, residential area, and scientific research area are empty...

Six executives watch the "Spear of God" (the code name for space-based weapons) being activated on the screen
"So what about the free ones! Even a cruiser might not be able to resist an attack of this level!"

However, in the next scene, they were surprised~
An extra Alpha Assault Ship appeared above the locked office building!
That's not the point!It fires the space-based weapon it carries at the Spear of God!

It fires 2.5 times faster than the Spear of God!
It can completely destroy the Spear of God before it is fired!
What's happening here!What about the soldiers looking at the spaceship? !Why not report it!
However, before they got angry, a soldier came to report~
All the shuttles, battleships and soldiers at the docks are gone!

6 people were shocked, impossible!Impossible to be silent at all!

Unless you use the ultimate attack of the Alpha Assault Ship!

Expends a lot of energy to fire multi-locked silent lasers!If this is the case, 200% of the energy will be wasted!
What kind of concept is this...

It is the energy that could have fired three attacks, but fired once...

Of course, Qilong, who is wasting energy or something...

at last……

A dazzling beam of light was launched...

"Fuck! His energy doesn't cost money! Another energy ray from me! Another 10% of the energy is gone!"

Gudong yelled in Qilong's ear, it's all money!


Earth's most powerful weapon...

The space-based weapon 2.0 "Spear of God" was scrapped by the Alpha assault ship!
The people with Galaxy eyes panicked completely!
The only hope "Spear of God" is gone, and if you don't run, you will be gone!

Some people run on foot, and some smart people take transportation...

However, the perpetrators did not want to kill them at all...

Qilong has had enough waves~

In less than 10 minutes, Alpha arrived in Wu County...

(I can't find out what the name of this city is, so I took one myself...)
The turrets here, not all the turrets on the whole earth dare to trouble this Alpha assault ship...

Because they don't want to die!
And the turret has not been fully repaired, at most it will hit the spaceship that has not attacked...

Panda watched the mysterious spaceship that was not attacked by the fort hover over his hotel. Although he didn't know the origin... But it must be a good thing!

The panda took out the broom, but this is no ordinary broom!

Vigorously vibrate!
Countless sawdust fell, and the broom turned into an alloy stick!

(To be continued)
 Uh, an elder came to the house today~
  She knows about my writing novels, all kinds of ridicule...

  "Relying on someone like you who can afford a junior high school diploma to write books, there are more educated people than you!"

  I had various theories with her~ Then she suddenly became a lesson to my dad...

  When I was typing, she said again: "Playing with mobile phones every should read more books!..."

  It's so depressing... you guys need to comfort me with recommendation tickets~
  Otherwise the baby won't get up~

(End of this chapter)

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