quasi-reality movie system

Chapter 31 The red eye is here!

Chapter 31 The red eye is here! (make up for yesterday)
You ran away, and the materials in the base were harvested by me!
Because I don't know where the gate of the base is.In order to enter the base, a large hole of several thousand square meters was blasted with one shot!

Leaving Gudong to watch the spaceship, the three entered the base one after another.

As soon as they entered, they were terrified by the sight in front of them!

I saw thousands of people covering their heads with their hands, and then squatting...

It's just not the point!

None of them had any clothes on, just a pair of underwear!No, there's that cover...

After all, there are so many people in such a big base, so there must be girls...

About 250 meters ahead of the crowd, there's a whole lot of stuff!

What individual aircraft, all kinds of firearms and cold weapons!
It's not over!
There's a silicone eel in it...

McDang has already jumped on the pile of things like a curious baby, turn left and right to see...

Among the group of people, an honest-looking person came out...

"That, my lord! We want to drive the immigrant spaceship to leave..."

Dia looked at Qilong and found that he was looking at the bikini beauty in the crowd... After all, he is an 18-year old virgin...

Dia slapped his forehead, feeling bitter in his heart... No one can rest easy!

"Yes, but where are your resources placed!"

The crowd was so excited!I thought I was bound to die!did not expect……


Changed the reactor to replenish Alpha, and replenished the food to full!
Alpha is heading for Mercury!
As soon as they left, a black shark frigate arrived at Venus!
It stopped briefly at Venus, and then flew towards Mercury as fast as he could!

English name Mercury
China calls it Chen Xing, which is the innermost one of the eight planets in the solar system.It is also the smallest and has the largest eccentricity of the eight planets.

Its orbit revolves around the sun every 87.969 Earth days, and it also rotates 2 times for every 3 revolutions.Mercury has the smallest orbital inclination of any planet in the Solar System.Mercury, the inner planet, only appears in the early morning as the morning star, or in the evening as the evening star, but it is more difficult to see than the other inner planet, Venus.Seen from the earth, the brightness of Mercury varies greatly, with the apparent magnitude ranging from -2.3 to 5.7, but its maximum separation angle from the sun is only 28.3°.When it's at its brightest, it should technically be easy to see from Earth, but it's actually not that easy to find because it's so close to the Sun in the sky.

Because unless there is a solar eclipse, Mercury is usually invisible under the sunlight. In 2014, astronomers discovered ice on Mercury for the first time.

Around 2038, the Astronomical Society discovered life on Mercury!

Mercury's ecosystem is very stable, unlike Venus...it can overturn at any time!

Mercury has ice and a small amount of liquid water at both poles, so most life is near the poles.

If Mercury is compared to the Earth, then only Northern Europe and

Russia already has creatures like South Africa (not the country "South Africa") and Brazil...

Wormholes are easy to find.

After all, it can jump in space, so there must be a huge amount of energy nearby.

There is also a capability detector on Alpha, but today the wormhole seems to be...

In hibernation, energy fluctuations are very small...

There are seven or eight other energy fluctuations like it.

It seems that only one by one slowly read...

The first place is also the place where energy fluctuates the most relatively speaking.

But there is only one abandoned city here.

This city is the only city for the Mercury people, but the Mercury people moved to other planets three years ago; after all, the environment of Mercury is too bad...

It can barely be regarded as a B-level planet...

As for energy fluctuations, it should be the city's energy supply facilities...

The second place, an abandoned experimental base for Galaxy Eye...

It is said that it is the base of the Galaxy Eye experimental biological weapon...

Dia also introduced to everyone...

A Black Shark frigate sails into Mercury!
(To be continued)
(End of this chapter)

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